#+title: Nord Theme for Qutebrowser A simple Nord theme for Qutebrowser. [[file:./screenshot.png]] * Install Clone this repository wherever you whish. I generally use the directory ~~/fromGIT~. #+begin_src sh git clone https://labs.phundrak.com/phundrak/qutebrowser-nord.git # HTTPS clone git clone git@labs.phundrak.com:phundrak/qutebrowser-nord.git # SSH clone #+end_src You can then symlink ~nord-qutebrowser.py~ in ~~/.config/qutebrowser~ like so: #+begin_src sh # assuming you cd'd in the cloned repository ln -s nord-qutebrowser.py ~/.config/qutebrowser/nord-qutebrowser.py #+end_src Finally, add the following line at the end of your ~config.py~ file. #+begin_src python config.source('nord-qutebrowser.py') #+end_src And you should be good to go! * Acknowlegements This project is a fork of Linuus’ theme you can find [[https://github.com/Linuus/nord-qutebrowser][here]].