# p4bl0t p4bl0t is a simple logging bot for Discord written in Rust. ## Usage ### Preparation In order to run p4bl0t, you will need a Discord token with which your bot will authenticate. Head over to your [developer portal](https://discord.com/developers) on Discord’s website, and create a bot there. You will be able to get the bot’s token there. ### Docker The easiest way to run p4bl0t is using Docker. Copy `docker-compose.example.yml` to `docker-compose.yml` and modify the `DISCORD_TOKEN` variable. Then, you can simply run ```sh docker compose up # or docker-compose on some machines ``` ### Building and running it yourself Copy the `.env.example` file to a `.env` file and fill in the details. ```sh cp .env.example .env emacs .env # or vim .env # or nano .env # or code .env # or whichever text editor you prefer ``` Install the sqlx CLI if you don’t have it already. ```sh cargo install sqlx-cli ``` Setup your SQLite database. ```sh sqlx database create sqlx migrate run ``` You can then run the project using `cargo run` ```sh cargo run # or cargo run --release # if you don’t want debug symbols ``` ## Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. ## License [AGPL-3.0 or later](./LICENSE.md)