diff --git a/en/nyqy.org b/en/nyqy.org
index 4172d89..78d0ed6 100644
--- a/en/nyqy.org
+++ b/en/nyqy.org
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# -*- org-confirm-babel-evaluate: nil -*-
#+TITLE: Grammar of Ñyqy
#+include: ../headers/head-lvl1.org
+#+language: en
#+OPTIONS: auto-id:t
#+MACRO: nyqy (eval (conlanging/nyqy-to-phonetics "$1"))
@@ -90,19 +91,19 @@
are the only chapters that have not been written as if this were an in-world
-** Introduction to Ňyqy as a conlang
+** Introduction to Ñyqy as a conlang
:CUSTOM_ID: h-8aa14ca5-6a1c-4e03-b30a-75bd90452308
The {{{nyqy(Ñyqy)}}} language is a very simple language I created with the aim of
- creating a prototype language, or /proto-lang/. Although some features you
+ creating a prototype language, or /protolang/. Although some features you
will encounter later can be surprising, I do not aim for it to become as
natural as other naturalistic languages, or /natlangs/. Rather, this one is
simple enough to quickly learn its grammar, syntax, morphology and phonology,
but it is also complex enough for people to be able to actually the language
for simple sentences. However, don’t expect it to be developed too in-depth.
-** Introduction to Ňyqy as a real language
+** Introduction to Ñyqy as a real language
:CUSTOM_ID: h-ad4d6a0c-e05b-4c28-98c6-baec9e843e96
@@ -117,8 +118,8 @@
However, although we cannot go back that far in time to discover this unknown
part of our history, we are able to somewhat go back in time for a few
- milleniums, and discover languages that were spoken then. This time machine
- we call linguistics is fueled by our contemporary languages and old, dead
+ millennia, and discover languages that were spoken then. This time machine we
+ call linguistics is fueled by our contemporary languages and old, dead
languages we know about thanks to various documentation, both from our
current era and from the Old Era. Thanks to comparative linguistics, a great
number of my colleagues and predecessors were able, by comparing languages
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@
idea of what these languages were like, and through these languages we have a
tiny window through which we can guess what civilisations were like during
this period. And the furthest we ever went, the oldest language we know about
- is {{{nyqy(Ňyqy)}}}. This language is between eight and eleven thousand years old,
+ is {{{nyqy(Ñyqy)}}}. This language is between eight and eleven thousand years old,
it was spoken in one of the birthplaces of civilisation, and it is the mother
of about half the languages spoken throughout the world. Several of my
colleagues both from the past or from the present have already made some
@@ -141,21 +142,21 @@
colleagues in their works, and this has been a great honor.
However, working on this topic made me face a reality I was not aware of only
- a few years ago which might be critical for anyone studying the Ňyqy
+ a few years ago which might be critical for anyone studying the Ñyqy
language: there are no book in which we can find everything ever known, that
was ever discovered about the language, all in one single work. If anyone is
- interested in the Ňyqy language, they currently have to go through hundreds
+ interested in the Ñyqy language, they currently have to go through hundreds
if not thousands of books, papers and other media in order to find the
information they are searching for, and this lack of centralization of the
information about this language sometimes turns out as a nightmare for
students and professors alike. I think I even might be safe saying most of
- the work we do as Ňyqy specialists is not dedicated to the language or its
+ the work we do as Ñyqy specialists is not dedicated to the language or its
culture, but just finding the right information.
When I realized that, I shared my thoughts with my friend and colleague
- Q. Rhȩte about this, and we came to an agreement: we would spend as much time
+ Q. Rhete about this, and we came to an agreement: we would spend as much time
as necessary to make a compendium of all the knowledge we currently have on
- the Ňyqy people. While she will work on the cultural aspect, I will be
+ the Ñyqy people. While she will work on the cultural aspect, I will be
working on the language itself. And of course, as both subjects are closely
tied together, we will be helping each other. While I will be including a
very short version of her work in the following chapters, she will do the
@@ -166,89 +167,96 @@
their quest for knowledge as much as it helped us during the time we wrote
this. /né_{4}Hje_{2}lpel/
-** Conventions typographiques
+** Conventions
:CUSTOM_ID: h-410ccf5a-d5eb-436b-b3f4-a0a4bb4249e9
- Dans ce document seront utilisé certaines conventions typographiques, dont
- des gloses grammaticales inter-lignes[fn:4], une étoile ~*~ précédant des
- éléments linguistiques considérés comme erronés, un point d’interrogation ~?~
- afin de marquer des éléments linguistiques questionnables, ou bien dans les
- gloses une utilisation du chiffre zéro ~0~ afin de marquer une absence d’un
- ou plusieurs éléments.
