#+title: org-conlang #+author: Lucien Cartier-Tilet #+email: lucien@phundrak.com * Introduction ~org-conlang~ is the collection of three libraries I use in order to publish my conlanging website. It is made of three different libraries: - [[file:./ol-conlang.el][~ol-conlang~]] :: handles internal links to a dictionary in org-mode prefixed with the =conlang= keyword - [[file:./ox-conlang-tsx.el][~ox-conlang-tsx~]] :: exports my org files, except my dictionary, to files that can be used by my front-end. The latter is yet to be built - ~ox-conlang-json~ :: exports my dictionary to a database JSON file that will be used by my website to create dynamic pages for each word. * Table of Contents :TOC_2_gh: - [[#introduction][Introduction]] - [[#installation][Installation]] - [[#customizing][Customizing]] - [[#contributing][Contributing]] - [[#license][License]] * Installation TBA * Customizing TBA * Contributing TBA * License ~org-conlang~ is available under the GNU GPL-3.0 license. You can find the full text in the [[file:LICENSE][LICENSE]] file.