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#+title: Pumo System Info
#+author: Lucien “Phundrak” Cartier-Tilet
#+email: lucien@phundrak.com
* Introduction
~pumo-system-info~ is a cli utility designed to output in the terminal
system information. This includes:
- the OS name
- the OS kernel version
- the systems name
- the current uptime
- the systems current RAM usage
- the systems current swap usage
- the systems current partition usage
** What does “Pumo” mean?
Its my cats name.
* Build the project
** From ~cargo~
You can build the project by running the following command:
#+begin_src sh
cargo build --release
If you want to directly run it, you can instead execute the following
#+begin_src sh
cargo run --release
If you want, you can also skip all these steps and install it in
~$HOME/.cargo/bin~ with the following command:
#+begin_src sh
cargo install --path .
Ensure ~$HOME/.cargo/bin~ is in your ~$PATH~, then simply run
** ArchLinux
A PKGBUILD is made available in the [[file:./archlinux]] directory so you
can install ~pumo-system-info~ as a native Arch package. To use it, run
the following commands:
#+begin_src sh
cd archlinux/
makepkg -si
* License
~pumo-system-info~ is under the GPL-3.0 license. You can either read [[https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-lesser-general-public-license-v3-(lgpl-3)][a
tl;dr of the license]] or [[file:LICENSE][the full legal text]].