Lucien Cartier-Tilet 58fc99cf8c
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Emacs — Keybindings


Undefining some stuff to make keybind prefixes work correctly.

 (lambda (line)
   (let* ((key       (format "%s" (nth 0 line)))
          (function  (nth 1 line))
          (fn-nil-p  (member function '("" "nil")))
          (comment   (or (nth 2 line) ""))
          (comment-p (not (string= "" comment)))
          (comment   (cond ((nth 2 line) (concat " :wk \"" (nth 2 line) "\""))
                           (fn-nil-p     " :wk t")
                           (t            "")))
          (package   (or (nth 3 line) ""))
          (package-p (not (string= "" (nth 3 line))))
          (package   (if package-p (concat " :package " (nth 3 line)) "")))
     (format "\"%s\" %s"
             (concat prefix key)
             (if (or comment-p package-p)
                 (format "'(%s%s%s)"
                         (if (member function '("" "nil"))
                             ":ignore t"
                         (if comment-p comment "")
                         (if package-p package ""))
               (concat "#'" function)))))
 :keymaps 'global-map
 "<mouse-2>" nil
 "<mouse-3>" nil)

  :packages '(counsel)
  "U"   '(evil-redo :package evil)
  "C-a" #'beginning-of-line
  "C-e" #'end-of-line
  "C-y" #'yank
  "M-y" '(counsel-yank-pop :package counsel))
 "<f5>" #'compile
 "<f6>" #'recompile)

  "SPC" '(counsel-M-x :wk "M-x")
  "'"   '(shell-pop :package shell-pop)
  "R"   #'recompile
  "u"   #'universal-argument

  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-tabs, prefix="TAB ")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-apps, prefix="a")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-apps-shell, prefix="as")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-treemacs, prefix="at")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-buffers, prefix="b")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-code, prefix="c")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-errors, prefix="e")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-files, prefix="f")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-git, prefix="g")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-help, prefix="h")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-insert, prefix="i")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-jump, prefix="j")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-language, prefix="l")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-media, prefix="m")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-org, prefix="o")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-refactor, prefix="r")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-toggle, prefix="t ")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-text, prefix="T")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-windows, prefix="w")>>
  <<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-quit, prefix="q")>>)


Here are my apps keybindings. Each one of them is prefixed by a.

Key Function Description Package
c calc
C calendar
CC calendar
Co org-agenda org
Cs org-caldav-sync org-caldav
d docker docker
E elfeed elfeed
e email
ec mu4e-compose-new mu4e
em mu4e mu4e
k keycast-mode keycast
K keycast-log-mode keycast
m mastodon
mm mastodon mastodon
mn mastodon-notifications-get mastodon
mt mastodon-toot mastodon
T tetris
S screenshot screenshot
w wttrin wttrin

Shell apps

I also have two main shell-related functions, prefixed with as.

Key Function Description Package
e eshell-new
v vterm vterm
V multi-vterm multi-vterm


Key Function Description Package
c create
cd treemacs-create-dir treemacs
cf treemacs-create-file treemacs
ci treemacs-create-icon treemacs
ct treemacs-create-theme treemacs
cw treemacs-create-workspace treemacs
d treemacs-delete-file treemacs
f files
ff treemacs-find-file treemacs
ft treemacs-find-tag treemacs
l lsp
ls treemacs-expand-lsp-symbol treemacs
ld treemacs-expand-lsp-treemacs-deps treemacs
lD treemacs-collapse-lsp-treemacs-deps treemacs
lS treemacs-collapse-lsp-symbol treemacs
p projects
pa treemacs-add-project-to-workspace treemacs
pf treemacs-project-follow-mode treemacs
pn treemacs-project-of-node treemacs
pp treemacs-project-at-point treemacs
pr treemacs-remove-project-from-workspace treemacs
pt treemacs-move-project-down treemacs
ps treemacs-move-project-up treemacs
r rename
rf treemacs-rename-file treemacs
rp treemacs-rename-project treemacs
rr treemacs-rename treemacs
rw treemacs-rename-workspace treemacs
t treemacs treemacs
T toggles
Td treemacs-toggle-show-dotfiles treemacs
Tn treemacs-toggle-node treemacs
v visit node
va treemacs-visit-node-ace treemacs
vc treemacs-visit-node-close-treemacs treemacs
vn treemacs-visit-node-default treemacs
y yank
ya treemacs-copy-absolute-path-at-point treemacs
yp treemacs-copy-project-path-at-point treemacs
yr treemacs-copy-relative-path-at-point treemacs
yf treemacs-copy-file treemacs


My buffer-related keybindings are all prefixed by b.

