docs(zikãti): add vocabulary and grammar

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Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2023-07-01 20:45:12 +02:00
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commit ef7dae6ce2
Signed by: phundrak
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@ -99,7 +99,11 @@ word or when they co-occur between words, a dummy {{{phon(u)}}} is added.
A word may contain one or more core roots which affixes cannot
separate but which can aggregate around this word core. A word can
consist of its bare core only, or the core surrounded by affixes. The
amount of prefixes and suffixes is independent from each other.
amount of prefixes and suffixes that can be possibly added is
independent from the amount of compounds forming the core of a word.
An example is *sahlud* (/life/), which is a compound of *sah* (/spirit, mind/)
and *lud* (/breath, life/).
** Grammar
*** Word structure
@ -127,6 +131,9 @@ suffixes, see [[file:zikãti.md#abbreviations][Abbreviations]].
- ti- :: CAUS
- zi- :: PERS
When the negative prefix is associated with a verb, it acts as a
negative towards the verb itself.
***** Suffixes
- -dãt :: PART
- -gãs :: AGAT
@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ suffixes, see [[file:zikãti.md#abbreviations][Abbreviations]].
- -rã :: TR
- -sõr :: NOMIN
- -zãr :: PASS
- -qã :: SUBJ, attaches to verbs only, see [[file:zikãti#subclauses][subclauses]]
*** Word order
Zikãti is a postpositional language following the SOV word order in
@ -210,6 +218,26 @@ followed by the objects clitic.
- kãtikõthẽgai :: we (but not the interlocutor) hike
#+html: :::
If the verb has an oblique argument, it will require an accusative
anaphoric clitic and use a second one to agree with this third
argument. If no object is available, a dummy accusative clitic *lih* or
*qur* is used as a placeholder. The choice is made depending on whether
the dummy object can be an animate or inanimate object respectively.
**** Subclauses
When using a subclause, the verb must be used in the subjunctive. This
simply means speakers must add the *-qã* suffix at the end of the verb
but before its anaphoric clitics, and the subclause itself must end
with the nominalizer *-sõr*. The subclauses agrees with other verbs with
the fourth singular person.
#+html: ::: tip Example
gi qusahsõr mbihẽhãrqãsõr sahrãraqqur
- from PROG-spirit.mind-NOMIN meat.food-INTR-NECESS-SUBJ-1s.NPST.NOM-NOMIN mind.spirit-TR-1s.PST.NOM-4s.PST.ACC
- gi qu-sah-sõr mbi-hẽ-hãr-qã-qa-sõr sah-rã-raq-qur
I remembered I have to cook
#+html: :::
** Abbreviations
- ACC :: accusative
- ADJ :: adjective
@ -231,6 +259,7 @@ followed by the objects clitic.
- NOM :: nominative
- NOMIN :: nominalisation, nominalizer
- NPST :: non-past
- OBL :: oblique
- PART :: participle
- PARTN :: partisan
- PASS :: passive verb
@ -238,30 +267,92 @@ followed by the objects clitic.
- POSSIB :: possibility, capacity, ability
- PROG :: progressive, process
- PST :: past
- SUBJ :: subjunctive, irrealis
- TOOL :: thing, tool
- TR :: transitive verb
- vi. :: intransitive verb
- vt. :: transitive verb
** Vocabulary
*** banzi - hand
- banzi (n.) :: hand
*** banzida - nail (hand)
See [[file:./zikãti#banzi-hand][banzi]] and [[file:./zikãti#da-bone][da]].
- banzida (n.) :: nail (of a hand)
*** da - bone
- da (n.) :: bone
*** disur - body
- disur (n.) :: body
*** disurda - skeleton
See [[file:./zikãti#disur-body][disur]] and [[file:./zikãti#da-bone][da]].
- disurda (n.) :: skeleton
*** disurtaq - core entity
See [[file:./zikãti#taq-core-kernel][taq]] and [[file:./zikãti#disur-body][disur]].
- disurtaq (n., con.) :: core entity or body, main entity or body
*** gi - from
- gi :: from
*** hiti - fire, light
- hiti (n.) :: fire, light
*** hitimbi - hearth, coocked food
See [[file:zikãti#hiti-fire-light][hiti]] and [[file:zikãti#mbi-meat-food][mbi]].
- hitimbi (n.) :: hearth, coocked food
*** hitimiz - tea
See [[file:zikãti#hiti-fire-light][hiti]] and [[file:zikãti#miz-water-stream][miz]].
- hitimiz (n.) :: tea
*** keti - mountain
- kãti (n., con.) :: mountain
- kãtisõr :: a mountain
- pikãti (n.) :: a hill
- qakãti (n.) :: summit
*** lik - person, human
- lik (n., con.) :: person, human
- ailik (n.) :: house
- iailik (n.) :: village
- ilik (n.) :: family, group of people
- ziiailik (n.) :: villager
- ziilik (n.) :: family member, member of a group
*** lud - breath, life
- lud (n., con.) :: breath, life
*** ludmiz - blood
See [[file:zikãti#lud-breath-life][lud]] and [[file:zikãti#miz-water-stream][miz]].
- ludmiz (n.) :: blood
*** mbi - meat, food
- mbi (n.) :: meat, food
- mbisõr (n.) :: a meal
- mbihẽ (vi.) :: to cook, to prepare food
- mbihẽ (INTR) :: to cook, to prepare food
#+html: ::: tip Example
- qu-mbi-hẽ-qa
- PROG-meat.food-INTR-1s
Im preparing food / Im cooking
#+html: :::
- mbirã (vt.) :: to cook (something)
- mbirã (TR) :: to cook (something)
#+html: ::: tip Example
zimbi mbisõr qumbirãiqur
- zi-mbi mbi-sõr qu-mbi-rã-i-qur
- PERS-meat.food meat.food-NOMIN PROG-meat.food-TR-3s.NOM-4s.ACC
The cook is cooking the meal
#+html: :::
- mbirãzãr (vt.) :: to be cooked by
- mbirãzãr (TR) :: to be cooked by
#+html: ::: tip Example
mbisõr zimbi qumbirãzãrbulih
- mbi-sõr zi-mbi qu-mbi-rã-zãr-bu-lih
@ -274,19 +365,110 @@ followed by the objects clitic.