+ In this document, I will make use of some conventions you can usually find in
+ other linguistic books, such as interlinear grammatical glosses, preceding
+ stars =*= indicating erroneous or theoretical but unattested linguistic
+ elements, a preceding question mark =?= to mark questionable elements, or the
+ zero number =0= to indicate the absence of one or several elements.
-** Liste d’abbréviations
+** Abbreviation list
:CUSTOM_ID: h-a5c14a00-99bb-48f9-8441-2b7624ccb1f0
-* La culture, l’histoire, le contexte sociolinguistique du Ñyqy
+* The Cultural, Ecological and Sociolinguistic Context of Ñyqy
:CUSTOM_ID: h-362fe960-94ae-42e2-8db3-54d52c7de175
-** Le peuple, son regard sur lui-même
+ This part will be an (rather long) abstract from /The Ñyqy People/ from my
+ colleague Q. Rhęte, a book about the culture of this people compiling all
+ knowledge available at that time on the subject. I strongly encourage you to
+ read it if you intend to study Ñyqy in order to know in which context this
+ language was use. Below you will only have a short version of this work which
+ is the absolute minimum any Ñyqy student should know, but again, you should
+ definitively get the book itself.
+** The people, its self image
:CUSTOM_ID: h-6b729f0a-7131-443b-8ef3-ddfbaa23c65d
- Peu de choses sont connues sur le peuple, du fait de sa distance avec nous,
- et du fait du peu d’éléments dont nous disposons directement ou
- indirectement. Beaucoup de nos connaissances actuelles nous parviennent soit
- des écrits survivants de l’Ère précédente, soit de recherches archéologiques,
- soit de recherches linguistiques.
+ Few things are known about the Ñyqy people due to how distant it is from us,
+ and due to how little amount of elements we have as direct knowledge from
+ them if any. Most of our knowledge comes from works from scholars from the
+ Old Era, and most of the knowledge from our era comes from analyzing even
+ further the various pieces of evidence we could get from the Old Era and
+ archaeological researches.
- Le nom de la langue fut choisi par des linguistes de l’Ère ancienne, très
- probablement du fait de la signification du mot : « nous ». Il semblerait
- également que le terme ait été utilisé par le peuple {{{nyqy(Ñyqy)}}} pour se
- désigner lui-même, mais nous disposons de trop peu de preuve afin de pouvoir
- affirmer cela avec certitude. Le terme s’analyse en deux morphèmes basiques,
- {{{nyqy(ñy)}}} et {{{nyqy(qy)}}}. Le terme {{{nyqy(ñy)}}} est le pronom personel du singulier,
- et {{{nyqy(qy)}}} qui le suit a plusieurs utilisations, le chiffre /6/ (le
- {{{nyqy(Ñyqy)}}} est une langue dont le système numérique est un système hybride
- entre une base six et une base treize) ou bien la pluralité, ici
- infléchissant le {{{nyqy(ñy)}}} afin de former la première personne du pluriel.
+ The name of the language has been chosen by linguists of the Old Era, most
+ likely due to its meaning: “us”. It seems like this term could have been used
+ by the {{{nyqy(Ñyqy)}}} people to designate themselves, but we have too little
+ proofs of this to say it with certainty. This words can be analyzed as two
+ basic morphemes, {{{nyqy(ñy)}}} and {{{nyqy(qy)}}}. The former is the first person
+ singular personal pronoun, and the latter is the Ñyqy term for “six”[fn:5]
+ which is used here to mark plurality, and hence the first person plural
+ personal pronoun.
- Il est à noter que le nom de cette langue est traditionellement écrite en un
- seul mot, cependant et comme nous le verrons plus tard, il s’agit d’une
- mauvaise habitude : chaque élément peut être analysé individuellement et peut
- donc être considéré comme mots séparés, d’où la néographie « Ñy Qy » que
- certains de mes collègues utilisent, tentant de corriger cette erreur
- maintenant multi-centenaire. Bien que je salue leur initiative je continuerai
- de nommer cette langue « Ñyqy » dans cet ouvrage afin de suivre la norme et
- afin de ne pas rendre confus certaines personnes n’ayant jamais rencontré
- cette néographie, et je présente mes excuses à ces collègues.
+ It should be reminded the name of this language, /Ñyqy/, is traditionally
+ written as a single word; however, this should be labeled as a bad habit.
+ Indeed, each of its components can and should be considered as individual
+ words, hence the neography /Ňy Qy/ which is already in use by some of my
+ colleagues. Although I appreciate their initiative, I will keep using the
+ spelling /Ñyqy/ in this work in order to follow the norm most of us follow
+ and have followed for centuries in order not to confuse potential readers who
+ do not know about this rather new spelling. Some people also refer to /Ñyqy/
+ as /proto-Ñyqy/, but I find this naming redundant, is rare overall, and is
+ used only if one wants to insist on the nature of the language as a
+ prototypical one.
