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Raw Blame History

Emacs — Keybindings


Undefining some stuff to make keybind prefixes work correctly.

(mapconcat (lambda (line)
             (let* ((key      (nth 0 line))
                    (function (nth 1 line))
                    (comment  (or (nth 2 line) ""))
                    (package  (or (nth 3 line) "")))
               (format "\"%s%s\" %s"
                       (if (string= "" comment)
                           (if (member function '("" "nil")) "nil" (concat "#'" function))
                         (format "'(%s :wk %s%s)"
                                 (if (member function '("" "nil")) ":ignore t" function)
                                 (if (member function '("none" "nil")) "t" (concat "\"" comment "\""))
                                 (if (string-blank-p package) "" (concat ":package " package)))))))
 :keymaps 'global-map
 "<mouse-2>" nil
 "<mouse-3>" nil)

  :packages '(counsel)
  "U"   #'evil-redo
  "C-a" #'beginning-of-line
  "C-e" #'end-of-line
  "C-y" #'yank
  "M-y" #'counsel-yank-pop)
 "<f5>" #'compile
 "<f6>" #'recompile)

  "SPC" '(counsel-M-x :wk "M-x")
  "'"   #'shell-pop

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-tabs, prefix="TAB ")>>

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-apps, prefix="a")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-apps-shell, prefix="as")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=treemacs-keybinds, prefix="at")>>

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-buffers, prefix="b")>>

  "c"   '(:ignore t :wk "code")
  "cl"  #'evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines


  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-files, prefix="f")>>

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-help, prefix="h")>>

  "i"   '(:ignore t :wk "insert")
  "iu"  #'counsel-unicode-char

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-jump, prefix="j")>>

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-toggle, prefix="t ")>>

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-text, prefix="T")>>

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-windows, prefix="w")>>

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-quit, prefix="q")>>

  "u"   #'universal-argument
  "U"   #'undo-tree-visualize)


Here are my apps keybinds. Each one of them is prefixed by a.

Key Function Description Package
c calc
C calendar
CC calendar
Co org-agenda org
Cs org-caldav-sync org-caldav
d docker
E elfeed
e email
ec mu4e-compose-new
em mu4e
k keycast-mode
K keycast-log-mode
m mastodon
mm mastodon mastodon
mn mastodon-notifications-get mastodon
mt mastodon-toot mastodon
T tetris
w wttrin wttrin

I also have two main shell-related functions, prefixed with as.

Key Function Description Package
e eshell-new
v vterm vterm
V multi-vterm multi-vterm


My buffer-related keybinds are all prefixed by b.

Key Function Description
b bufler-switch-buffer
B bury-buffer
c clone-indirect-buffer
C clone-indirect-buffer-other-window
l bufler
d kill-this-buffer
D kill-buffer
h dashboard-refresh-buffer
m switch-to-messages-buffer
n next-buffer
p previous-buffer
r counsel-buffer-or-recentf
s switch-to-scratch-buffer


(defhydra hydra-flycheck
  (:pre (flycheck-list-errors)
   :post (quit-windows-on "*Flycheck errors*")
   :hint nil)
  ("f" flycheck-error-list-set-filter "Filter")
  ("t" flycheck-next-error "Next")
  ("s" flycheck-previous-error "Previous")
  ("gg" flycheck-first-error "First")
  ("G" (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (flycheck-previous-error)) "Last")
  ("q" nil))
"e"  '(:ignore t :which-key "errors")
"e." '(hydra-flycheck/body :wk "hydra")
"el" #'counsel-flycheck
"ee" '(:keymap flycheck-command-map :package 'flycheck :wk "flycheck")
"ef" '(:keymap flyspell-mode-map :package 'flyspell :wk "flyspell")
"eF" #'flyspell-hydra/body


My keybinds for file manipulation are prefixed by f.

Key Function Description
f counsel-find-file
F quick-find-files
h hexl-find-file
r counsel-recentf
s save-buffer

I also have some keybinds dedicated to opening specific files.

