# Gentoo Let’s take one step further into the “make your own distro” world and the memes. Although Gentoo is not *that* hard to install, Gentoo does not come with **any** precompiled package. Instead, you will have to compile everything yourself, and if you don’t know how to [RTFM](https://xkcd.com/293/), this distribution will make sure that you will. While yes, it *is* CPU intensive to maintain such a distribution, every compilable package will be able to fully use the entire set of available assembly calls your CPU has and you *might* get some performance boost from it. Keyword: *might*. In a lot of cases, you might not actually notice it, or if you do it might just be your imagination. But I won’t deny it’s a great distro for tinkerers, and you can easily make your own packages. Documentation for this distribution is pretty great and it can give you some nice insights on other distributions too, and you can choose whether to use Gentoo’s own init system or Systemd. As you might have guessed it, this is clearly not a distribution made for beginners, and avoid installing it on machines that don’t have good performance unless you don’t value your time. Below is the typical evolution of a Gentoo user. ![https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/456:_Cautionary](/img/xkcd_456_cautionary.png "This really is a true story, and she doesn't know I put it in my comic because her wifi hasn't worked for weeks.") * [Homepage](https://www.gentoo.org/) * [Download](https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/)