- Parfois, d’autres personnes s’y référeront en tant que « proto-Ñyqy », ou
- « proto Ñy Qy », mais cette dénomination est plutôt rare étant donné
- l’abscence totale d’autres langues nommées « Ñyqy ». Elle n’est généralement
- utilisée que si le locuteur souhaite insister sur la nature de la langue
- comme langue mère de sa famille.
-** Recherches précédentes
+** Previous research
:CUSTOM_ID: h-15a213ff-d8f9-479b-a426-08d65de30d5d
- Comme mentionné plus tôt, le Ñyqy est l’objet depuis fort longtemps de
- recherches linguistiques, tout d’abord par des linguistes hélas aujourd’hui
- anonymes ayant vécus lors de l’Ère précédente. Leurs connaissances étaient
- sans doute beaucoup plus vastes que ce que nous avons pu récupérer,
- probablement similaires à celles dont nous disposons aujourd’hui, mais comme
- tout le monde le sait, seul peu de témoignages de cette époque ont pu nous
- parvenir, et les restes de l’Université de Ðbńo relève du miracle
- archéologique.
+ As mentioned earlier, Ñyqy is the subject of constant linguistic research,
+ first by linguists from the Old Era, most of them who unfortunately are
+ nameless today. Their knowledge of Ñyqy was undoubtedly vastly more important
+ than the knowledge we have about it today, but we should consider it a
+ miracle so much of their knowledge survived and was saved from the ruins of
+ their past universities discovered two hundred years ago.
- Ces premières recherches, une fois traduites, ont servi de base aux deux
- derniers siècles de recherche en direction du Ñyqy, avec notamment les
- recherches du Pr Loqbrekh (3489) le siècle dernier qui a réalisé d’importants
- progrès sur l’étude de cette langue grâce à l’addition de l’analyse du
- Énanonn, ainsi que les études du Pr Khorlan (3598) qui, il y a cinq ans, a
- également énormément fait progresser les recherches grâce à ses travaux sur
- le Tãso. Je me reposerai principalement sur leurs recherches afin de rédiger
- cet ouvrage, ainsi que leurs références diverses.
+ This knowledge, once translated, served as the base knowledge for our
+ research for the last two centuries, including our knowledge about the Ñyqy
+ language. Our contemporary colleague we have to thank the most is
+ Pr. Loqbrekh with his thesis from 3489 and who dedicated his life to the
+ restoration of the lost knowledge of this language. Officially, the last
+ segment about this topic was translated in 3524, and to this day, 3664,
+ linguists use comparative linguistics to study further Ñyqy. We also have to
+ thank Pr. Khorlan (3598) who made a great deal of discoveries by linking the
+ Énanonn language to Ñyqy, and Pr. Lero who compared the evolution of Ñyqy
+ with the evolution of Tãso (3601). This work will mostly rely on their
+ papers, although many more will be used, mainly from the University of Ðbńo
+ and the General Study Assembly of Lormel.
-** Ethnologie
+** Ethnology
:CUSTOM_ID: h-dec628cc-50e8-4370-889d-e54b2a2e2280
+ It is good to remind the reader that we have very little knowledge about the
+ Ñyqy people that come from direct proof and
Ce qui suit est un résumé de ce que l’on sait sur le peuple Ñyqy. Pour plus
de détails, vous pouvez vous référer à l’ouvrage /Le peuple Ñyqy/ de
K. Yerth, 3404. Un avertissement est tout de même nécessaire :
@@ -1272,6 +1280,10 @@
:CUSTOM_ID: h-defe47b2-686b-4d1c-ba9b-c84e6c482478
+[fn:5] It is to be noted the Ñyqy people used a hybrid number system, with which
+units were counted with a base 6 system, and higher numbers than 6 were counted
+with a base 12 system, except for its units.
[fn:4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlinear_gloss
[fn:3] [[https://www.internationalphoneticassociation.org/content/ipa-chart]]
@@ -1279,3 +1291,5 @@
[fn:2] [[https://phundrak.fr]]
[fn:1] https://langue.phundrak.fr
+# LocalWords: Rhete né Hje lpel neography Ňy Qy proto
diff --git a/taso.org b/taso.org
index 719a11a..1929a5e 100644
--- a/taso.org
+++ b/taso.org
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
| fermées | í ý | ì | |
| pré-fermées | i y | | u |
- | mi-fermées | é ȩ | | o õ |
+ | mi-fermées | é ę | | o õ |
| mi-ouverte | e ẽ | | |
| ouvertes | a | | ã |