31 KiB
Raw Blame History




Buckle up, this chapter is going to be long, because me loves LOTS of keybinds.

First, lets declare again we are using the default package stumpwm:

(in-package :stumpwm)

This will avoid us always repeating stumpwm:define-key or stumpwm:kbd instead of simply define-key and kbd.

StumpWM behaves a bit like Emacs in terms of keybinds. You have keymaps, which are a collection of keybinds, which in turn call CLisp functions. However, unlike Emacs, you have to declare a lot of keymaps, because StumpWM cannot (yet) understand keybinds such as

(kbd "C-x c l")
, so you end up creating a keybind to a keymap which contains other keybinds, which might contain a couple of keybinds to other keymaps. I hope this will get improved soon.

There are also two keymaps you need to be aware of:

This is the keymap available literally everywhere. With this keymap, you can emulate most of your keybinds you have in other window managers. For instance, I cannot live without s-RET for creating new shells, so Ill bind it to *top-map*. But its good practice to avoid polluting *top-map* with too many keybinds.
This keymap is the default keymap that is already somewhat populated. It is available after hitting the prefix key set with set-prefix-key which we will see just below.

It is interesting to note that once you entered any keymap, except *top-map*, if you hit ? you will see the list of available keybinds. Id like it if something similar to general in Emacs too could be implemented: give any arbitrary name to the keybind you just declared which would be displayed instead of the actual function or keymap called by keybind. It would be nicer to see frames rather than *my-frames-management-keymap*.

Anyway, as mentioned above, *root-map* is already pre-populated with some cool stuff for you, and you can access it with a prefix which is by default C-t. But if this doesnt suit you, you can always redefine it with set-prefix-key. I personally like to have my space key as a leader key, but in order to not have it conflict with Emacs, I also need to press the super key too.

(set-prefix-key (my/kbd "s-SPC"))

Also, lets enable which-key:


Lastly, before we get more into details, keep in mind that I use the bépo layout, as I often say in my different documents. This means the characters found in the numbers row when pressing shift are actually the numbers themselves. Also, some characters are not recognized as is by kbd, so we need to use a special name (not fun…). Below are the following characters:

Number Character
1 "
2 «
3 »
4 (
5 )
6 @
7 +
8 -
9 /
0 *
Characters equivalent to the 1 to 0 keys in the bépo layout

So if you see any weird keybind involving these characters, this is because of my layout.

Something a bit annoying though is Lisp doesnt know some characters by their actual name, rather by another one that I find too long and too bothersome to remember. So heres a list, if you see any of the characters on the left column in my config, with the function described below, my actual config will use their name as specified in the right column.

Character Name
« guillemotleft
» guillemotright
Internal name of some characters
;; chars
(let ((filter (lambda (str)
                (replace-regexp-in-string "^~\\|~$" "" str))))
  (mapcar (lambda (row)
            `(,(apply filter `(,(car row))) . ,(apply filter `(,(cadr row)))))
(("«" . "guillemotleft") ("»" . "guillemotright"))

To convert these characters, I have my own macro which is a wrapper around the function kbd.

(defun my/kbd (keys)
  "Prepares KEYS for function `stumpwm:kbd'.
If a character declared in the car of a member of the variable char,
it is replaced with its cdr. This allows the user to input characters
such as « or » and have them replaced with their actual name when
`stumpwm:kbd' is called."
  (kbd (let ((chars '<<chars-table-to-list()>>))
           (dolist (row chars keys)
             (setf keys (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all (car row) keys (cdr row)))))))


When I speak about applications, I speak about programs and scripts in general. With these keymaps, I can launch programs I have often use for, but I can also launch some scripts as well as take screenshots.

First, lets create my rofi scripts keymap.

Keychord Function
a exec awiki
r exec rofi -combi-modi drun,window -show combi
s exec rofi -show ssh
p exec rofi-pass -t
P exec rofi-pass
e exec rofi-emoji
m exec rofi-mount
u exec rofi-umount
w exec wacom-setup
y exec ytplay
Y exec rofi-ytdl

Heres the equivalent in Common Lisp.

(defvar *my-rofi-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=rofi-scripts)>>

Lets also create a keymap for screenshots.

Keychord Function
d exec flameshot gui -d 3000
s exec flameshot full
S exec flameshot gui

Heres the equivalent in Common Lisp.

(defvar *my-screenshot-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=screenshot-keymap)>>

We can now define our applications keymap which will reference both the above keymaps.

