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<div id="content">
<h1 class="title">Cas grammaticaux de la Langue Divine</h1>
<div id="table-of-contents">
<h2>Table des matières</h2>
<div id="text-table-of-contents">
<li><a href="#org79ac7de">1. Chart for review for the basic cases</a></li>
<li><a href="#org94e2cd4">2. Location</a></li>
<li><a href="#org89f9fbf">3. Motion from</a></li>
<li><a href="#org9cae052">4. Motion to</a></li>
<li><a href="#org41c9950">5. Motion via</a></li>
<li><a href="#org5b49c59">6. Time</a></li>
<li><a href="#orge5b17e8">7. Morphosyntactic alignment</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgf9dc645">8. Relation</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgdb7d555">9. Semantics</a></li>
<li><a href="#org8805e6c">10. State</a></li>
Grammatical states marques with a star ( * ) are grammatical states that do not exist <b>as declensions</b> in the Divine Language.

<div id="outline-container-org79ac7de" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org79ac7de"><span class="section-number-2">1</span> Chart for review for the basic cases</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-1">
<table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">

<col  class="org-left" />

<col  class="org-left" />

<col  class="org-left" />

<col  class="org-left" />

<col  class="org-left" />
<th scope="col" class="org-left">&#xa0;</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-left">interior</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-left">surface</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-left">adjacency</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-left">state</th>
<td class="org-left"><i>from</i></td>
<td class="org-left">Elative</td>
<td class="org-left">Delative</td>
<td class="org-left">Ablative</td>
<td class="org-left">Excessive</td>

<td class="org-left"><i>at/in</i></td>
<td class="org-left">Inessive</td>
<td class="org-left">Superessive</td>
<td class="org-left">Adessive</td>
<td class="org-left">Essive</td>

<td class="org-left"><i>(in)to</i></td>
<td class="org-left">Illative</td>
<td class="org-left">Sublative</td>
<td class="org-left">Allative</td>
<td class="org-left">Translative</td>

<td class="org-left"><i>via</i></td>
<td class="org-left">Perlative</td>
<td class="org-left">Prolative</td>
<td class="org-left">&#xa0;</td>
<td class="org-left">&#xa0;</td>

<div id="outline-container-org94e2cd4" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org94e2cd4"><span class="section-number-2">2</span> Location</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-2">
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Adessive case ADE <i>iŗ-</i></dt><dd>adjacent location</dd>
Example: near/at/by the house, <i>íŗmén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Antessive case ANTE <i>vwo-</i></dt><dd>anterior location</dd>
Example: before the house, <i>vwómén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Apudessive case APUD <i>ne-</i></dt><dd>location next to something</dd>
Example: next to the house, <i>némén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Inessive case <i>-ŕo-</i></dt><dd>inside something</dd>
Example: inside the house, <i>méŕón</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Intrative case ITRT <i>-fu-</i></dt><dd>between something</dd>
Example: between the houses, <i>méfún</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Locative case LOC <i>la-</i></dt><dd>location (general case)</dd>
Example: at/on/in the house, <i>lámén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Pertingent case <i>ma-</i></dt><dd>in contact with something</dd>
Example: touching the house, <i>mámén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Postessive case POSTE <i>-uß</i></dt><dd>posterior location</dd>
Example: behind the house, <i>ménúß</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Subessive case SUBE <i>nwo-</i></dt><dd>under something</dd>
Example: under/below the house, <i>nwómén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Superessive case SUPE <i>ßta-</i></dt><dd>on the surface</dd>
Example: on (top of) the house, <i>ßtámén</i>

<div id="outline-container-org89f9fbf" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org89f9fbf"><span class="section-number-2">3</span> Motion from</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-3">
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Ablative case ABL <i>li-</i></dt><dd>movement away from something</dd>
Example: away from the house, <i>límén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Delative case DEL <i>ßa-</i></dt><dd>movement from the surface</dd>
Example: from (the top of) the house, <i>ßámén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Egressive case EGRE</dt><dd>marking the beginning of a movement or time</dd>
Example: beginning from the house
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Elative case ELA <i>-ykń</i></dt><dd>out of something</dd>
Example: out of the house, <i>ménýkń</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Initiative case INITI <i>-akļ</i></dt><dd>starting point of an action</dd>
Example: beginning from the house, <i>ménákļ</i>

<div id="outline-container-org9cae052" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org9cae052"><span class="section-number-2">4</span> Motion to</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-4">
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Allative case ALL <i>-li-</i></dt><dd><ul class="org-ul">
<li>*in Hungarian and in Finnish: movement to (the adjacency of). Example: to the house</li>
<li>in Estonian and in Finnish: movement onto something. Example: onto the house, <i>mélín</i></li>

<dt>Illative case ILL <i>-ën-</i></dt><dd>movement into something</dd>
Example: into the house, <i>mênén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Lative case LAT <i>-la</i></dt><dd>movement to something (general case)</dd>
Example: to/into the house, <i>ménlá</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Sublative case SUBL <i>-iţ</i></dt><dd>movement onto the surface or below something</dd>
Example: on(to) the house / under the house, <i>méníţ</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Terminative case TERM <i>-aen</i></dt><dd>marking the end of a movement or time</dd>
Example: as far as the house, <i>ménáén</i>

