reduced usage of puts

This commit is contained in:
Phuntsok Drak-pa 2018-11-21 10:28:13 +01:00
parent 946350c88b
commit f763f476fb

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@ -16,25 +16,25 @@ using ustring = std::basic_string<uint8_t>; // chaine non encodée
using uvec = std::vector<uint32_t>; // chaine encodée
void help() {
puts("lzw [-options] [-i path] [-o path]\n");
puts("The default action is to compress the input file to a .lzw file");
puts("in which the directory in which the software is executed.");
puts("Options available:");
puts("-h --help");
puts("\tdisplay the current message");
puts("-i --input");
puts("\tpath to the input file (MANDATORY)");
puts("-o --output");
puts("\tpath to the output file (if the file already exists, it will be\n");
puts("\toverwritten). Default: input path + \".lzw\"");
puts("-c --compress");
puts("\tcompress the input file");
puts("-u --uncompress");
puts("\tuncompresses the input file to the output file. If no output path");
puts("\thas not been entered and if the input file ends with \".lzw\",");
puts("\tthe extension \".lzw\" will be removed; otherwise, the extension");
puts("\t\"_uncompresed\" will be added");
lzw [-options] [-i path] [-o path]\n\n\
The default action is to compress the input file to a .lzw file\n\
in which the directory in which the software is executed.\n\
Options available:\n\
-h --help\n\
\tdisplay the current message\n\
-i --input\n\
\tpath to the input file (MANDATORY)\n\
-o --output\n\
\tpath to the output file (if the file already exists, it will be\n\n\
\toverwritten). Default: input path + \".lzw\\n\
-c --compress\n\
\tcompress the input file\n\
-u --uncompress\n\
\tuncompresses the input file to the output file. If no output path\n\
\thas not been entered and if the input file ends with \".lzw\",\n\
\tthe extension \".lzw\" will be removed; otherwise, the extension\n\
\t\"_uncompresed\" will be added");
std::tuple<string, string, bool> process_args(int t_argc, char *t_argv[]) {