Lucien Cartier-Tilet cc0a479550
docs: switch from Markdown to orgmode
BREAKING CHANGE: Emacs required to export orgmode files to Markdown
2023-05-11 00:19:47 +02:00

870 B
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Hi, Im Lucien Cartier-Tilet, a CS student studying for my Masters 2 degree in THYP (in French: Technologies de lHypermédia, in English: Hypermedias Technologies) at the Université Vincennes Saint-Denis (Paris 8).

I worked at VoxWave from 2012 to 2018 as its co-founder and CTO. During that time, I developed French singing vocal libraries for vocal synthesizers, known as ALYS and LEORA.

Im a free software enthusiast, using GNU/Linux since 2008 and Emacs since 2016.

I spend my personnal programming projects as well as on my constructed worlds and languages. I also like to go climbing, and hiking whenever I have the opportunity to.

I speak natively French, and English at a native level. I also speak some Japanese, Lingua Franca Nova, and Norwegian Bokmål.