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;;; eshell-info-banner.el --- System information as your Eshell banner -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: Lucien Cartier-Tilet <>
;; Maintainer: Lucien Cartier-Tilet <>
;; Version: 0.8.8
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (s "1"))
;; Homepage:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; `eshell-info-banner' is a utility for creating an informative
;; banner akin to fish_greeting if fish shell but for Eshell. It can
;; provide information on:
;; - the OS name
;; - the OS kernel
;; - the hostname
;; - the uptime
;; - the systems memory usage (RAM, swap, disk)
;; - the battery status
;; It can be TRAMP-aware or not, depending on the users preferences.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 's)
(require 'em-banner)
(require 'json)
(require 'seq)
; Group ;
(defgroup eshell-info-banner ()
"System information as your Eshell banner."
:group 'eshell
:prefix "eshell-info-banner-"
:link '(url-link :tag "Gitea" "")
:link '(url-link :tag "Github" ""))
; Constants ;
(defconst eshell-info-banner-path-separator
(substring-no-properties (file-relative-name (expand-file-name "x" "y")) 1 2)
"File separator used by the current operating system.")
(defconst eshell-info-banner--min-length-left 8
"Minimum length of text on the left hand side of the banner.")
(defconst eshell-info-banner--macos-versions
'(("^10\\.0\\." . "Mac OS X Cheetah")
("^10\\.1\\." . "Mac OS X Puma")
("^10\\.2\\." . "Mac OS X Jaguar")
("^10\\.3\\." . "Mac OS X Panther")
("^10\\.4\\." . "Mac OS X Tiger")
("^10\\.5\\." . "Mac OS X Leopard")
("^10\\.6\\." . "Mac OS X Snow Leopard")
("^10\\.7\\." . "Mac OS X Lion")
("^10\\.8\\." . "OS X Mountain Lion")
("^10\\.9\\." . "OS X Mavericks")
("^10\\.10\\." . "OS X Yosemite")
("^10\\.11\\." . "OS X El Capitan")
("^10\\.12\\." . "macOS Sierra")
("^10\\.13\\." . "macOS High Sierra")
("^10\\.14\\." . "macOS Mojave")
("^10\\.15\\." . "macOS Catalina")
("^10\\.16\\." . "macOS Big Sur")
("^11\\." . "macOS Big Sur")
("^12\\." . "macOS Monterey"))
"Versions of OSX and macOS and their name."))
(defconst eshell-info-banner--posix-shells '("bash" "zsh" "sh")
"List of POSIX-compliant shells to run external commands through.")
; Custom variables ;
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware t
"Make `eshell-info-banner' TRAMP aware."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'boolean
:safe #'booleanp)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-shorten-path-from 7
"From which length should a path be shortened?"
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'integer
:safe #'integer-or-marker-p)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-width 80
"Width of the info banner to be shown in Eshell."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'integer
:safe #'integer-or-marker-p)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-progress-bar-char "="
"Character to fill the progress bars with."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'string
:safe #'stringp)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-warning-percentage 75
"When to warn about a percentage."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'float
:safe #'floatp)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-critical-percentage 90
"When a percentage becomes critical."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'float
:safe #'floatp)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-partition-prefixes '("/dev")
"List of prefixes for detecting which partitions to display."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'list)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-filter-duplicate-partitions nil
"Whether to filter duplicate partitions.
Two partitions are considered duplicate if they have the same
size and amount of space used."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-exclude-partitions nil
"List of patterns to exclude from the partition list.
Patterns are matched against the partition name with
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type '(repeat string))
(defmacro eshell-info-banner--executable-find (program)
"Find PROGRAM executable, possibly on a remote machine.
This is a wrapper around `executable-find' in order to avoid
issues with older versions of the functions only accepting one
argument. `executable-find's remote argument has the value of
(if (version< emacs-version "27.1")
`(let ((default-directory (if eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware
(executable-find ,program))
`(executable-find ,program eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware)))
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-duf-executable "duf"
"Path to the `duf' executable."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'string
:safe #'stringp)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-use-duf
(if (eshell-info-banner--executable-find eshell-info-banner-duf-executable)
"If non-nil, use `duf' instead of `df'."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type 'boolean
:safe #'booleanp)
(defcustom eshell-info-banner-file-size-flavor nil
"Display sizes with IEC prefixes."
