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# Resume
## Informations
Lucien Cartier-Tilet
Étudiant informatique, M2 THYP
- [GitHub](https://github.com/Phundrak)
- [Gitea](https://labs.phundrak.com) <Badge type="warning"
text="personal instance" vertical="middle" />
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/phundrak)
- [Mastodon](https://fosstodon.org/@phundrak)
- [Linguistics website](https://conlang.phundrak.com)
- [Phundrak’s Rambling](https://blog.phundrak.com) <Badge type="tip"
text="blog" vertical="middle" />
- [lucien@phundrak.com](mailto:lucien@phundrak.com) <Badge type="tip"
text="email" vertical="middle" />
## Web Programming
### Front-end
- Good knowledge in HTML5, CSS3 (including SASS, SCSS, and LESS), and
- I know my way around in Python, Dart, and TypeScript
- Currently building experience with Vue, Nuxt.js, and Node.js
- Learning React and Next.js
### Back-end
- Some experience in back-end development with Django (Python) as well
as Rust with Rocket
- Some experience communicating with a database with Django’s and
[Diesel](https://diesel.rs)’s ORM. Know my way around EmacSQL.
- Used MySQL and PostgreSQL
## System Programming
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- Experienced in Rust, C and EmacsLisp knowledge
- I know my way around C++, Python, and UNIX shells (bash, fish,
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- Limited knowledge in Prolog and Scheme
## Development Tools
### IDEs and Text Editors
- Advanced user of Emacs, including its LSP and Git integrations
- Good knowledge of Git (including Magit under Emacs)
- Basic knowledge of Vim, CLion, Pycharm, and WebStorm
### CI/CD and Deploying to the Web
- Experienced with web servers such as Nginx and Caddyserver
- Good knowledge of virtualization and deployment with Docker and
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Docker Compose for virtualization, Drone.io, and Github Actions for
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## Operating Systems
- Usage and administration of Linux (Arch Linux, Void Linux, Debian,
Ubuntu, Alpine Linux)
- Administration of web servers and storage servers (Arch Linux,
Debian, Raspbian, Alpine Linux)
- Basic knowledge with Guix System and NixOS, and Windows XP through
10 (except Vista)
## Office Applications
- Good knowledge with org-mode (main tool), LaTeX
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- I know my way around Libre Office, Microsoft Office, OnlyOffice, and
WPS Office
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## Audio
### Singing Vocal Synthesis
- Development and creation of vocal libraries for VOCALOID3,
Alter/Ego, Chipspeech, and UTAU
- Usage of VOCALOID 2 through 4, Alter/Ego, Chipspeech, UTAU, CeVIO
Creative Studio
### Audio Engineering
- Music writing and mix software: FL Studio
- Audio repair and cleaning: iZotope RX
- Mastering: T-RackS CS