[Fish] Fix tangling, add some abbreviations, reorganize them
This commit fixes some file tangling that was broken due to some `:tangle' headers that were left empty. The environment variable `$VISUAL' is added an is an equivalent of `$EDITOR' Abbreviations are reorganized in a more intuitive way. The displayed uptime was broken, this commit fixes it.
This commit is contained in:
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
set -l ruler (string repeat -n $ruler_length "=")
set -l osname (cat /etc/os-release | grep -i pretty_name | sed 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/')
set -l uptime (uptime | sed 's/up \(.*\)/\1/')
set -l uptime (uptime -p | sed 's/up //')
set -l root (df -Ph | grep -E "/\$")
set -l root_p (echo $root | awk '{print $5}' | tr -d '%')
@ -155,9 +155,11 @@
Now, let’s declare our editor of choice, EmacsClient; not Emacs itself since
it will most often be just quick edits, nothing too heavy, if it is called
from the =EDITOR= variable (from Git, for example).
from the ~EDITOR~ variable (from Git, for example), or from the ~VISUAL~
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx EDITOR emacsclient -c
set -gx VISUAL emacsclient -c
We also need to set the path to the Dart SDK.
@ -344,30 +346,11 @@
*** Compilation
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Development-Compilation-dd066050
By default, I set =clang=, =clang++=, =gcc= and =g++= to the latest
standard and with the =-Wall= flag activated.
#+NAME: abbr-comp
| abbreviation | command |
| clang | clang -Wall |
| clang++ | clang++ -Wall |
| g++ | g++ -Wall -std=c++20 |
| gcc | gcc -Wall -std=c18 |
Here is the corresponding fish configuration:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :tangle
*** Docker
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Development-Docker-2d0a1288
And of course, when it comes to Docker Compose, I don’t have time to write
And of course, when it comes to Docker Compose, I don't have time to write
the full command, so I use these instead.
#+NAME: abbr-docker
| abbreviation | command |
@ -388,50 +371,17 @@
*** Git
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Development-Git-5e5055c1
And let’s face it: we all at one point just wanted to commit our code
without thinking about the message, to just get over with it. Don’t worry,
I got you covered.
#+NAME: abbr-git
| abbreviation | command |
| randcommit | git commit -m (curl -s whatthecommit.com/index.txt) |
Here is the corresponding fish configuration:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :tangle
*** Prolog
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Development-Prolog-72c9d2ef
When I launch =swipl=, I prefer to have my terminal cleaned before and
after it runs, I find it more clean.
#+NAME: abbr-prolog
| abbreviation | command |
| swipl | clear && swipl -q && clear |
Here is the corresponding fish configuration:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
*** Text editors
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Development-Text_editors-5a23df47
I greatly prefer to use Emacsclient as my main text editor; Emacs has
basically all I need. So, it’s only normal I have an abbreviation to launch
basically all I need. So, it's only normal I have an abbreviation to launch
a new instance of it. However, in a graphical environment, this will launch
a new graphical window of Emacs. To launch a terminal instance, I’ll use
=enw= (=nw= stands for the option “nowindow” =-nw= of Emacs). I also wish to
completely stop using other text editors, such as =vi=, =vim=, =nano= and
=ed=, so let’s all add their command as an abbreviation for Emacs.
a new graphical window of Emacs. To launch a terminal instance, I'll use
~enw~ (~nw~ stands for the option “nowindow” ~-nw~ of Emacs). I also wish to
completely stop using other text editors, such as ~vi~, ~vim~, ~nano~ and
~ed~, so let's all add their command as an abbreviation for Emacs.
#+NAME: abbr-text-ed
| abbreviation | command |
@ -448,15 +398,51 @@
*** Compilation
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Development-Compilation-dd066050
By default, I set ~clang~, ~clang++~, ~gcc~ and ~g++~ to the latest
standard and with the ~-Wall~ flag activated.