:group 'eshell-info-banner
:type '(radio (const :tag "Default" nil)
(const :tag "SI" si)
(const :tag "IEC" iec)))
; Faces ;
(defface eshell-info-banner-background-face
'((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face))
"Face for \"empty\" part of progress bars."
:group 'eshell-info-banner)
(defface eshell-info-banner-normal-face
'((t :inherit font-lock-string-face))
"Face for `eshell-info-banner' progress bars displaying acceptable levels."
:group 'eshell-info-banner)
(defface eshell-info-banner-warning-face
'((t :inherit warning))
"Face for `eshell-info-banner' progress bars displaying high levels."
:group 'eshell-info-banner)
(defface eshell-info-banner-critical-face
'((t :inherit error))
"Face for `eshell-info-banner' progress bars displaying critical levels."
:group 'eshell-info-banner)
; Macros and Utilities ;
(defmacro eshell-info-banner--with-face (str &rest properties)
"Helper macro for applying face PROPERTIES to STR."
`(propertize ,str 'face (list ,@properties)))
(defun eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string (command)
"Execute shell command COMMAND and return its output as a string.
Ensures the command is ran with LANG=C."
(let ((shell (or (seq-find (lambda (shell)
(eshell-info-banner--executable-find shell))
(let ((default-directory (if eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware default-directory "~")))
(process-file shell nil t nil "-c" (concat "LANG=C " command))
(defun eshell-info-banner--progress-bar-without-prefix (bar-length used total &optional newline)
"Display a progress bar without its prefix.
Display a progress bar of BAR-LENGTH length, followed by an
indication of how full the memory is with a human readable USED
and TOTAL size.
Optional argument NEWLINE: Whether to output a newline at the end
of the progress bar."
(let ((percentage (if (= used 0)
(/ (* 100 used) total))))
(concat (eshell-info-banner--progress-bar bar-length percentage)
(format (if (equal eshell-info-banner-file-size-flavor 'iec)
" %8s / %-8s (%3s%%)%s"
" %6s / %-6s (%3s%%)%s")
(file-size-human-readable used eshell-info-banner-file-size-flavor)
(file-size-human-readable total eshell-info-banner-file-size-flavor)
(number-to-string percentage)
:inherit (eshell-info-banner--get-color-percentage percentage))
(if newline "\n" "")))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--string-repeat (str times)
"Repeat STR for TIMES times."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(let (result)
(cl-dotimes (_ times)
(setq result (cons str result)))
(apply #'concat result)))
; Internal functions ;
; Misc ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-uptime ()
"Get uptime of machine if `uptime' is available.
If the executable `uptime' is not found, return nil."
(when (eshell-info-banner--executable-find "uptime")
(let ((uptime-str (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "uptime -p")))
(if (not (seq-some (lambda (keyword)
(string-match-p keyword uptime-str))
'("invalid" "illegal" "unknown")))
(s-chop-prefix "up " (s-trim uptime-str))
(let ((uptime-str (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "uptime")))
(string-match "[^,]+up *\\([^,]+\\)," uptime-str)
(s-trim (substring-no-properties uptime-str
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1)))))))))
; Partitions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(cl-defstruct eshell-info-banner--mounted-partitions
"Object representing a mounted partition found in the system."
path size used percent)
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-longest-path (partitions)
"Return the length of the longest partition path in PARTITIONS.
The returned value is in any case greater than
(let ((length eshell-info-banner--min-length-left))
(dolist (partition partitions length)
(setf length (max length
(length (eshell-info-banner--mounted-partitions-path partition)))))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--abbr-path (path &optional abbr)
"Remove `$HOME' from PATH, abbreviate parent dirs if ABBR non nil.
Abbreviate PATH by removing the value of HOME if it is present in
the former, and if ABBR is t then all parent directories of the
current PATH are abbreviated to only one character. If an
abbreviated directory starts with a dot, then include it before
the abbreviated name of the directory, e.g. \".config\" ->
For public use, PATH should be a string representing a UNIX path.
For internal use, PATH can also be a list. If PATH is neither of
these, an error will be thrown by the function."
