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What is ALYS?

ALYS is a virtual French singer developed by VoxWave from 2014 to 2020. It has two main editions: its UTAU prototype, developed between 2014 and 2015, and its Alter/Ego edition developed between 2015 and 2020.

Vocal Libraries

ALYS got several libraries since the project started:

  • French Libraries

    ALYS DB 001 FRA
    The first French vocal library made for ALYS. This library was recorded at the same time as ALYS DB 001 JP but was later scrapped due to its low quality. Fortunately, the source files got recovered and are now available for download.
    ALYS DB 002 FRA
    The second French library made for ALYS. It was made for UTAU and became her first vocal library ever heard. It is available under the GPL-3.0 license.
    ALYS DB 003 FRA
    Codename ALYS4AE FR. This is the first publicly released French vocal library published along ALYS4AE JP. Its installer as well as a license key are available under the AlterEgo directory. A modified version of its source files are available under the GPL-3.0 license under the src directory. This directory does not contain anything related to Alter/Ego. They can be used to create a new UTAU vocal library. Pull requests are more than welcomed for oto.ini files for this library.
  • Japanese Libraries

    ALYS DB 001 JPN
    The first Japanese vocal library made for ALYS. It was only used a handful of times before the release of ALYS4AE.
    ALYS DB 002 JPN
    Codename ALYS4AE JP. This is the first publicly released Japanese vocal library along with ALYS4AE FR. Its installer as well as a license key are available under the AlterEgo directory. A modified version of its source files are available under the GPL-3.0 license under the src directory. This directory does not contain anything related to Alter/Ego. They can be used to create a new UTAU vocal library. Pull requests are more than welcomed for oto.ini files for this library.

Installing ALYS4AE

ALYS4AE refers to the bundle of ALYS4AE FR and ALYS4AE JP. They can be installed on Windows with their .exe installer or on macOS with their .pkg installer found in the AlterEgo directory of ALYS-DB-003-FRA and ALYS-DB-002-JPN. Once installed, open AlterEgo either as a standalone or as an instrument in your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) of choice and drag and drop the licence image on the AlterEgo interface. Installing ALYS4AE requires a pre-existing installation of Alter/Ego itself. You can get it from Plogues website.