#+NAME: abbr-comp
| abbreviation | command |
| clang | clang -Wall |
| clang++ | clang++ -Wall |
| g++ | g++ -Wall -std=c++20 |
| gcc | gcc -Wall -std=c18 |
Here is the corresponding fish configuration:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
*** Git
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Development-Git-5e5055c1
And let's face it: we all at one point just wanted to commit our code
without thinking about the message, to just get over with it. Don't worry,
I got you covered.
#+NAME: abbr-git
| abbreviation | command |
| randcommit | git commit -m (curl -s whatthecommit.com/index.txt) |
Here is the corresponding fish configuration:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
** LaTeX
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-LaTeX-76865eb9
Yes, although I use org-mode, I still have some use for LaTeX, especially
when it comes to PDF exports of my org files. Hence why I use the LaTeX
package manager. It is recommended to use =tllocalmgr= instead of =tlmgr=,
package manager. It is recommended to use ~tllocalmgr~ instead of ~tlmgr~,
but I can never remember the command, and the latter is faster to type, so
time for an abbreviation. Same goes for =texhash= which must be run as sudo.
time for an abbreviation. Same goes for ~texhash~ which must be run as sudo.
#+NAME: latex-abbr
| abbreviation | command |
@ -504,18 +490,20 @@
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Typos-370bbb27
Let’s admit it, we all make typos from time to time in the shell, and some
Let's admit it, we all make typos from time to time in the shell, and some
are recurrent enough we make abbreviations or aliases of the correct command.
Well, I have some of my abbreviations which were make exactly because of
this. Sometimes for some reasons, my brain makes me write =clean= instead of
=clear=. So, let’s just replace the former by the latter. I’m also very bad
at typing =exit=. And sometimes I suck at typing =htop=.
this. Sometimes for some reasons, my brain makes me write ~clean~ instead of
~clear~. So, let's just replace the former by the latter. I'm also very bad
at typing ~exit~. And sometimes I suck at typing ~htop~. ~q~ isn't a typo per
se, instead just a habit I have.
#+NAME: typo-abbr
| abbreviation | command |
| clean | clear |
| exi | exit |
| exti | exit |
| q | exit |
| hotp | htop |
Here is the corresponding fish configuration:
@ -527,71 +515,20 @@
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-c2631eb6
Finally, some miscellaneous abbreviations that don’t really fit into any of
Finally, some miscellaneous abbreviations that don't really fit into any of
the above categories.
*** Sudo
*** Media
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-Sudo-aef0214a
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-Media-e4b85d56
First, I make it so that =sudo= comes with the =-A= switch in order to call
my custom graphical script for getting my password (see
[[file:~/.local/bin/askpass][.local/bin/askpass]]). I also made it so =please= is an equivalent to =sudo
-A= as a joke.
Here you will find various commands related to media in general. the first
one is a command to play some chillhop from the [[https://www.youtube.com/user/Chillhopdotcom][Chillhop YouTube channel]]'s
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr please 'sudo -A'
abbr chill 'mpv --force-window=no --no-video "https://www.youtube.com/user/Chillhopdotcom/live" &'
*** Exit
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-Exit-e3482f5c
Sometimes I find it easier to just type =q= instead of =exit=.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr q exit
*** History
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-History-a2124b23
I also find it more intuitive and faster to just write =hist= instead of
=history=, so let’s declare that.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr hist history
*** ~youtube-dl~ related commands
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-~youtube-dl~_related_commands-654caed1
**** Song download from YouTube
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-~youtube-dl~_related_commands-Song_download_from_YouTube-ec2afa3c
When I want to download a song from YouTube, I’ll just use the command
=flac videoIdentifier= to get it through =youtube-dl=.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr flac 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format flac --audio-quality 0 -o "~/Music/%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"'
**** Videos download from YouTube
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-~youtube-dl~_related_commands-Videos_download_from_YouTube-33910b0b
I download a LOT of videos from YouTube, generally educative videos that I
do not want to lose to YouTube one day who will decide that such channel is
unworthy of their platform, or if the original author decides to delete
their videos or whatever. So, I use the abbreviation ~ytdl~ to download
either one video, or a whole YouTube channel.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr ytdl 'youtube-dl -f best -ciw -o "~/Videos/YouTube/%(uploader)s/%(upload_date)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s"'
*** MPV
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-MPV-f99dd400
When it comes to mpv, I do not want to force it to open a graphical window
if for example I want to listen to an audio file. I also do not want any
border on that window. So, I declared this abbreviation.