((stringp path)
(let ((abbr-path (abbreviate-file-name path)))
(if abbr
(split-string abbr-path eshell-info-banner-path-separator t)))
((null path) "")
((listp path)
(let ((file (eshell-info-banner--abbr-path (cdr path)))
(directory (if (= (length path) 1)
(car path)
(let* ((dir (car path))
(first-char (substring dir 0 1)))
(if (string= "." first-char)
(substring dir 0 2)
(if (string= "" file)
(let ((relative-p (not (file-name-absolute-p directory)))
(new-dir (expand-file-name file directory)))
(if relative-p
(file-relative-name new-dir)
(t (error "Invalid argument %s, neither stringp or listp" path))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-duf ()
"Detect mounted partitions on systems supporting `duf'.
Return detected partitions as a list of structs. See
`eshell-info-banner-partition-prefixes' to see how partitions are
chosen. Relies on the `duf' command."
(let* ((partitions (json-read-from-string (with-temp-buffer
(call-process "duf" nil t nil "-json")
(partitions (cl-remove-if-not (lambda (partition)
(let ((device (format "%s" (cdr (assoc 'device partition)))))
(seq-some (lambda (prefix)
(string-prefix-p prefix device t))
(seq-into-sequence partitions))))
(mapcar (lambda (partition)
(let* ((mount-point (format "%s" (cdr (assoc 'mount_point partition))))
(total (cdr (assoc 'total partition)))
(used (cdr (assoc 'used partition)))
(percent (/ (* 100 used) total)))
:path (if (> (length mount-point) eshell-info-banner-shorten-path-from)
(eshell-info-banner--abbr-path mount-point t)
:size total
:used used
:percent percent)))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-df (mount-position)
"Get mounted partitions through df.
Common function between
`eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-gnu' and
`eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-darwin' which would
otherwise differ solely on the position of the mount point in the
partition list. Its position is given by the argument
(let ((partitions (cdr (split-string (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "df -l -k")
(regexp-quote "\n")
(cl-remove-if #'null
(mapcar (lambda (partition)
(let* ((partition (split-string partition " " t))
(filesystem (nth 0 partition))
(size (* (string-to-number (nth 1 partition)) 1024))
(used (* (string-to-number (nth 2 partition)) 1024))
(percent (nth 4 partition))
(mount (nth mount-position partition)))
(when (seq-some (lambda (prefix)
(string-prefix-p prefix filesystem t))
:path (if (> (length mount) eshell-info-banner-shorten-path-from)
(eshell-info-banner--abbr-path mount t)
:size size
:used used
:percent (string-to-number
(s-chop-suffix "%" percent))))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-gnu ()
"Detect mounted partitions on a Linux system.
Return detected partitions as a list of structs. See
`eshell-info-banner-partition-prefixes' to see how partitions are
chosen. Relies on the `df' command."
(eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-df 5))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-windows ()
"Detect mounted partitions on a Windows system.
Return detected partitions as a list of structs. See
`eshell-info-banner-partition-prefixes' to see how partitions are
(warn "Partition detection for Windows and DOS not yet supported.")
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-darwin ()
"Detect mounted partitions on a Darwin/macOS system.
Return detected partitions as a list of structs. See
`eshell-info-banner-partition-prefixes' to see how partitions are
chosen. Relies on the `df' command."
(eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-df 8))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-1 ()
"Detect mounted partitions on the system.
Return detected partitions as a list of structs."
(if eshell-info-banner-use-duf
(pcase system-type
((or 'gnu 'gnu/linux 'gnu/kfreebsd 'berkeley-unix)
((or 'ms-dos 'windows-nt 'cygwin)
(warn "Partition detection for %s not yet supported." other)
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions ()
"Detect mounted partitions on the system.
Take `eshell-info-banner-filter-duplicate-partitions' and
`eshell-info-banner-exclude-partitions' into account."
(let ((partitions (eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions-1)))
(when eshell-info-banner-filter-duplicate-partitions
(setq partitions
(cl-loop for partition in partitions
with used = nil
for signature =
(format "%d-%d"
(eshell-info-banner--mounted-partitions-size partition)
(eshell-info-banner--mounted-partitions-used partition))
unless (member signature used)
collect partition and do (push signature used))))
(when eshell-info-banner-exclude-partitions
(setq partitions
(seq-filter (lambda (partition)
(let ((path (eshell-info-banner--mounted-partitions-path
(not (seq-some
(lambda (pattern)
(string-match-p pattern path))
(defun eshell-info-banner--partition-to-string (partition text-padding bar-length)
"Display a progress bar showing how full a PARTITION is.
