Lucien Cartier-Tilet 668e1e2a96
chore: delete backend
Initially, the backend was meant to cache calls to the GitHub API.
However, I decided to just cache them in the sessionStorage of the
visitor’s browser instead.
2023-03-22 11:46:09 +01:00

2.0 KiB


This is the repository for my website While it is not yet live on this address, development versions can be found at and (the former follows the develop branch while the latter follows the master branch).

Structure of the project

This website is made with VuePress, a Vue-powered static site generator. You can find its Node.JS configuration in the package.json file as well as its content and general configuration in the directory content.

Installing and running

To install the NPM dependencies for the project, run one of the following commands:

# or
npm install # delete the yarn.lock file before

To run the project, run one of the following commands using the same package manager as above:

yarn dev
# or
npm run dev

You can compile the website to a static website by running

yarn build
# or
npm run build

The compiled version of the website can then be found in content/.vuepress/dist.