Lucien Cartier-Tilet 5fbab2eefc
feat: add custom icons to the website
This commit adds icons from various sources as a single font file to the website. Icons can be
inserted with the new Icon component.
2023-05-08 15:33:22 +02:00

75 lines
1.7 KiB

class="githubRepo flex-row flex-space-between gap-1rem rounded-corners center"
@data-loaded="(repo: GithubRepo) => (repository = repo)"
<div class="flex-col info">
<h3>{{ }}</h3>
{{ repository.description }}
<div class="flex-col flex-start gap-1rem stats">
<div class="stars">
<Icon name="star" /> {{ repository.stargazers_count }}
<div class="forks">
<Icon name="fork" /> {{ repository.forks_count }}
<div class="link">
<a :href="repository.html_url"><i class="icon phunic-link" /></a>
<script setup lang="ts">
import ApiLoader from '../ApiLoader.vue';
import { GithubRepo } from '../../composables/github';
import { PropType, Ref, ref } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
data: Object as PropType<GithubRepo>,
repoName: String,
const repoName = (): string => {
return ? : props.repoName;
const fetchUrl = `${repoName()}`;
const repository: Ref<GithubRepo> = ref(null);
<style lang="less">
@import 'node_modules/nord/src/lesscss/nord.less';
@import '../../styles/classes.less';
.githubRepo {
width: 35rem;
padding: 3rem;
background-color: @nord4;
html.dark & {
background-color: @nord3;
.info {
max-width: 30rem;
.stats {
width: 4rem;