

eshell-info-banner.el is a utility for creating an informative banner, akin to fish_greeting but for Eshell. But an image is worth a thousand words, lets see how it looks like:

Screenshot of the default Eshell information banner

This package is geared towards Linux in particular, I am pretty sure it will not work on Windows, and there will probably be bugs on macOS. PR are welcome if you want to fix that!


A couple of options are available for installing eshell-info-banner.el. The first one is to clone the repository in your load-path and add the following to your .emacs or your init.el:

  (require 'eshell-info-banner)
  (add-hook 'eshell-banner-load-hook 'eshell-info-banner-update-banner)

In my case, I prefer using use-package with straight:

(use-package eshell-info-banner
  :defer t
  :straight (eshell-info-banner :type git
                                :host github
                                :repo "phundrak/eshell-info-banner.el")
  :hook (eshell-banner-load . eshell-info-banner-update-banner))

I personally also added :build t in the straight recipe to ensure Emacs compiles my package, both to .elc and .eln files (I am on Emacs 28.0, feature/native-comp got merged into master!)

There is probably a similar way to install it with pure straight.el or quelpa, but Im not knowledgable enough for that, feel free to create a PR to add some more installation instructions!

There is currently no plans of making this package available on MELPA or non-gnu elpa.


A couple of variables can be edited by the user in order to configure eshell-info-banner.el:

Maximum length of the mount path of a partition before it gets abbreviated. Set it to ridiculous numbers in order to disable it (something like 1000 should be more than enough). Default value: 7
Minimum width of the banner. Be aware the banner will automatically select the minimal width required to display everything it wants to display if eshell-info-banner-width is too small. Default value: 80
Character to fill the progress bar with. Default value: =
Percentage from which the level should be displayed as a warning. Default value: 75
Percentage from which the level should be displayed as critical. Default value 90


eshell-info-banner.el is available under the GNU GPL-3.0 license. You can find the full text in

No description provided
Readme GPL-3.0 355 KiB
Emacs Lisp 99.4%
Makefile 0.6%