Keychord Function
b firefox
B exec qutebrowser
d exec discord
e exec emacsclient -c
g exec gimp
n exec nemo
r '*my-rofi-keymap*
s '*my-screenshot-keymap*
w exec select-pape

This translates to:

(defvar *my-applications-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=application-keymap)>>

The application keymap can now be bound to the root map like so:

(define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "a") '*my-applications-keymap*)

I will also bind to the top map s-RET in order to open a new terminal window. The screenshot keymap is also bound to the ScreenPrint key, and the XF86Mail key opens mu4e in Emacs.

(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-RET") "term")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "Print") '*my-screenshot-keymap*)
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "XF86Mail") "exec emacsclient -c -e \"(mu4e)\"")

End of Session, Powering Off, and the Likes

The module end-session provides functions for gracefully ending the user session, powering off, restarting, and suspending the computer. It also provides a function that interactively asks what the user wishes to do.

Keychord Function
q end-session
l logout
s suspend-computer
S shutdown-computer
r loadrc
R restart-hard
C-r restart-computer

This translates to:

(defvar *my-end-session-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=end-session-keymap)>>

Which is bound in the root map to q:

(define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "q") '*my-end-session-keymap*)


A basic keybind I need for groups is to be able to switch from one another. Im very used to the ability of being able to jump between them with the keybind Super + number of the group, so lets define this:

(mapconcat (lambda (group)
             (let ((group-nbr (nth 1 group)))
               (format "%S" `(define-key
                               ,(make-symbol map)
                               (my/kbd ,(format "%s-%s"
                                             (if (string= "yes" convert)
                                                 (format "<<num-to-char(num=%s)>>" group-nbr)
                                               (number-to-string group-nbr))))
                               ,(format "%s %d" action group-nbr)))))
"(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-1\") \"gselect 1\")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-2\") \"gselect 2\")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-3\") \"gselect 3\")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-4\") \"gselect 4\")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-5\") \"gselect 5\")"
<<group-keybind-gen(mod="s", action="gselect", convert="yes")>>
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<<num-to-char(num=1)>>") "gselect 1")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<<num-to-char(num=2)>>") "gselect 2")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<<num-to-char(num=3)>>") "gselect 3")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<<num-to-char(num=4)>>") "gselect 4")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<<num-to-char(num=5)>>") "gselect 5")

Another batch of keybinds I use a lot is keybinds to send the currently active window to another group, using Super + Shift + number of the group. As mentioned before, due to my keyboard layout Shift + number is actually just number for me (e.g. Shift + " results in 1), so theres no need to convert the group number to another character.

<<group-keybind-gen(mod="s", action="gmove-and-follow", convert="no")>>
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-1") "gmove-and-follow 1")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-2") "gmove-and-follow 2")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-3") "gmove-and-follow 3")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-4") "gmove-and-follow 4")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-5") "gmove-and-follow 5")

If I want to send a window to another group without following it, Ill use s-S-C-<group number>, which gives us the following:

<<group-keybind-gen(mod="s-C", action="gmove-and-follow", convert="no")>>
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-1") "gmove-and-follow 1")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-2") "gmove-and-follow 2")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-3") "gmove-and-follow 3")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-4") "gmove-and-follow 4")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-5") "gmove-and-follow 5")

And if I want to bring the windows of another group into the current group, Ill use s-C-<group number>:

(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<<num-to-char(num=1)>>") "gmove-and-follow 1")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<<num-to-char(num=2)>>") "gmove-and-follow 2")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<<num-to-char(num=3)>>") "gmove-and-follow 3")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<<num-to-char(num=4)>>") "gmove-and-follow 4")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<<num-to-char(num=5)>>") "gmove-and-follow 5")

StumpWM also has already a nice keymap for managing groups called *groups-map*, so lets bind it to *root-map* too! (Its actually already bound, but since I plan on erasing *root-map* in the near future before binding stuff to it, I prefer to bind it already)

(define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "g") '*groups-map*)

And a binding to vgroups is done on *groups-map* in order to regroup similar keybinds.

(define-key *groups-map* (my/kbd "G") "vgroups")

I grew accustomed to s-ESC bringing me to the previous group when using AwesomeWM, so lets define that:

(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-ESC") "gother")

Frames and Windows management

As youll see, I have loads of keybinds related to frames and windows management. They are all categorized in a specific keymap, called *my-frames-management-keymap*. But before that, lets define the keymap *my-frames-float-keymap*, with keybinds dedicated to actions related with floating windows and frames.

