This commit cleans up the source blocks of by removing the
shebangs from the actual source blocks. They are now passed as header
arguments, making the exported files automatically executable. This
removes the need for the two functions that were in the Introduction
header making tangled files executable or not.
This commit fixes some file tangling that was broken due to some
`:tangle' headers that were left empty.
The environment variable `$VISUAL' is added an is an equivalent of
Abbreviations are reorganized in a more intuitive way.
The displayed uptime was broken, this commit fixes it.
This commit fixes the wrong declaration of prefixes for specific modes
which I did not understand until now what their declaration should
actually have been.
Org files will now open showing only the top-level headings. Tables
will be aligned, images will not be inlined, and code blocks will be
closed by default.
New variables were introduced to the template dotspacemacs file. This
commit adds them in my configuration file.
The dotspacemacs file was modified. This commit updates it.
This commit removes from the basic packages packages that I have no
use for in my current config. They are mainly related to my i3 config
which I recently deprecated. The following packages were removed:
- dmenu-lpass
- dunst
- i3-gaps-rounded-git
- j4-dmenu-desktop
- less (is installed as a dependency of other packages)
- polybar
- python-pywal
The following packages were added:
- inter-font
- nordic-theme-git
This commit adds two new snippets for Rust, one for an easier way to
write a `println' macro than the default one, and another one for
writing more easily new `new' functions for Rust structs.
It also adds the `common-lisp' layer in Emacs so I can test StumpWM.
`set-screens' used to automatically restart i3. Since I do not use i3
and Awesome needs no restart after invoking this command, I removed
the call to `i3-msg'.
The org TOCs were unused on export, and Spacemacs makes it useless.
This commits removes them. The startup header of org files is moved to
the header file.
In the Awesome file, this commit removes everything about custom theme
creation as this part is not yet used. I also remade and reorganized
the windows titlebars.
Theme files for Awesome shall be added soon. The wallpaper functions
were updated accordingly.
In the autostart part, I updated some commands (picom will not launch
if another instance is already running, same for the XFCE polkit), and
I added PumoPM to the autolaunched software (power management). Due to
some issues, I also let Awesome one second before launching
This commit also removes any usage of pywal. My Awesome configuration
and my custom scripts were updated accordingly.
In, the script `pape-restore' has been removed since it can
now be replaced with the command `nitrogen --restore'. `pape-update'
has also been updated so it doesn’t depend on `pape-restore' and gets
a random wallpaper for nitrogen to set without the help of pywal.
St’s transparency was tweaked to match my windows’ titlebar
transparency. It also got the Nord theme mentionned above. Some custom
Picom rule about St’s transparency has been removed.
== PICOM ==
I made it clearer in the index and on Picom’s page Picom is the new
A new git submodule (blurredfox-nord) has been added, which adds some
transparency to Firefox as well as some Nord colors.
My i3 and Polybar config have been deprecated since I do not use them
Changed shortcuts for config files
I will now try to use Emacs on the native-comp branch, after using it
for a bit it seems a lot faster than your usual Emacs.
Also update Emacs config, with some fixes provided and some overall
Added some blacklisted directories to Projectile
Wrote a function to make my code clearer with `add-to-list'
Updated Org Capture shortcuts, in particular the text displayed in the
user interface while entering the shortcuts.
The `meson-mode` package is removed from my custom package list with
the addition of the `meson` layer in Spacemacs.
The `org` layer’s support for Trello is also removed from my
configuration while the support for Hugo is added.
The `c-c++` layer now uses `clangd` as its LSP backend instead of ccls
The `haskell` layer is removed from my configuration
Since it is now broken, instructions for installing a custom `mu`
package on Arch Linux that still enables it has been removed. I will
now use the default `mu` package from the AUR.
The Rust configuration has been updated with some additional
instructions on the reason why some elements are set, and how to
install these. The Rust LSP backend will now use the command `cargo
clippy` instead of `cargo check` to catch errors and warnings.
In i3, the mail shortcut still pointed at Gnus, despite my switch to
In awesome, I added most of the shortcuts found in my i3 config, add
added some custom command handling