# dotenv-linter:off IncorrectDelimiter # Do not commit your actual .env file to Git! This may contain secrets or other # private information. # Enable/disable step debug logging (default: `false`). For local debugging, it # may be useful to set it to `true`. ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG=true # GitHub Actions inputs should follow `INPUT_` format (case-sensitive). # Hyphens should not be converted to underscores! INPUT_MILLISECONDS=2400 # GitHub Actions default environment variables. These are set for every run of a # workflow and can be used in your actions. Setting the value here will override # any value set by the local-action tool. # https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#default-environment-variables # CI="true" # GITHUB_ACTION="" # GITHUB_ACTION_PATH="" # GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY="" # GITHUB_ACTIONS="" # GITHUB_ACTOR="" # GITHUB_ACTOR_ID="" # GITHUB_API_URL="" # GITHUB_BASE_REF="" # GITHUB_ENV="" # GITHUB_EVENT_NAME="" # GITHUB_EVENT_PATH="" # GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL="" # GITHUB_HEAD_REF="" # GITHUB_JOB="" # GITHUB_OUTPUT="" # GITHUB_PATH="" # GITHUB_REF="" # GITHUB_REF_NAME="" # GITHUB_REF_PROTECTED="" # GITHUB_REF_TYPE="" # GITHUB_REPOSITORY="" # GITHUB_REPOSITORY_ID="" # GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER="" # GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER_ID="" # GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS="" # GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT="" # GITHUB_RUN_ID="" # GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER="" # GITHUB_SERVER_URL="" # GITHUB_SHA="" # GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY="" # GITHUB_TRIGGERING_ACTOR="" # GITHUB_WORKFLOW="" # GITHUB_WORKFLOW_REF="" # GITHUB_WORKFLOW_SHA="" # GITHUB_WORKSPACE="" # RUNNER_ARCH="" # RUNNER_DEBUG="" # RUNNER_NAME="" # RUNNER_OS="" # RUNNER_TEMP="" # RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=""