#+title: Privacy Policy #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+setupfile: headers #+options: auto-id:t #+startup: content * Introduction :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Introduction :END: Last updated on May 19th, 2021. This Cookie Policy explains how I ("Lucien Cartier-Tilet", "me", and "my") use cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit my websites [[https://phundrak.com][phundrak.com]], [[https://langue.phundrak.com][langue.phundrak.com]], [[https://labs.phundrak.com][labs.phundrak.com]] and others on the domain of ~phundrak.com~ ("Websites"). It explains what these technologies are and why I use them, as well as your rights to control my use of them. * First, let me opt-out :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: opt_out :END: Alright, here you go: #+begin_export html #+end_export If you want to know more about cookies I might use on this website, you will find more information below. * Who is in charge? Where is the server? I want to talk to the manager! :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: I_want_to_talk_to_the_manager :END: I am the owner, developer, and webmaster of my Websites as well as the system administrator of all the servers running under the domain ~phundrak.com~ and its subdomains. Currently, three of my public websites run on a server rented to OVH, ~mail.phundrak.com~, ~bitwarden.phundrak.com~, and ~labs.phundrak.com~. All my other websites run on a server I privately own. All of my websites are protected by Cloudflare, and all are hosted in France. * What are cookies? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: What_are_cookies :END: Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are widely used by website owners in order to make their websites work, or to work more efficiently, as well as to provide reporting information. Cookies set by the website owner (in this case, Lucien Cartier-Tilet) are called "first party cookies". Cookies set by parties other than the website owner are called "third party cookies". Third party cookies enable third party features or functionality to be provided on or through the website (e.g. like advertising, interactive content and analytics). The parties that set these third party cookies can recognize your computer both when it visits the website in question and also when it visits certain other websites. * Why do I use cookies? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Why_do_I_use_cookies :END: I use first party cookies for two reasons. First of all, my first party cookies are required for technical reasons in order for my Websites to operate, and we refer to these as "essential" or "strictly necessary" cookies. For instance, it remembers which color theme you selected on my Websites that propose such as feature, or logins and other users settings on websites such as [[https://labs.phundrak.com][labs.phundrak.com]]. The second reason I use cookies are analytics and tracking. But don’t be worried, I am not using any intrusive user tracking here: I will only track you on my Websites and my Websites only, user data will not leave my servers, I will not sell them or share them in any way to anyone, be it a physical or moral person, and I have no way of knowing who you are. I just want to see your behavior on my websites in order to improve them. If you want any additional information, please head to [[https://matomo.org/][Matomo’s website]] to learn more about how tracking is done with their service, knowing that I self-host a Matomo instance and I do not use their own instance. Your privacy is protected as well as your data. As these websites are hosted in France, visitor log and profiles have been deactivated, and any data older than 25 months will be deleted (I actually set it to 740 days, or the equivalent of 24 months). All IPs are anonymised, and any data collected by Matomo cannot be exported raw to any other service (I don’t export them at all anyway). If you still want to opt-out, you can head [[#opt_out][at the top of this document]]. If you are worried about your privacy, rest assured that I do not have access myself to the cookies set by my Websites and thus they do not provide me any information about you. * How can I control cookies? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: How_can_I_control_cookies :END: By default, all my websites set the cookies they need to work properly. Essential website cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our Websites and to use some of its features, such as access to secure areas. If you wish to delete these cookies, you can do so from your browser’s settings. Since there are many different types of browsers that exist, there is not a single way to delete cookies, but you can look up how to do so with a quick search on your favorite search engine, such as DuckDuckGo, Qwant or Startpage (if cookies worry you, you should probably avoid Google). All cookies set by Matomo (my tracking service) can also be blocked by any good ad-blocker (although Matomo is unrelated to ads). I haven’t tested a lot myself, but I do know [[https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/][uBlock Origin]] blocks anything that could track you. That’s also the best ad-blocker I know of, and I highly recommend using it. * What about other tracking technologies, like web beacons? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: What_about_other_tracking_technologies,_like_web_beacons :END: Cookies are not the only way to recognize or track visitors to a website, such as web beacons (sometimes called "tracking pixels" or "clear gifs"). These are tiny graphics files that contain a unique identifier that enable some websites owners to recognize when someone has visited their websites or opened an e-mail including them. However, I do not use them in any of my Websites. The only tracking technology I use are cookies is for analytics, [[#Why_do_I_use_cookies][as explained above]]. Matomo is an analytics service I self-host (i.e. this is a private instance), so the collected data are stored on my servers and my servers only, and Matomo has been built in order to protect your data and your anonymity. If you still want to be protected from this, you can block any cookie from the ~matomo.phundrak.com~ domain, and I won’t be able to track your activity on my websites anymore. * Do you use Flash cookies or Local Shared Objects? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Do_you_use_Flash_cookies_or_Local_Shared_Objects :END: Using Flash in ~$current_year~ is a very bad idea due to its security flaws. Therefore, Flash is not used on any of my Websites. And I do not use any Local Shared Objects. * Do you serve targeted advertising? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Do_you_serve_targeted_advertising :END: Absolutely not, rest assured. I dislike advertisment as much as you do if not more. * How often will you update this Cookie Policy? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: How_often_will_you_update_this_Cookie_Policy :END: I may update this Cookie Policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to the cookies I use or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Please therefore re-visit this Cookie Policy regularly to stay informed about our use of cookies and related technologies. This was last updated on {{{time(%F at %H:%M %Z)}}}. * Where can I get further information? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Where_can_I_get_further_information :END: If you have any questions about my use of cookies or other technologies, please email me at [[mailto:lucien@phundrak.com][lucien@phundrak.com]].