@ -599,14 +536,65 @@
abbr mpv 'mpv --no-border --force-window=no'
When I want to download a song from YouTube, I'll just use the command ~flac
videoIdentifier~ to get it through ~youtube-dl~.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr flac 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format flac --audio-quality 0 -o "~/Music/%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s"'
I download a LOT of videos from YouTube, generally educative videos that I
do not want to lose to YouTube one day who will decide that such channel is
unworthy of their platform, or if the original author decides to delete
their videos or whatever. So, I use the abbreviation ~ytdl~ to download
either one video, or a whole YouTube channel.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr ytdl 'youtube-dl -f best -ciw -o "~/Videos/YouTube/%(uploader)s/%(upload_date)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s"'
Some sane default options for ~sxiv~, a simple X image Viewer. This includes
playing GIFs and not displaying the filename below. Sxiv will also open in
fullscreen and will fit the displayed image to the frame. I also abbreviated
~feh~ to sxiv, old habits die hard.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr sxiv 'sxiv -abfs f'
abbr feh 'sxiv -abfs f'
Finally, let's declare the following abbreviation that will launch an mpv
instance displaying my webcam:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr webcam 'mpv --demuxer-lavf-format=video4linux2 --demuxer-lavf-o-set=input_format=mjpeg av://v4l2:/dev/video0'
*** Sudo
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-Sudo-aef0214a
First, I make it so that ~sudo~ comes with the ~-A~ switch in order to call
my custom graphical script for getting my password (see [[file:bin.org::#Askpass-d0d7a8c0][askpass]]). I also
made it so ~please~ is an equivalent to ~sudo -A~ as a joke.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr please 'sudo -A'
*** History
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-History-a2124b23
I also find it more intuitive and faster to just write ~hist~ instead of
~history~, so let's declare that.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr hist history
*** Compression
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-Compression-4fd4ffef
It seems it’s just like many other people, but I cannot for the life of me
remember the syntax of =tar=. So, I made the following abbreviations, and
one day hopefully, after seeing the abbreviations’ expansion over and over
I’ll remember the command like I did for the abbreviation of =remove= (see
It seems it's just like many other people, but I cannot for the life of me
remember the syntax of ~tar~. So, I made the following abbreviations, and
one day hopefully, after seeing the abbreviations' expansion over and over
I'll remember the command like I did for the abbreviation of ~remove~ (see
[[#Abbreviations-System_management_(packages_and_services)-Package_management-efbcdf0f][Package management]]).
#+NAME: tar-abbr
| abbreviation | command |
@ -618,19 +606,6 @@
*** Sxiv
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-Sxiv-1c0cf845
Some sane default options for =sxiv=, a simple X image Viewer. This includes
playing GIFs and not displaying the filename below. Sxiv will also open in
fullscreen and will fit the displayed image to the frame. I also abbreviated
~feh~ to sxiv, old habits die hard.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr sxiv 'sxiv -abfs f'
abbr feh 'sxiv -abfs f'
*** exa
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-exa-e1b528b9
@ -680,19 +655,6 @@
*** Webcam
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-Webcam-34eedb5a
#+NAME: webcam-abbr
| abbreviation | command |
| webcam | mpv --no-border --demuxer-lavf-format=video4linux2 --demuxer-lavf-o-set=input_format=mjpeg av://v4l2:/dev/video0 |
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
*** Wget
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-Misc-Wget-27f4bebf
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