Key Function Description Package
b bufler-switch-buffer bufler
B bury-buffer
c clone-indirect-buffer
C clone-indirect-buffer-other-window
l bufler bufler
d kill-this-buffer
D kill-buffer
h dashboard-refresh-buffer dashboard
m switch-to-messages-buffer
n next-buffer
p previous-buffer
r counsel-buffer-or-recentf counsel
s switch-to-scratch-buffer


Key Function Description Package
l evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines evil-nerd-commenter
n hl-todo-next hl-todo
p hl-todo-previous hl-todo


(defhydra hydra-flycheck
  (:pre (flycheck-list-errors)
   :post (quit-windows-on "*Flycheck errors*")
   :hint nil)
  ("f" flycheck-error-list-set-filter "Filter")
  ("t" flycheck-next-error "Next")
  ("s" flycheck-previous-error "Previous")
  ("gg" flycheck-first-error "First")
  ("G" (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (flycheck-previous-error)) "Last")
  ("q" nil))
Key Function Description Package
. hydra-flycheck/body hydra-flycheck
l counsel-flycheck counsel
F flyspell-hydra/body flyspell-hydra
"ee" '(:keymap flycheck-command-map :package 'flycheck :wk "flycheck")
"ef" '(:keymap flyspell-mode-map :package 'flyspell :wk "flyspell")


My keybindings for file manipulation are prefixed by f.

Key Function Description Package
f counsel-find-file counsel
F quick-find-files quick-find-files
h hexl-find-file
r counsel-recentf counsel
s save-buffer

I also have some keybindings dedicated to opening specific files.

"fc"  '((lambda ()
          (quick-find-files nil "~/org/config/docs/emacs" "org"))
        :wk "emacs config"
        :package quick-find-files)
"fC"  '((lambda ()
          (quick-find-files nil "~/org/config/docs" "org"))
        :wk "general config"
        :package quick-find-files)
"fi"  '((lambda ()
          (find-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el")))
        :which-key "init.el")
"fI"  '((lambda ()
          (quick-find-files nil
                            (expand-file-name "lisp" user-emacs-directory)
        :which-key "elisp config"
        :package quick-find-files)
"fR"  '((lambda ()
          (counsel-find-file ""
                             (concat user-emacs-directory
                                    (file-name-as-directory "straight")
                                    (file-name-as-directory "repos"))))
        :which-key "straight package"
        :package counsel)
"fS"  '((lambda ()
          (find-file "~/org/config/"))
        :which-key "")


Key Function Description Package
b magit-blame magit
c magit-clone magit
d magit-dispatch magit
i magit-init magit
s magit-status magit
l magit-log magit
y my/yadm magit
S magit-stage-file magit
U magit-unstage-file magit
f file
fd magit-diff magit
fc magit-file-checkout magit
fl magit-file-dispatch magit
fF magit-find-file magit


My keybindings for help are prefixed by h.

Key Function Description
k which-key-show-top-level which-key
i info
I info-display-manual
d describe
dc describe-char
dC helpful-command
df helpful-callable
di describe-input-method
dk helpful-key
dm helpful-macro
dM helpful-mode
dp describe-package
ds helpful-symbol
dv helpful-variable


Key Function Description Package
u counsel-unicode-char counsel
y ivy-yasnippet yasnippet


My keybindings for jumping around are prefixed by j.