<div id="outline-container-org41c9950" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org41c9950"><span class="section-number-2">5</span> Motion via</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-5">
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Perlative case PER <i>žu-</i></dt><dd>movement through or along</dd>
Example: through/along the house, <i>žúmén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Prolative case PROL <i>še-</i></dt><dd>movement using a surface or way (= prosecutive case, vialis case)</dd>
Example: by way of/through the house, <i>šémén</i>

<div id="outline-container-org5b49c59" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org5b49c59"><span class="section-number-2">6</span> Time</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-6">
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Accusative case ACC <i>-źu</i></dt><dd>indicating duration of time known as the <b>accusative of duration of time</b></dd>
Example: for many years, <i>łaižegźu</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Essive case ESS <i>-oiþyd-</i></dt><dd>used for specifying days and dates when something happens</dd>
Example: on the first day of the week, <i>žóíþýdójorém</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Limitative case LIMIT <i>-amp</i></dt><dd>specifying a deadline</dd>
Example: by the first day of the week, <i>žójorémámp</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Temporal case TEMP <i>-igni</i></dt><dd>specifying a time</dd>
Example: at seven o’clock, <i>ţuheol ţupńtwan ţéálnatigni</i> (GEN-hour GEN-seven precise-TEMP, at the precise hour of seven)

<div id="outline-container-orge5b17e8" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orge5b17e8"><span class="section-number-2">7</span> Morphosyntactic alignment</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-7">
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Absolutive case (1) ABS <i>-a</i></dt><dd>patient, experiencer; subject of an intransitive verb and direct object of a transitive verb. <b>In the divine language, the absolutive case is only used for the subject of an intransitive verb.</b></dd>
Example: he pushed the <b>door</b> and <b>it</b> opened, <i>kjaŗa</i> (door)
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Absolutive case (2) ABS</dt><dd>patient, involuntary experiencer</dd>
Example: he pushed the <b>door</b> and <b>it</b> opened; <b>he</b> slipped
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Absolutive case (3) ABS</dt><dd>patient, experiencer; instrument</dd>
Example: he pushed the <b>door</b> with his <b>hand</b> and <b>it</b> opened
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Accusative case (1)</dt><dd>patient</dd>
Example: he pushed the <b>door</b> and it opened
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Accusative case (2) ACC <i>-vo</i></dt><dd>direct object of a transitive verb</dd>
Example: I see <b>her</b>, <i>kjeŗvo</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Agentive case AGE <i>te-</i></dt><dd>agent, specifies or asks about <i>who</i> or <i>what</i>; specific agent that is subset of a</dd>
general topic or subject. Equivalent to the -ga particle in Japanese
Example: it was <b>she</b> who committed the crime; as for him, his <b>head</b> hurts, <i>tekjeŗ</i>, <i>tegar</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Ergative case ERG <i>-jo</i></dt><dd>agent; subject of a transitive verb</dd>
Example: <b>he</b> pushed the door and it opened
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Ergative-genitive case EGN</dt><dd>agent, possession</dd>
Example: <b>he</b> pushed the door and it opened; <b>her</b> dog
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Instructive INSTRUCTIVE <i>-eň</i></dt><dd>means, answers question <i>how?</i></dd>
Example: by the means of the houses, <i>ménéň</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Instrumental INS/INSTR <i>-dļ</i></dt><dd>instrument, answers question <i>using which thing?</i></dd>
Example: with the house, <i>méndļ</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Instrumental-comitative case</dt><dd>instrument, in company of something</dd>
Example: with the house
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Nominative case (1)</dt><dd>agent, experiencer; subject of a transitive or intransitive verb</dd>
Example: <b>he</b> pushed the door and <b>it</b> opened
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Nominative case (2)</dt><dd>agent; voluntary experiencer</dd>
Example: <b>he</b> pushed the door and it opened; <b>she</b> paused
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Nominative case NOM (3) <i>pa-</i></dt><dd>In the divine language, the person linked to the word; transforms a verbal group into a nominal group</dd>
Example: horseman, <i>panael</i> (the man linked to horses, implied riding horses)
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Objective case (1) OBJ</dt><dd>direct or indirect object of verb</dd>
Example: I saw <b>her</b>; I gave <b>her</b> the book
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Objective/Oblique (2)</dt><dd>direct or indirect object of verb or object of preposition; a catch-all case for any situation except nominative or genitive</dd>
Example: I saw <b>her</b>; I gave <b>her</b> the book; with <b>her</b>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Oblique case OBL <i>-ŗeß</i></dt><dd>all-round case; any situation except nominative or vocative. In the divine language, is used to quote the element</dd>
Example: concerning the house, <i>ménŗéß</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Intransitive case INTR <i>-ai</i></dt><dd>the subject of an intransitive verb or the logical complement of a transitive verb (= passive or patient case)</dd>
Example: the <b>door</b> opened, <i>mělai</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Pegative case PEG <i>ey-</i></dt><dd>agent in a clause with a dative argument</dd>
Example: <b>he</b> gave the book to him, <i>eykjaŗ</i>

