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2022-02-05 13:42:40 +01:00
CONTRIBUTING.org Initial commit, should work on most machines 2021-06-29 22:38:02 +02:00
LICENSE.md Initial commit, should work on most machines 2021-06-29 22:38:02 +02:00
README.org Initial commit, should work on most machines 2021-06-29 22:38:02 +02:00
ytplay.el Make Emacs usable when a video is playing 2022-02-05 13:42:40 +01:00



ytplay.el is a utility for playing YouTube videos (mainly, not tested with other websites) from Emacs in an external video player.

This package is geared towards Linux users in particular, but PR for adding support for other operating systems are welcome!

Table of Contents   TOC_2_gh


A couple of options are available for installing ytplay.el. The first one is to clone the repository in your load-path and add the following to your .emacs or your init.el:

  (require 'ytplay)

In my case, I prefer using use-package with straight:

  (use-package ytplay
    :ensure t
    :defer t
    :straight (ytplay :type git
                      :host nil
                      :repo "https://labs.phundrak.com/phundrak/ytplay.el"))

I personally also added :build t in the straight recipe to ensure Emacs compiles my package, both to .elc and .eln files (I am on Emacs 28.0, feature/native-comp got merged into master!)

There is probably a similar way to install it with pure straight.el or quelpa, but Im not knowledgable enough for that, feel free to create a PR to add some more installation instructions!

There is currently no plans of making this package available on MELPA or non-gnu elpa.


For now, only one variable can be edited by the user in order to configure ytplay.el:

Executable name of your video player. It can be either its name if it is present on your $PATH, or a path to the executable. Default value: "mpv"


ytplay.el is available under the GNU GPL-3.0 license. You can find the full text in LICENSE.md.