First version of nordvpn.el

This commit is contained in:
Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2021-03-13 17:39:25 +01:00
commit 0019d271fb
Signed by: phundrak
GPG Key ID: BD7789E705CB8DCA
2 changed files with 193 additions and 0 deletions

14 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#+TITLE: nordvpn.el
#+AUTHOR: Lucien Cartier-Tilet
#+DATE: 2021-03-13
~nordvpn.el~ is an Elisp interface to the ~nordvpn~ cli command available on
GNU/Linux. It is currently in alpha stage, use it at your own risks.
These functions rely on the information found in the files pointed at by
~auth-sources~. If you use a ~.authinfo~ file (or a ~.authinfo.gpg~ file), you
should add the following line, modified of course with your own credentials.
#+BEGIN_SRC text
machine nordvpn login yourUsername password yourPassword

nordvpn.el Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
;;; nordvpn.el --- NordVPN interface for Emacs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Copyright (C) 2021 Phundrak
;; Author: Phundrak <>
;; Maintainer: Phundrak <>
;; Homepage:
;; Version: 0.1.0
;; Keywords: nordvpn, vpn, convenience
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27") (s "1.12.0") (ido "1.0.1"))
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Functions collection for interacting with NordVPN from Emacs.
;;; Code:
(defcustom nordvpn-default-country nil
"Default country to which NordVPN should connect"
:type 'string
:group 'nordvpn)
(defcustom nordvpn-default-city nil
"Default city to which NordVPN should connect"
:type 'string
:group 'nordvpn)
(defun nordvpn--cut-weird-prefix (string)
"Cut the prefix almost always found in NordVPN's returned string
ending with some Ctrl-M char."
(replace-regexp-in-string ".* "
(defun nordvpn--get-list (string)
"Get a list from NordVPN's output `STRING', such as cities or
(s-split "\n"
(nordvpn--cut-weird-prefix string)
(defun nordvpn--get-countries ()
"Returns the list of countries offered by NordVPN."
(nordvpn--get-list (nordvpn--cut-weird-prefix (eshell-command-result "nordvpn countries"))))
(defun nordvpn--get-country ()
"Get a country among the ones offered by NordVPN."
(let ((countries (nordvpn--get-countries))
(country (ido-completing-read "Country: " countries)))
(if (null country)
(defun nordvpn--get-cities (&optional country)
"Get the list of cities available in `COUNTRY'. If `COUNTRY' is
nil, then it will be asked interactively to the user."
(let ((country (if (null country)
(nordvpn--get-list (eshell-command-result (format "nordvpn cities %s"
(defun nordvpn--get-city (&optional country)
"Get a specific city from the list of cities available for
`COUNTRY'. If `COUNTRY' is nil, the user will have to choose
through `nordvpn--get-country'. If the result is nil, the
function will fallback to `nordvpn-default-country'."
(let* ((country (if (null country)
(command (format "nordvpn cities %s" country))
(cities (nordvpn--get-list (eshell-command-result command))))
(ido-completing-read "City: " cities)))
(defun nordvpn--get-groups ()
"Get the list of server groups available."
(nordvpn--get-list (eshell-command-result "nordvpn groups")))
(defun nordvpn--get-group ()
"Select one of the available server groups."
(ido-completing-read "Group: " (nordvpn--get-groups)))
(defun nordvpn--get-credentials ()
"Get user credentials from `auth-source' files."
(let* ((found (car (auth-source-search :max 1
:host "nordvpn"
:require '(:user :secret)
:create t))))
(if found
(plist-get found :user)
(let ((password (plist-get found :secret)))
(while (functionp password)
(setf password (funcall password)))
(defun nordvpn-connect-to-country (&option country)
"Connect with NordVPN to a specific country. If `COUNTRY' is nil,
then \"nordvpn c\" is called, otherwise \"nordvpc c `COUNTRY'\"
is called."
(message "NordVPN: %s"
(if country
(format "nordvpn c %s" country)
"nordvpn c")))))
(defun nordvpn-connect-to-city (city &optinal country)
"Connect with NordVPN to a specific `CITY'. An additional
`COUNTRY' may be specified. If no country is provided to the
function, \"nordvpn c `CITY'\" will be called, otherwise
\"nordvpn c `COUNTRY' `CITY'\" will be called."
(message "NordVPN: %s"
(if country
(format "nordvpn c %s %s" country city)
(format "nordvpn c %s" city))))))
(defun nordvpn-connect-to-group (group)
"Connect with NordVPN to the specified `GROUP'."
(message "NordVPN: %s"
(format "nordvpn c %s")))))
(defun nordvpn-connect (&optional arg)
"Connect to NordVPN.
If `ARG' is non nil or if `nordvpn-default-country' is nil, will
ask the user which country to connect to."
(interactive "P")
(nordvpn-connect-to-country (if arg
;; nordvpn-connect-to-city &option country city
;; C-u nordvpn-connect-to-city &option city country
(defun nordvpn-disconnect ()
"Disconnect NordVPN from the current server."
(message "NordVPN: %s"
(nordvpn--cut-weird-prefix (eshell-command-result "nordvpn d"))))
(defun nordvpn-logout ()
"Logout from NordVPN."
(message "NordVPN: %s"
(nordvpn--cut-weird-prefix (shell-command-to-string "nordvpn logout"))))
(defun nordvpn-login ()
"Log into your NordVPN account. Credentials are read from
`auth-source' files."
(let* ((credentials (nordvpn--get-credentials))
(username (car credentials))
(password (cadr credentials))
(command (format "nordvpn login -u %s -p \"%s\"" username
(message "NordVPN: %s"
(nordvpn--cut-weird-prefix (shell-command-to-string command)))))
(provide 'nordvpn)
;;; nordvpn.el ends here