#+title: ox-gemini Forked from Justin Abrahms’ [[https://git.sr.ht/~abrahms/ox-gemini][original =ox-gemini=]]. * =ox-gemini= This adds support for exporting org files in gemini format. Many things in here were taken from the ascii exporter, from which this one derives. - Read more about gemini here: https://gemini.circumlunar.space/ - Read more about org-mode here: https://orgmode.org/ * What this fork adds Not much, really. For now, this is just a way for me to apply a fix in gemini links as described in commit [[https://labs.phundrak.com/phundrak/ox-gemini/commit/94dd2f4a8e5ca50bbfb857395d98da88bf581b6c][94dd2f4]]. TODOs formerly in =ox-gemini.el= have also been moved to issues. * License This software is licensed under GPLv3.