Lucien Cartier-Tilet 3659776315
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docs(Emacs misc): Add Gopher and Gemini client
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Emacs — Packages — Misc


ArchWiki pages

A small package Ive written allows the user to view Arch Linux pages either in Emacs or in an external web browser. I prefer the defaults.

(use-package archwiki
  :defer t
  :straight (archwiki :build t
                      :type git
                      :repo ""))


avy is a really convenient way of jumping around and performing actions on these selections, but Ill need some configuration to make it bépo-compatible.

(use-package avy
  :defer t
  :straight t
  (csetq avy-keys           '(?a ?u ?i ?e ?c ?t ?s ?r ?n)
         avy-dispatch-alist '((?x . avy-action-kill-move)
                              (?X . avy-action-kill-stay)
                              (?T . avy-action-teleport)
                              (?m . avy-action-mark)
                              (?C . avy-action-copy)
                              (?y . avy-action-yank)
                              (?Y . avy-action-yank-line)
                              (?I . avy-action-ispell)
                              (?z . avy-action-zap-to-char)))
  (defun my/avy-goto-url ()
    "Jump to url with avy."
    (avy-jump "https?://"))
  (defun my/avy-open-url ()
    "Open url selected with avy."
    :pakages 'avy
    "gc" #'evil-avy-goto-char-timer
    "gl" #'evil-avy-goto-line)
    :packages 'avy
    :infix "j"
    "b" #'avy-pop-mark
    "c" #'evil-avy-goto-char-timer
    "l" #'avy-goto-line)
    :packages 'avy
    :infix "A"
    "c"  '(:ignore t :which-key "copy")
    "cl" #'avy-copy-line
    "cr" #'avy-copy-region
    "k"  '(:ignore t :which-key "kill")
    "kl" #'avy-kill-whole-line
    "kL" #'avy-kill-ring-save-whole-line
    "kr" #'avy-kill-region
    "kR" #'avy-kill-ring-save-region
    "m"  '(:ignore t :which-key "move")
    "ml" #'avy-move-line
    "mr" #'avy-move-region
    "mt" #'avy-transpose-lines-in-region
    "n"  #'avy-next
    "p"  #'avy-prev
    "u"  #'my/avy-goto-url
    "U"  #'my/avy-open-url)
    :packages '(avy org)
    :keymaps 'org-mode-map
    "A" '(:ignore t :which-key "avy")
    "Ar" #'avy-org-refile-as-child
    "Ah" #'avy-org-goto-heading-timer))


Lets give calc-mode some better defaults.

(setq calc-angle-mode    'rad
      calc-symbolic-mode t)


Whats the point of using Emacs if you cant tell everyone?

(use-package elcord
  :straight (:built t)
  :defer t
  (csetq elcord-use-major-mode-as-main-icon t
         elcord-refresh-rate                5
         elcord-boring-buffers-regexp-list  `("^ "
                                              ,(rx "*" (+ any) "*")
                                              ,(rx bol (or "Re: "
                                                           "Fwd: ")))))


Elpher is a gopher and gemini client for Emacs. You an check out its homepage either on the web or on gopher.

(use-package elpher
  :straight (:build t)
  :defer t
  (elpher-default-url-type "gemini"))


In case I am sharing my screen with people and I want to show which functions are called on my keystrokes since I dont exactly use standard keybindings.

(use-package keycast
  :defer t
  :straight (:build t)
  (define-minor-mode keycast-mode
    "Show current command and its key binding in the mode line."
    :global t
    (if keycast-mode
        (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'keycast--update t)
      (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'keycast--update)))
  (add-to-list 'global-mode-string '("" mode-line-keycast " ")))


Keyfreq is a package that records all the commands I call from Emacs and builds a heatmap out of it.

(use-package keyfreq
  :straight (:build t)
  (keyfreq-mode 1)
  (keyfreq-autosave-mode 1)
  (keyfreq-file (expand-file-name "keyfreq.el" user-emacs-directory))
  (keyfreq-file-lock (expand-file-name "keyfreq.lock" user-emacs-directory))
  (keyfreq-excluded-commands '(self-insert-command org-self-insert-command
                               evil-previous-visual-line evil-next-visual-line
                               ivy-next-line evil-backward-char evil-forward-char
                               evil-next-line evil-previous-line evil-normal-state
                               text-scale-pinch lsp-ui-doc--handle-mouse-movement
                               vterm--self-insert evil-mouse-drag-region
                               mouse-set-point mouse-drag-region mwheel-scroll


(use-package mastodon
  :defer t
  :ensure t
  :straight (mastodon :type git
                      :host codeberg
                      :repo "martianh/mastodon.el")
  (setq mastodon-instance-url ""
        mastodon-active-user  "phundrak")

