(define (declare-node node-text node-generation) (string-append (number->string node-generation) "[label=\"" node-text "\"];")) (define (make-link previous-node current-node) (string-append (number->string previous-node) " -- " (number->string current-node) ";")) (define (tree-to-dot-helper tree current-generation previous-generation) ;; Helper to ~tree-to-dot~ that translates a Scheme tree with any number of ;; children per node to a corresponding graphviz file that can be executed from ;; dot. ;; Arguments: ;; - tree :: tree to convert ;; - current-generation :: Generation number, incremented when changing from a node ;; to another node from the same generation, multiplied by 10 when going from ;; a node to one of its children. ;; - previous-generation :: Generation number from previous named node (cond ((null? tree) "") ((atom? (car tree)) ;; '("text" () () ()) (string-append (declare-node (car tree) current-generation) (make-link previous-generation current-generation) (tree-to-dot-helper (cdr tree) (+ 1 (* 10 current-generation)) current-generation))) ((list? (car tree)) ;; '(() () () ()) (string-append (tree-to-dot-helper (car tree) ;; child of current node current-generation previous-generation) (tree-to-dot-helper (cdr tree) ;; sibling of current node (+ 1 current-generation) previous-generation))))) (define (tree-to-dot tree) ;; Returns a graphviz’s dot-compatible string representing a Scheme tree (if (null? tree) "" (string-append "graph{node[shape=plaintext];graph[bgcolor=\"transparent\"];" (declare-node (car tree) 0) (tree-to-dot-helper (cdr tree) 1 0) "}"))) (define consonants '("consonants" ("[stop]" ("[fricative]" ("[voice]" ("g͡ʒ")) ("{voice}" ("k͡ʃ"))) ("{fricative}" ("[nasal]" ("[clic]" ("ᵑ‖")) ("{clic}" ("[voice]" ("[SG]" ("n̪͡d̪ʰ")) ("{SG}" ("n̪͡d̪"))) ("{voice}" ("[SG]" ("n̪͡t̪ʰ")) ("{SG}" ("n̪͡t̪"))))) ("{nasal}" ("[voice]" ("[dorsal]" ("[implosive]" ("ɠ")) ("{implosive}" ("[SG]" ("gʰ")) ("{SG}" ("g")))) ("{dorsal}" ("[implosive]" ("ɗ̪")) ("{implosive}" ("[SG]" ("d̪ʰ")) ("{SG}" ("d̪"))))) ("{voice}" ("[dorsal]" ("[implosive]" ("ƙ")) ("{implosive}" ("[SG]" ("kʰ")) ("{SG}" ("k")))) ("{dorsal}" ("[implosive]" ("ƭ̪")) ("{implosive}" ("[SG]" ("t̪ʰ")) ("{SG}" ("t̪")))))))) ("{stop}" ("[fricative]" ("[nasal]" ("[voice]" ("n͡ʒ")) ("{voice}" ("n͡ʃ"))) ("{nasal}" ("[coronal]" ("[voice]" ("ʒ")) ("{voice}" ("ʃ"))) ("{coronal}" ("[dorsal]" ("xʷ")) ("{dorsal}" ("ɸʷ"))))) ("{fricative}" ("[cons]" ("[cont]" ("l̪")) ("{cont}" ("[labial]" ("m")) ("{labial}" ("n̪")))) ("{cons}" ("[round]" ("w")) ("{round}" ("j"))))))) (define vowels '("vowels" ("[low]" ("[nasal]" ("ɑ̃")) ("{nasal}" ("a"))) ("{low}" ("[back]" ("[tense]" ("ɔ")) ("{tense}" ("u"))) ("{back}" ("[tense]" ("[rnd]" ("ø")) ("{rnd}" ("e"))) ("{tense}" ("[rnd]" ("ɛ")) ("{rnd}" ("œ"))))))) (display (tree-to-dot vowels))