#include "list.hh" #include "vector.hh" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // vector test_vec = {'C', 'a', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 'r'}; // for (auto c : test_vec) // cout << c << " "; // cout << std::endl; // for (size_t i = 0; i < test_vec.size(); ++i) // cout << test_vec.at(i) << " "; // cout << std::endl; // for (size_t i = 0; i < test_vec.size(); ++i) // cout << test_vec[i] << " "; // cout << std::endl; // std::for_each(std::begin(test_vec), std::end(test_vec), // [](auto elem) { cout << elem << " "; }); // cout << std::endl; // cout << "The front() of test_vec is : " << test_vec.front() << std::endl; // cout << "The back() of test_vec is : " << test_vec.back() << std::endl; // for (size_t i = 0; i < test_vec.size(); ++i) // cout << test_vec.data()[i] << " "; // cout << std::endl; // for (auto itr{test_vec.cbegin()}; itr != test_vec.cend(); ++itr) // cout << *itr << " "; // cout << std::endl; // for (auto itr{test_vec.rbegin()}; itr != test_vec.rend(); ++itr) // cout << *itr << " "; // cout << std::endl; // cout << "Is the vector test_vec empty? " << (test_vec.empty() ? "yes" : // "no") // << std::endl; // cout << "Size of test_vec: " << test_vec.size() << std::endl; // cout << "Capacity of test_vec: " << test_vec.capacity() << std::endl; // test_vec.shrink_to_fit(); // cout << "Capacity of test_vec after shrink_to_fit(): " << // test_vec.capacity() // << std::endl; // cout << "test_vec.clear();" << std::endl; // // test_vec.clear(); // cout << "Is the vector test_vec empty? " << (test_vec.empty() ? "yes" : // "no") // << std::endl; // cout << "Size of test_vec: " << test_vec.size() << std::endl; // cout << "Capacity of test_vec: " << test_vec.capacity() << std::endl; // phundrak::vector myvector = {10, 20, 30}; // myvector.emplace(myvector.cbegin(), 100); // for (auto elem : myvector) // cout << elem << std::endl; srand((unsigned)time(0)); phundrak::vector vector1 = {1, 4, 7}; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { int to_input = rand() % 10; auto it = vector1.cbegin(); for (; *it < to_input; ++it) ; vector1.insert(it, to_input); } for(int elem : vector1) cout << elem << "\n"; return 0; }