Keychord Function
f float-this
F unfloat-this
u unfloat-this
C-f flatten-floats

We can now pass onto *my-frames-management-keymap*. My keybinds are organized this way:

Keychord Function
c move-focus left
t move-focus down
s move-focus up
r move-focus right
C move-window left
T move-window down
S move-window up
R move-window right
C-c exchange-direction left
C-t exchange-direction down
C-s exchange-direction up
C-r exchange-direction right
/ hsplit-and-focus
- vsplit-and-focus
h hsplit
v vsplit
H hsplit-equally
V vsplit-equally
. iresize
+ balance-frames
d remove-split
D only
e expose
f fullscreen
F '*my-frames-float-keymap*
i info
I show-window-properties
m meta
s sibling
u next-urgent
U unmaximize

As you can see, with the binding to F, we make use of the *my-frames-float-keymap* keymap declared above, which means if we find ourselves in *my-frames-management-keymap*, pressing F will bring us in *my-frames-float-keymap*.

(defvar *my-frames-float-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=frames-float)>>

(defvar *my-frames-management-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=frames-and-window-management)>>

Lets bind *my-frames-management-keymap* in *root-keymap*:

(define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "w") '*my-frames-management-keymap*)

That way, if we want for instance to split our current frame vertically, well be able to type s-SPC w - and vsplit will be called.

I also bound a couple of these functions to the top keymap for easier access:

Keychord Function
s-c move-focus left
s-t move-focus down
s-s move-focus up
s-r move-focus right
s-C move-window left
s-T move-window down
s-S move-window up
s-R move-window right
s-M-c exchange-direction left
s-M-t exchange-direction down
s-M-s exchange-direction up
s-M-r exchange-direction right

This translates to:

<<keybinds-gen(map="*top-map*", keybinds=top-window-map)>>

Being a bépo layout user, the hjkl keys dont exactly fit me, as you might have noticed with my use of ctsr which is its equivalent. Due to this, the interactive keymap for iresize is not ideal for me, let me redefine it:

(define-interactive-keymap (iresize tile-group) (:on-enter #'setup-iresize
                                                 :on-exit  #'resize-unhide
                                                 :abort-if #'abort-resize-p
                                                 :exit-on  ((kbd "RET") (kbd "ESC")
                                                            (kbd "C-g") (kbd "q")))
  ((my/kbd "c") "resize-direction left")
  ((my/kbd "t") "resize-direction down")
  ((my/kbd "s") "resize-direction up")
  ((my/kbd "r") "resize-direction right"))

As with groups management, I grew used to s-TAB in AwesomeWM bringing me back to the previously focused window, and I also grew used to s-o doing the same thing.

(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-TAB") "other-window")
(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-o") "other-window")

Windows management

When it comes to windows management, I will treat them a bit like I do with Emacs buffers.

Keychord Function
b windowlist
d delete-window
D delete-window-and-frame
k kill-window
n next
o other-window
p prev
(defvar *my-buffers-management-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=window-management)>>

(define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "b") '*my-buffers-management-keymap*)

Media and Media Control

My music is managed through MPD, and I often use playerctl commands in order to interact with it without any GUI application. So, well see a lot of its usage here, and numerous commands used here come from the mpd minor mode loaded above.

First, lets declare an interactive keymap in order to easily change several times in a row either the current song playing or the volume of MPD.

Keychord Function
c mpd-prev
t mpd-volume-down
s mpd-volume-up
r mpd-next
Interactive keybinds for mpc

This can be translated in CommonLisp as:

<<interactive-gen(name="mpc-interactive", keys=inter-mpc)>>

We need to indicate also how much the volume is affected by mpd-volume-down and mpd-volume-up.

(setf *mpd-volume-step* 2)

Another one will be defined for the general audio of my computer. And I know it isnt technically media keybinds, but Ill add in keybinds for my screens backlight.

Keys Function
c exec xbacklight -perceived -dec 2
t exec amixer -q set Master 2%- unmute
s exec amixer -q set Master 2%+ unmute
r exec xbacklight -perceived -inc 2
m exec amixer -q set Master 1+ toggle
Interactive keybinds for general media interaction
<<interactive-gen(name="media-interactive", keys=inter-media)>>

Then, lets declare a keymap for our media controls.