Key Function Description Package
C avy copy
Cl avy-copy-line avy
Cr avy-copy-region avy
D dired-jump-other-window
U my/avy-open-url open-url avy
b avy-pop-mark avy
c evil-avy-goto-char-timer avy
d dirvish-dwim dirvish
f counsel-file-jump counsel
k avy kill
kL avy-kill-ring-save-whole-line avy
kR avy-kill-ring-save-region avy
kl avy-kill-whole-line avy
kr avy-kill-region avy
l avy-goto-line avy
m move
ml avy-move-line avy
mr avy-move-region avy
mt avy-transpose-lines-in-region avy
n avy-next avy
p avy-prev avy
u my/avy-goto-url goto-url avy


Key Function Description Package
B langtool-correct-buffer langtool
b langtool-check-buffer langtool
c langtool-check langtool
C langtool-correct-at-point langtool
d langtool-check-done langtool
l langtool-switch-default-language langtool
p langtool-show-message-at-point langtool
r langtool-correct-region langtool


Key Function Description Package
. hydra-media/body hydra-media emms
« emms-player-mpd-previous emms
» emms-player-mpd-next emms
c emms-player-mpd-clear emms
e emms
eb emms-browser emms
ep emms-playlist-mode-go emms
es emms-player-mpd-show emms
p my/mpc-toggle mpd-play-pause
s emms-stop emms
u update
um emms-player-mpd-update-all emms
uc emms-cache-set-from-mpd-all emm s


My keybindings for my projects are prefixed by p.

Key Function Description Package
! projectile-run-shell-command-in-root projectile
& projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root projectile
b counsel-projectile-switch-to-buffer counsel
c counsel-projectile counsel
d counsel-projectile-find-dir counsel
e projectile-edit-dir-locals projectile
f counsel-projectile-find-file counsel
g projectile-find-tag projectile
k project-kill-buffers
p counsel-projectile-switch-project cousel
v projectile-vc projectile


Key Function Description Package
i evil-iedit-state/iedit-mode iedit-mode evil-iedit-state
q evil-iedit-state/quit-iedit-mode quit-iedit-mode evil-iedit-state


Key Function Description Package
c org-capture org
r roam
rb org-mark-ring-goto back org-roam
rB org-roam-buffer-toggle org-roam
rn nodes
rnf org-roam-node-find org-roam
rni org-roam-node-insert org-roam
rno org-roam-node-open org-roam
rnr org-roam-node-random org-roam
rnv org-roam-node-visit org-roam
rs sync
rsa org-roam-db-autosync-mode org-roam
rsc org-roam-db-clear-all org-roam
rsd org-roam-db-diagnose-node org-roam
rss org-roam-db-sync org-roam
ru ui
rua org-roam-ui-add-to-local-graph org-roam
ruo org-roam-ui-open org-roam


Emacs has native tabs available, which can be interesting when working on multiple projects at once between which we may want to switch. Tabs allow the user not to have multiple frames while keeping the advantages of having multiple frames.

My keybindings are prefixed by SPC TAB.

Key Function Description
TAB tab-switch
» tab-next
« tab-previous
c tab-new
C tab-new-to
d tab-close
n tab-next
p tab-previous
r tab-rename


The prefix here is T.

Key Function Description Package
e string-edit-at-point string-edit-at-point
u downcase-region
U upcase-region
z hydra-zoom/body


My toggle keybindings are prefixed by t.

Key Function Description
TAB tab-bar-mode
t my/modify-frame-alpha-background/body
T counsel-load-theme
d debug
de toggle-debug-on-error
dq toggle-debug-on-quit
i input method
it toggle-input-method
is set-input-method


A couple of keybindings are hidden from which-key, otherwise theres not much to say. The prefix here is w.

Key Function Description Package
c evil-window-left evil
t evil-window-down evil
s evil-window-up evil
r evil-window-right evil
. windows-adjust-size/body
- split-window-below-and-focus
/ split-window-right-and-focus
$ winum-select-window-by-number winum
0 winum-select-window-0-or-10 none winum
1 winum-select-window-1 none winum
2 winum-select-window-2 none winum
3 winum-select-window-3 none winum
4 winum-select-window-4 none winum
5 winum-select-window-5 none winum
6 winum-select-window-6 none winum
7 winum-select-window-7 none winum
8 winum-select-window-8 none winum
9 winum-select-window-9 none winum
b kill-buffer-and-delete-window
d delete-window
o other-window
D delete-other-windows
w writeroom
w. writeroom-buffer-width/body writeroom-mode
ww writeroom-mode writeroom-mode


Why would I ever use any of these keybindings? They are prefixed with q.

Key Function Description
f delete-frame
q save-buffers-kill-terminal
Q kill-emacs