"fc"  '((lambda ()
          (quick-find-files nil "~/org/config/docs/emacs" "org"))
        :wk "emacs config")
"fC"  '((lambda ()
          (quick-find-files nil "~/org/config/docs" "org"))
        :wk "general config")
"fi"  '((lambda ()
          (find-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el")))
        :which-key "init.el")
"fI"  '((lambda ()
          (quick-find-files nil
                            (expand-file-name "lisp" user-emacs-directory)
        :which-key "elisp config")
"fR"  '((lambda ()
          (counsel-find-file ""
                             (concat user-emacs-directory
                                    (file-name-as-directory "straight")
                                    (file-name-as-directory "repos"))))
        :which-key "straight package")
"fS"  '((lambda ()
          (find-file "~/org/config/"))
        :which-key "")


My keybinds for help are prefixed by h.

Key Function Description
k which-key-show-top-level
i info
I info-display-manual
d describe
dc describe-char
dC helpful-command
df helpful-callable
di describe-input-method
dk helpful-key
dm helpful-macro
dM helpful-mode
dp describe-package
ds helpful-symbol
dv helpful-variable


My keybinds for jumping around are prefixed by j.

Key Function Description
f counsel-file-jump
d dirvish-dwim
D dired-jump-other-window


My keybinds for my projects are prefixed by p.

Key Function Description
! projectile-run-shell-command-in-root
& projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root
b counsel-projectile-switch-to-buffer
c counsel-projectile
d counsel-projectile-find-dir
e projectile-edit-dir-locals
f counsel-projectile-find-file
g projectile-find-tag
k project-kill-buffers
p counsel-projectile-switch-project
t ivy-magit-todos
v projectile-vc


Key Function Description
c create
cd treemacs-create-dir
cf treemacs-create-file
ci treemacs-create-icon
ct treemacs-create-theme
cw treemacs-create-workspace
d treemacs-delete-file
f files
ff treemacs-find-file
ft treemacs-find-tag
l lsp
ls treemacs-expand-lsp-symbol
ld treemacs-expand-lsp-treemacs-deps
lD treemacs-collapse-lsp-treemacs-deps
lS treemacs-collapse-lsp-symbol
p projects
pa treemacs-add-project-to-workspace
pf treemacs-project-follow-mode
pn treemacs-project-of-node
pp treemacs-project-at-point
pr treemacs-remove-project-from-workspace
pt treemacs-move-project-down
ps treemacs-move-project-up
r rename
rf treemacs-rename-file
rp treemacs-rename-project
rr treemacs-rename
rw treemacs-rename-workspace
t treemacs
T toggles
Td treemacs-toggle-show-dotfiles
Tn treemacs-toggle-node
v visit node
va treemacs-visit-node-ace
vc treemacs-visit-node-close-treemacs
vn treemacs-visit-node-default
y yank
ya treemacs-copy-absolute-path-at-point
yp treemacs-copy-project-path-at-point
yr treemacs-copy-relative-path-at-point
yf treemacs-copy-file


Emacs has native tabs available, which can be interesting when working on multiple projects at once between which we may want to switch. Tabs allow the user not to have multiple frames while keeping the advantages of having multiple frames.

My keybinds are prefixed by SPC TAB.

Key Function Description
TAB tab-switch
» tab-next
« tab-previous
c tab-new
C tab-new-to
d tab-close
n tab-next
p tab-previous
r tab-rename


The prefix here is T.

Key Function Description
e string-edit-at-point
u downcase-region
U upcase-region
z hydra-zoom/body


My toggle keybinds are prefixed by t.

Key Function Description
TAB tab-bar-mode
t my/modify-frame-alpha-background/body
T counsel-load-theme
d debug
de toggle-debug-on-error
dq toggle-debug-on-quit
i input method
it toggle-input-method
is set-input-method


A couple of keybinds are hidden from which-key, otherwise theres not much to say. The prefix here is w.

Key Function Description
c evil-window-left
t evil-window-down
s evil-window-up
r evil-window-right
. windows-adjust-size/body
- split-window-below-and-focus
/ split-window-right-and-focus
$ winum-select-window-by-number
0 winum-select-window-0-or-10 none
1 winum-select-window-1 none
2 winum-select-window-2 none
3 winum-select-window-3 none
4 winum-select-window-4 none
5 winum-select-window-5 none
6 winum-select-window-6 none
7 winum-select-window-7 none
8 winum-select-window-8 none
9 winum-select-window-9 none
b kill-buffer-and-delete-window
d delete-window
o other-window
D delete-other-windows
w writeroom
w. writeroom-buffer-width/body
ww writeroom-mode


Why would I ever use any of these keybinds? They are prefixed with q.

Key Function Description
f delete-frame
q save-buffers-kill-terminal
Q kill-emacs