Keychord Function
a mpd-search-and-add-artist
A mpd-search-and-add-album
f mpd-search-and-add-file
F mpd-add-file
g mpd-search-and-add-genre
t mpd-search-and-add-title
Keychord Function
a mpd-browse-artists
A mpd-browse-albums
g mpd-browse-genres
p mpd-browse-playlist
t mpd-browse-tracks
Keychord Function
. media-interactive
« exec playerctl previous
» exec playerctl next
a '*my-mpd-add-map*
b '*my-mpd-browse-map*
c mpd-clear
m mpc-interactive
p exec playerctl play-pause
s exec playerctl stop
u mpd-update
n exec kitty ncmpcpp -q
v exec kitty ncmpcpp -qs visualizer

Lets translate this table in CommonLisp:

(defvar *my-mpd-add-map*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=mpd-add-map)>>

(defvar *my-mpd-browse-map*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=mpd-browse-map)>>

(defvar *my-media-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=media-management)>>

(define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "m") '*my-media-keymap*)

I will also define on *top-map* some basic volume management keybinds so that they are immediately accessible. Again, this isnt technically media-related, but Ill add keybinds for my screens backlight.

Keychord Function
XF86AudioPlay exec playerctl play-pause
XF86AudioPause exec playerctl pause
XF86AudioStop exec playerctl stop
XF86AudioPrev exec playerctl previous
XF86AudioNext exec playerctl next
XF86AudioRewind exec playerctl position -1
XF86AudioForward exec playerctl position +1
XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pamixer -i 2
XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pamixer -d 2
XF86AudioMute exec pamixer -t
XF86MonBrightnessDown exec xbacklight -perceived -dec 2
XF86MonBrightnessUp exec xbacklight -perceived -inc 2
Top-level media keys
<<keybinds-gen(map="*top-map*", keybinds=media-top-level)>>


Finally, some misc keybinds on the root map which dont really fit anywhere else:

Keychord Function
SPC colon
B beckon
C-b banish
l exec plock
r reload
<<keybinds-gen(map="*root-map*", keybinds=misc-root-map)>>

From time to time, I need to switch between different keyboard layouts, especially to the US QWERTY layout when Im playing some games and the bépo layout most of the time. Ill use the command switch-layout defined above.

Keychord Function
b exec setxkbmap fr bepo_afnor
u exec setxkbmap us
(defvar *my-keyboard-layout-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=keyboard-layout-map)>>

(define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "k") '*my-keyboard-layout-keymap*)
NetworkManager integration

It is possible to have some kind of integration between StumpWM and NetworkManager. To do so, we have to load the related module, then create the two keybinds described in /phundrak/

Keychord Command
W nm-list-wireless-networks

A call to

(ql:quickload :dbus)
is necessary for this module. Installing the dbus module in turn requires the library libfixposix installed on the users machine. On Arch, you can install it like so using paru:

paru -S libfixposix --noconfirm
(ql:quickload :dbus)

(load-module "stump-nm")

<<keybinds-gen(map="*root-map*", keybinds=nm-keybinds)>>

Binwarp allows the user to control their mouse from the keyboard, basically eliminating the need for a physical mouse in daily usage of the workstation (though a physical mouse stays useful for games and such).

(load-module "binwarp")

Next, Ill define my keybinds for when using Binwarp for emulating mouse clicks as well as bépo-compatible mouse movements. This new Binwarp mode is now available from the keybind s-m at top level.

(binwarp:define-binwarp-mode my-binwarp-mode "s-m" (:map *top-map*)
    ((my/kbd "SPC") "ratclick 1")
    ((my/kbd "RET") "ratclick 3")
    ((my/kbd "c")   "binwarp left")
    ((my/kbd "t")   "binwarp down")
    ((my/kbd "s")   "binwarp up")
    ((my/kbd "r")   "binwarp right")
    ((my/kbd "i")   "init-binwarp")
    ((my/kbd "q")   "exit-binwarp"))

Its all nice and all, but typing manually the commands with s-SPC ; is a bit tiring, so lets define our Bluetooth keymap which we will bind to s-SPC B.

Keychord Command
c bluetooth-connect
o bluetooth-turn-on
O bluetooth-turn-off
(defvar *my-bluetooth-keymap*
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    <<keybinds-gen(map="m", keybinds=bluetooth-keymap)>>

(define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "B") '*my-bluetooth-keymap*)