Since I am moving away from $HOME/.emacs.d, the last remaining file in
this directory has been moved to the equivalent $HOME/.config/emacs.
The $HOME/.emacs.d symlink also now points to a relative path, making it
It seems `mpd_discord_richpresence' has been removed from the AUR, and as
such I cannot install it back for now.
On the other hand, it seems `xss-lock' has been forgotten in the
autostart until now. This is now fixed.
This commit removes the common-lisp layer, as I do not use it anymore.
However, due to college, I need to be able to edit Swift code, hence its
This commit adds PumoPM back to the autostart script. Its transition to a
systemd unit isn’t complete yet.
`sshbind' has been added as a shorthand for an `ssh' command.
Since I do not use polybar anymore, `polybar-launch' has been deprecated.
Rewrite some parts that were not true anymore about my configuration,
add some interactivity for some settings some users would not
necessarily want.
Some parts that are no longer needed are also removed, such as yay
installation (done with archfi), nano, and go packages.
Some list of packages were made into org tables, and the command is
rewritten in litterate programming from these tables.
This commit adds the `languagetool' layer to my Emacs configuration.
Since Emacs 27.1, fonts ligatures are supported with Cairo. The
`unicode-fonts' adds support for such feature using `ligatures.el'.
Due to the modification above, I changed my default font to Cascadia
Since all my files that were opened with a `SPC o f' prefixed shortcut
all opened some org file located in precise directories, I unified
them all with a helm menu and only a couple of directories to specify
(I even added some).
This commit removes a line that sets all files in `~/.local/bin' as
executables. It was aimed at scripts exported from `' but it is
no longer required since the executability of these tangled files is
enforced by the shebang header argument added in commit 8f35b85ef1
The unread bookmark is changed to `bU', reserving the lowercase `u' for
the university emails bookmark.
This commit also adds a bookmark for my Emacs mailing list (the first
indicated list is now obsolete, but I keep it to still be able to see
old messages sent there).
Referring to the previous commit, it is actually better if the mu4e
headers view sets its own width _when a message is opened_ and not
when the headers view itself is opened. This commit also makes it so
that the width is evaluated based on the width of the window of the
headers view’s window rather than the width of the frame since the
message will be opened in a new window that will spawn in the headers
view's window.