* About PumoPM The Pumo Power Manager (PumoPM for short) is a custom power manager I wrote for myself in order to have a lightweight one that does exactly what I want, how I want. Basically: I want to be informed of a low level of battery (I consider 25% to be low, hence the defaults), very low (again, my preference is at 15%), and then at critical level (10%) I want the computer to automatically sleep, and if it stays asleep for a certain duration it will be suspended. This project is written for a GNU/Linux operating system running with systemd. I have currently no plan on making it available on other platforms, except maybe one day with [[https://guix.gnu.org/][Guix]] (if you don’t value your time, take a look at it, it’s an awesome operating system, much better than NixOS in my opinion). ** Built with [[http://spacemacs.org][file:https://cdn.rawgit.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/442d025779da2f62fc86c2082703697714db6514/assets/spacemacs-badge.svg]] PumoPM is written in pure, stable Rust (at least >= 1.45.2). Its three dependencies are the crates [[https://github.com/svartalf/rust-battery][battery]], [[https://clap.rs/][clap]], and [[https://github.com/hoodie/notify-rust][notify-rust]]. ** What does Pumo mean? It’s my cat’s name. ** Why is the main branch called ~senpai~? This is a joke that originated from [[https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerAnimemes/][r/ProgrammerAnimemes]] when news were about defaulting to another name than ~master~ for git’s main branch. As a joke, someone proposed ~senpai~ on this reddit as an alternative to ~master~, and here we are. This is a weeb’s joke. * Getting started To run the project, you currently only have one option: download the project’s source code, compile it, and run it. You will need to have [[https://www.rust-lang.org/][Rust installed]]. Update your Rust installation if needed with ~rustup update~. Then, simply begin with a ~git clone~, then cd into the project’s directory. You can then build the project with ~cargo~, and even install it locally if you want to. #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ git clone https://labs.phundrak.com/phundrak/pumopm $ cd pumopm $ cargo build --release $ cargo run --release # to run the project $ cargo install --path . # optional, to install for the user the project #+END_SRC * Usage It is possible to run PumoPM with a couple of different flags. You will find their description here: - ~-h --help~ :: displays a help message - ~-V --version~ :: displays the program’s version - ~-l --low~ :: level at which the battery is considered to be low - ~-L --very-low~ :: level at which the battery is considered to be very low - ~-c --critical~ :: level at which the battery is considered to be critical - ~-r --refresh-rate~ :: refresh rate of the battery’s reads - ~-v --verbose~ :: augment the program’s verbosity, can be repeated The arguments ~-l~, ~-L~ and ~-c~ accept an integer between 5 and 75 (actually any value that will fit in an unsigned byte, but it will be rounded up to 5 or down to 75), while ~-r~ accepts any integer that can fit in a ~u64~, although I’m sure you’ll never need that long of a refresh time. The levels will also see their values ordered. If the ~-L~ value is higher than ~-l~, then the program will automatically set it to one percent lower, or to 5% (whichever is higher). Same goes for the value of ~-c~ if it goes over the ~-L~ value, including after the re-evaluation of the latter’s value. For instance, calling the program like so #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ pumopm -l 30 -L 32 -c 30 #+END_SRC is the same as calling it like so #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ pumopm -l 30 -L 29 -c 28 #+END_SRC * TODO Roadmap [0/2] - [ ] system tray - [ ] close the program with the exit code ~0~ * License This project is under the GPL-3.0 or later license. You can read it [[file:LICENSE][here]], but basically, the following are allowed: - Commercial use of this program and its source code - Modification of the program and the source code - Distribution of the program and the source code - Patent use of the program and the source code - Private use of the program and the source code However, this program comes with no warranty and I am under no liability for what you do with it. The conditions of using this program are: - Notice your users of the license and copyright - State any changes in the code - Disclose the source code - Use the same license Please note that I am no lawyer, and the only legal document you can read is the one linked above.