<div id="outline-container-orgf9dc645" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgf9dc645"><span class="section-number-2">8</span> Relation</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-8">
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Ablative case <i>łe-</i></dt><dd>all-round indirect case</dd>
Example: concerning the house, <i>łémén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Aversive case EVIT <i>-ńþ-</i></dt><dd>avoiding or fear</dd>
Example: avoiding the house, <i>mńþén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Benefactive case BEN</dt><dd>for, for the benefit of, intended for</dd>
Example: for the house
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Causal case CAUS <i>-oby</i></dt><dd>because, because of</dd>
Example: because of the house, <i>ménóbý</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Causal-final case</dt><dd>efficient or final cause</dd>
Example: for a house
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Comitative case COM <i>-ðei-</i></dt><dd>in company of something</dd>
Example: with the house, <i>méðéín</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Dative case DAT <i>-at-</i></dt><dd>shows directon or recipient</dd>
Example: for/to the house, <i>mátén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Distributive case DISTR <i>xelje-</i></dt><dd>distribution by piece</dd>
Example: per house, <i>xéljémén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Distributive-temporal case <i>-be</i></dt><dd>how often something happens</dd>
Example: on Sundays, <i>ðúbémbé</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Genitive case GEN <i>ţu-</i></dt><dd>shows relationship, possesssion</dd>
Example: of the house; the house’s, <i>ţúmén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Ornative case</dt><dd>endowment with something</dd>
Example: equipped with a house
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Possessed case POSS</dt><dd>possession by something</dd>
Example: the house is owned by someone
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Privative case <i>ei-</i></dt><dd>lacking something (in general)</dd>
Example: without a houses, <i>éímén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Semplative case <i>-ŗwo</i></dt><dd>similarity to something</dd>
Example: that tree is <b>like a house</b>, <i>ménŗwó</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Sociative case <i>to-</i></dt><dd>along with something, together with something</dd>
Example: with the house, <i>tómén</i>

<div id="outline-container-orgdb7d555" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgdb7d555"><span class="section-number-2">9</span> Semantics</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-9">
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Partitive case PTV/PART <i>-ili’-</i></dt><dd>used for amounts</dd>
Example: three (of the) houses, <i>mílí’én</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Prepositional case PREP</dt><dd>when certain prepositions precede the noun</dd>

<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Postpositional case POST</dt><dd>when certain preposition follows the noun</dd>
Example: in/on/about the house
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Vocative case VOC <i>-wa</i></dt><dd>used for addressing someone, with or without a preposition</dd>
Example: Hey, father! O father! Father!, <i>pánámwá</i>

<div id="outline-container-org8805e6c" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org8805e6c"><span class="section-number-2">10</span> State</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-10">
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Abessive case ABE/ABESS <i>e-</i></dt><dd>the lack of something, a particular thing</dd>
Example: without the house, <i>émén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Adverbial case ADV <i>-ei</i></dt><dd>being as something</dd>
Example: as a house, <i>ménéí</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Comparative case COMP <i>-oit</i></dt><dd>similarity with something</dd>
Example: similar to the house, compared to the house, <i>ménóít</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Equative case <i>-ńt</i></dt><dd>comparison with something</dd>
Example: like the house, <i>ménńt</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Essive case <i>-oiþyd-</i></dt><dd>temporary state of being, general use (essive-formal or essive-modal undefined, or both)</dd>
Example: as the house, <i>móíþýdén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Essive-formal case <i>-ëd</i></dt><dd>marking a condition as a quality (a kind of shape)</dd>
Example: as a house, <i>ménêd</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Essive-modal case <i>-u’ug</i></dt><dd>marking a condition as a quality (a way of being)</dd>
Example: as a house, <i>ménú’úg</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Exessive case</dt><dd>marking a transition from a condition</dd>
Example: from being a house (i.e., “it stops being a house”)
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>*Formal case</dt><dd>marking a condition as a quality</dd>
Example: as a house
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Identical case <i>-etur</i></dt><dd>showing that something is identical</dd>
Example: being identical to the house, <i>ménétúr</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Orientative case ORI <i>fo-</i></dt><dd>oriented towards something</dd>
Example: turned towards the house, <i>fómén</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Revertive case <i>-ňo-</i></dt><dd>backwards to something</dd>
Example: against the house, <i>méňón</i>
<dl class="org-dl">
<dt>Translative case TRANSL <i>-in</i></dt><dd>change of a condition into another</dd>
Example: (turning) into a house, <i>ménín</i>
<div id="postamble" class="status">
<p class="author">Auteur: Lucien Cartier-Tilet</p>
<p class="date">Created: 2018-05-30 mer. 00:53</p>
<p class="validation"></p>