- rambi (n.) :: a kitchen
- zirambi (n.) :: a chef
- humbi (n.) :: a knife
- humbihẽ (vi.) :: to stick a knife in something
- humbirã (vt.) :: to cut
- humbihẽ (INTR) :: to stick a knife in something
- humbirã (TR) :: to cut
- zihumbi (n.) :: a butcher
- zihumbihẽ (vi.) :: to prepare meat
- zihumbirã (vt.) :: to butcher
- zihumbihẽ (INTR) :: to prepare meat
- zihumbirã (TR) :: to butcher
- humbirãsõr (n.) :: a cut
- timbirã (vt.) :: to feed someone
- timbihẽ (vi.) :: to feed oneself
- timbirã (TR) :: to feed someone
This verb can take up to three arguments
- The agent, the thing or being doing the feeding
- The patient, the thing or being being fed something
- The oblique, the thing or being used as food
#+html: ::: tip Example
- ti-mbi-rã-raq-qur-lih
- CAUS-meat.food-TR-1s.PST.NOM-1pl.PST.ACC-4s.PST.OBL
You were feeding it to us
#+html: :::
- timbihẽ (INTR) :: to feed oneself
- qambi (n.) :: a meal, feast
- pimbi (n.) :: a snack
*** keti - mountain
- kãti (n., concept) :: mountain
- kãtisõr :: a mountain
- pikãti (n.) :: a hill
- qakãti (n.) :: summit
*** miz - water, stream
- miz (n., con.) :: water, stream
*** sah - spirit, mind
- sah (n., con.) :: spirit, mind
- sahsõr (n.) :: being with a mind
- sahsõrnzẽz (n.) :: being without a mind
- sahzãr (PASS) :: to be though of, to be remembered
- sahhẽ (INTR) :: to dream, to have ones mind escape, to mentally wander
- sahrã (TR) :: to think about, to remember, to be aware of
To explicitly say “to remember”, seakers can say “to think about
something from memory”.
- tisah (CAUS) :: to remind someone
The subject is the agent, the object is the patient, and the objique
is the thing brought to the patients mind by the agent
- qisah (adj) :: mindful, attentive
- qisahsõr (n.) :: mindfulness, attention
- sahdãt (adj) :: though of, known, present in the mind
- zisah (n.) :: philosopher, guru, scientist
- rasah (n.) :: temple, school
- husah (n.) :: deep though, important dialog, important speech (made
to make people think deeply)
- qusah (n.) :: thinking back, research
- qusahsõr (n.) :: memory, knowledge
- hisah (n.) :: idea, thought
- rusah (n.) :: memory loss, memory lapse
#+html: ::: tip Example
timbiaulihrãqãsõr rusahqalihrã
- ti-mbi-au-lih-rã-qã-sõr ru-sah-qu-lih-rã
- CAUS-meat.food-3pl.PST.NOM-3s.PST.ACC-TR-SUBJ-NOMIN NEG-spirit.mind-1s.NPST.NOM-3s.NPST.ACC-TR
- the fact that they were fed it / I do not think it
I do not think they were fed it
#+html: :::
- pisah (n.) :: light, small, shallow idea or though
- qusah (n.) :: concept
- kasah (n.) :: ability to think
- kasahdãt sahsõr :: sentient being (on a higher level than just
*sahsõr*, beings with a mind)
- sahŋãs (n.) :: philosopher, intellectual
- asah (n.) :: inner, in our own mind, in our own being
- sahkõt (n.) :: opinion
- isah (n.) :: agreement
- isahkõt (n.) :: belief
- sahnzẽz (n.) :: mental illness or mental handicap
The Zikãti people categorize things, both living and inanimate, into
three categories:
- sahsõrnzẽz :: things without a mind, which regroup objects but also
a lot of living things that are not animals. Some exceptions do
exist, such as some trees (generaly notably old trees) and water are
ranked in the following category
- sahsõr :: things with a mind but not able to think. This regroups
most animals, but also sometimes humans when the speaker wants to
dehumanize them
- kasahdãt sahsõr :: beings able to think, regrouping mostly humans,
but also higher or spiritual beings, such as ghosts, gods, or highly
sacred objects or plants (the latter are generally trees that are
extremely important in religious settings).
While they might not consider plants to have a mind, the Zikãti people
believes all things are a conduit for the energy of the world, with
some elements being able to move, flourish, and perish while some
other things have the gift of being inanimate. These are simply
considered as properties given by this universal energy flowing
through all things and all beings.
Animate things are considered to be alive, and therefore have a mind
and emotions, even possibly a will. However, they are not able of
thought and are therefore limited in terms of intelligence and they
cannot be reasoned with.
Beings with a mind capable of thought are beings able to have complex
thoughts and actions, such as humans.
*** sahlud - life
See [[file:./zikãti#sah-spirit-mind][sah]] and [[file:zikãti.md#lud-breath-life-concept][lud]].
*** taq - core, kernel
- taq (n., con.) :: core, kernel
*** taqdisur - heart
See [[file:./zikãti#taq-core-kernel][taq]] and [[file:./zikãti#disur-body][disur]].
- taqdisur (n.) :: heart