This repository has been archived on 2021-01-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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Blurred fox

A modern Firefox CSS Theme

Default Color Scheme
Dark Color Scheme
Light Color Scheme

How to

Quick install for the linux lads

  1. Run
$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. After the confirmation message that the theme is successfully installed, open firefox. Change colorscheme by Open Menu > Customize > Change Colorscheme.

Installation notes:

  • It is advisible to check the script first before running it.
  • You need bash to run it.
  • The script will fail if you have multiple profile directory! Make sure you only have one!
  • If you have a current chrome folder in your profile directory, the script will make a backup.
  • If the installation script is not working, a PR is welcome!

Manual Installation for linux lads

  1. Open the Firefox Menu located on the top-right corner with a humburger menu(three horizontal lines).
  2. Select Preferences, then Preferences again.
  3. Go to Advanced, find the Config Editor button then press it.
  4. A dialog will warn you, but ignore it, just do it press the I accept the risk! button.
  5. Search for toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets, layers.acceleration.force-enabled, gfx.webrender.all, and svg.context-properties.content.enabled. Make sure to enable them all!
  6. Go to your Firefox profile located in $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXXXX.default-XXXXXX/.
  7. Create a folder and name it chrome, then assuming that you already clone this repo, just copy the theme to chrome folder.
  8. Finally, you can now change whatever colorscheme you want.


If you're using Windows or macOS and something's wrong

  1. Sadly, I only have archlinux, so I cannot guarantee that it will work on Windows10 and macOS. A feedback is welcome if it works on your platform. PR is also welcome!

If there's no blur effect

  1. The theme does not provide the blur effect! Make sure you have a compositor with blur support running! KDE Plasma, macOS, and Windows 10 have this by default, but you need to enable it! If you're using linux, use tryone144's feature/dual_kawase branch of picom. It includes the dual kawase shader.

If you're using Plasma and there's no blur effect,

  1. Enable the blur in your compositor. Go to System Settings > Desktop Effects > Enable Blur. Note that this will not enable the blur effect on all applications.

  2. Enable the blur effect on all applications by installing a KWin script called Force Blur.

  3. Go to System Settings > KWin Scripts > Enable Force Blur.

Scrollbar is missing

  1. The scrollbar is hidden by default, you can enable/show it by changing the value of scrollbar-width in userContent.css.


PR's are welcome!

  • Move window controls to navbar send help
  • Fix inconsistencies
  • Better CSS