  (defun me/mastodon-toot--send-language-if-none ()
    (unless mastodon-toot--language
  (advice-add #'me/mastodon-toot--send-language-if-none :before #'mastodon-toot--send)
    :packages '(mastodon)
    :keymaps 'mastodon-mode-map
    "]]" '(mastodon-tl--goto-next-toot :wk "Next status")
    "[[" '(mastodon-tl--goto-prev-toot :wk "Previous status")
    "gt" '(mastodon-tl--next-tab-item :wk "Next tab item")
    "gs" '(mastodon-tl--previous-tab-item :wk "Previous tab item")
    "»" '(mastodon-tl--goto-next-toot :wk "Next status")
    "«" '(mastodon-tl--goto-prev-toot :wk "Previous status")
    "q" #'kill-current-buffer)
    :package 'mastodon
    :keymaps 'mastodon-mode-map
    "#" '(mastodon-tl--get-tag-timeline :wk "Tag timeline")
    "f" '(mastodon-tl--get-federated-timeline :wk "Federated timeline")
    "F" '(mastoton-tl--view-filters :wk "Filters")
    "H" '(mastodon-tl--get-local-timeline :wk "Home timeline")
    "L" '(mastodon-tl--get-local-timeline :wk "Local timeline")
    "N" '(mastodon-notifications-get :wk "Notifications")
    "T" '(mastodon-tl--thread :wk "Thread")
    "O" '(mastodon-profile--my-profile :wk "My profile")
    "S" '(mastodon-tl--get-follow-suggestions :wk "Follow suggestions")
    "a" '(mastodon-profile--get-toot-author :wk "Toot author")
    "b" '(mastodon-profile--view-bookmarks :wk "Bookmarks")
    "s" '(mastodon-search--search-query :wk "Search query")
    "U" '(mastodon-tl--update :wk "Update")

    "t"  '(nil :wk "Toots")
    "tt" '(mastodon-toot :wk "Toot")
    "tb" '(mastodon-toot--toggle-boost :wk "Boost")
    "tB" '(mastodon-toot--bookmark-toot-toggle :wk "Bookmark")
    "td" '(mastodon-toot--delete-toot :wk "Delete")
    "tD" '(mastodon-toot--delete-and-redraft-toot :wk "Redraft")
    "tf" '(mastodon-toot--toggle-favourite :wk "Favourite")
    "tF" '(mastodon-profile--view-favourites :wk "View favourites")
    "tr" '(mastodon-toot--reply :wk "Reply")
    "tp" '(mastodon-toot--pin-toot-toggle :wk "Pin")
    "ts" '(mastodon-tl--toggle-spoiler-text-in-toot :wk "Spoiler")
    "tu" '(mastodon-toot--copy-toot-url :wk "Copy url")
    "tv" '(mastodon-tl--poll-vote :wk "Vote on poll")

    "f"  '(nil :wk "Follow requests")
    "fa" '(mastodon-notifications--follow-request-accept :wk "Accept")
    "fr" '(mastodon-notifications--follow-request-reject :wk "Reject")
    "fv" '(mastodon-profile--view-follow-requests :wk "View follow requests")

    "u"  '(nil :wk "User")
    "uf" '(mastodon-tl--follow-user :wk "Follow")
    "uF" '(mastodon-tl--unfollow-user :wk "Unfollow")
    "ub" '(mastodon-tl--block-user :wk "Block")
    "uB" '(mastodon-tl--unblock-user :wk "Unblock")
    "um" '(mastodon-tl--mute-user :wk "Mute")
    "uM" '(mastodon-tl--unmute-user :wk "Unmute")
    "un" '(mastodon-profile--update-user-profile-note :wk "Update user profile note")
    "uu" '(mastodon-profile--show-user :wk "Show user")))


(use-package mediawiki
  :defer t
  :straight (:build t)
  (mediawiki-site-alist '(("PhundrakWiki" ; Title
                           "" ; URL
                           "phundrak" ; username
                           nil ; password
                           nil ; LDAP
                           "Main Page")))) ; Default page


I like to use Emacs as my pinentry program. Mainly because its the easiest way for me to type then when Im SSHing into my machine, but also because it just works the same regardless whether Im using Wayland or X11.

(use-package pinentry
  :straight (:build t)
  :defer nil)


Who would get interested in Emacs and not want to read the SICP? Moreover, inside Emacs?

(use-package sicp
  :straight (:build t)
  :defer t)


This package is a small utility package Ive written in order to quickly find files across my filesystem.

(use-package quick-find-files
  :defer t
  :straight (quick-find-files :type git
                              :host github
                              :repo "phundrak/quick-find-files.el"
                              :build t)
  (quick-find-files-program 'fd)
  (quick-find-files-dirs '((:dir "~/org" :ext "org" :ignored ("config"))
                           (:dir "~/org/notes" :ext "md")))
  (quick-find-files-fd-additional-options "-L"))


Winum allows Emacs to associate windows with a specific number and navigate through these windows by directly referring to their associated number! This allows for faster window configuration than just going to the frame above, then left, left, and up.

(use-package winum
  :straight (:build t)
  :init (winum-mode))


ytplay is a small package Ive written with which you can choose at which resolution to play a YouTube video in an external video player.

(use-package ytplay
  :defer t
  :straight (ytplay :build t
                    :type git
                    :repo ""))