use georm::Georm; use rand::seq::SliceRandom; use models::Author; mod models; #[sqlx::test(fixtures("simple_struct"))] async fn find_all_query_works(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let result = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(3, result.len()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test] async fn find_all_returns_empty_vec_on_empty_table(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let result = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(0, result.len()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test(fixtures("simple_struct"))] async fn find_query_works(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let id = 1; let res = Author::find(&pool, &id).await?; assert!(res.is_some()); let res = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(String::from("J.R.R. Tolkien"),; assert_eq!(1,; Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test] async fn find_returns_none_if_not_found(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let res = Author::find(&pool, &420).await?; assert!(res.is_none()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test] async fn create_works(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let author = Author { id: 1, name: "J.R.R. Tolkien".into(), ..Default::default() }; author.create(&pool).await?; let all_authors = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(1, all_authors.len()); assert_eq!(vec![author], all_authors); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test(fixtures("simple_struct"))] async fn create_fails_if_already_exists(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let author = Author { id: 2, name: "Miura Kentaro".into(), ..Default::default() }; let result = author.create(&pool).await; assert!(result.is_err()); let error = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!("error returned from database: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"authors_pkey\"", error.to_string()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test(fixtures("simple_struct"))] async fn update_works(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let expected_initial = Author { name: "J.R.R. Tolkien".into(), id: 1, biography_id: Some(2), }; let expected_final = Author { name: "Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien".into(), id: 1, biography_id: Some(2), }; let tolkien = Author::find(&pool, &1).await?; assert!(tolkien.is_some()); let mut tolkien = tolkien.unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_initial, tolkien); =; let updated = tolkien.update(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(expected_final, updated); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test] async fn update_fails_if_not_already_exists(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let author = Author { id: 2, name: "Miura Kentaro".into(), ..Default::default() }; let result = author.update(&pool).await; assert!(result.is_err()); let error = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!( "no rows returned by a query that expected to return at least one row", error.to_string() ); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test] async fn should_create_if_does_not_exist(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let all_authors = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(0, all_authors.len()); let author = Author { id: 4, name: "Miura Kentaro".into(), ..Default::default() }; author.create_or_update(&pool).await?; let all_authors = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(1, all_authors.len()); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test(fixtures("simple_struct"))] async fn should_update_if_exist(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let all_authors = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(3, all_authors.len()); let author = Author { id: 2, name: "Miura Kentaro".into(), ..Default::default() }; author.create_or_update(&pool).await?; let mut all_authors = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; all_authors.sort(); assert_eq!(3, all_authors.len()); assert_eq!(author, all_authors[1]); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test(fixtures("simple_struct"))] async fn delete_by_id_should_delete_only_one_entry(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let id = 2; let all_authors = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(3, all_authors.len()); assert!(all_authors.iter().any(|author| author.get_id() == &id)); let result = Author::delete_by_id(&pool, &id).await?; assert_eq!(1, result); let all_authors = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(2, all_authors.len()); assert!(all_authors.iter().all(|author| author.get_id() != &id)); Ok(()) } #[sqlx::test(fixtures("simple_struct"))] async fn delete_should_delete_current_entity_from_db(pool: sqlx::PgPool) -> sqlx::Result<()> { let mut all_authors = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(3, all_authors.len()); all_authors.shuffle(&mut rand::rng()); let author = all_authors.first().unwrap(); let result = author.delete(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(1, result); let all_authors = Author::find_all(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(2, all_authors.len()); assert!(all_authors.iter().all(|a| a.get_id() != author.get_id())); Ok(()) }