For TEXT-PADDING and BAR-LENGTH, see the documentation of
(concat (s-pad-right text-padding
(eshell-info-banner--mounted-partitions-path partition)
:weight 'bold))
": "
(eshell-info-banner--mounted-partitions-used partition)
(eshell-info-banner--mounted-partitions-size partition))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--display-partitions (text-padding bar-length)
"Display the detected mounted partitions of the system.
For TEXT-PADDING and BAR-LENGTH, see the documentation of
(mapconcat (lambda (partition)
(eshell-info-banner--partition-to-string partition text-padding bar-length))
; Memory ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-memory-gnu ()
"Get memory usage for GNU/Linux and Hurd."
(mapcar (lambda (line)
(let* ((line (split-string line " " t)))
(list (s-chop-suffix ":" (nth 0 line)) ; name
(string-to-number (nth 1 line)) ; total
(string-to-number (nth 2 line))))) ; used
(split-string (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "free -b | tail -2")
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-memory-unix-command-to-mem (command)
"Get the output of COMMAND corresponding to memory information.
This function is to be only used on platforms which support sysctl."
(car (last
(split-string (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string command)
" "
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-memory-netbsd ()
"Get memory usage for NetBSD systems.
See `eshell-info-banner--get-memory'."
(let* ((total (eshell-info-banner--get-memory-unix-command-to-mem "sysctl hw.physmem64"))
(used (- total
(* 1024 (string-to-number
(insert-file-contents-literally "/proc/meminfo")
(string-match (rx bol
(* blank)
(group (+ digit))
(* blank)
(substring-no-properties (buffer-string)
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1))))))))))
`(("RAM" ,total ,used))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-memory-darwin ()
"Get memory usage for Darwin systems.
See `eshell-info-banner--get-memory'."
(let* ((total (eshell-info-banner--get-memory-unix-command-to-mem "sysctl -n hw.memsize"))
(vmstat (with-temp-buffer
(call-process "vm_stat" nil t nil)
(wired (save-match-data
(string-match (rx " wired" (* (not digit)) (+ blank) (group (+ digit)) ".")
(* 1024 4
(string-to-number (substring-no-properties vmstat
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1))))))
(active (save-match-data
(string-match (rx " active" (* (not digit)) (+ blank) (group (+ digit)) ".")
(* 1024 4
(string-to-number (substring-no-properties vmstat
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1))))))
(compressed (save-match-data
(if (string-match (rx " occupied" (* (not digit)) (+ blank) (group (+ digit)) ".")
(* 1024 4
(string-to-number (substring-no-properties vmstat
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1))))
`(("RAM" ,total ,(+ wired active compressed)))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-memory-unix ()
"Get memory usage for UNIX systems."
(cond ((and (equal system-type 'berkeley-unix)
(string-match-p "NetBSD" (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "uname")))
((equal system-type 'darwin)
(let* ((total (eshell-info-banner--get-memory-unix-command-to-mem "sysctl hw.physmem"))
(used (eshell-info-banner--get-memory-unix-command-to-mem "sysctl hw.usermem")))
`(("RAM" ,total ,used))))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-memory-windows ()
"Get memory usage for Window."
(warn "Memory usage not yet implemented for Windows and DOS")
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-memory ()
"Get memory usage of current operating system.
Return a list of either one or two elements. The first element
represents the RAM, the second represents the swap. Both are
lists and contain three elements: the name of the memory, the
total amount of memory available, and the amount of used memory,
in bytes."
(pcase system-type
((or 'gnu 'gnu/linux)
((or 'darwin 'berkeley-unix 'gnu/kfreebsd)
((or 'ms-dos 'windows-nt 'cygwin)
(os (warn "Memory usage not yet implemented for %s" os)
(defun eshell-info-banner--memory-to-string (type total used text-padding bar-length)
"Display a memorys usage with a progress bar.
The TYPE of memory will be the text on the far left, while USED
and TOTAL will be displayed on the right of the progress bar.
From them, a percentage will be computed which will be used to
display a colored percentage of the progress bar and it will be
displayed on the far right.
TEXT-PADDING will determine how many dots are necessary between
TYPE and the colon.
BAR-LENGTH determines the length of the progress bar to be
(concat (s-pad-right text-padding "." type)
": "
(eshell-info-banner--progress-bar-without-prefix bar-length used total t)))
(defun eshell-info-banner--display-memory (text-padding bar-length)
"Display memories detected on your system.
This function will create a string used by `eshell-info-banner'
in order to display memories detected by the package, generally
the Ram at least, sometimes the swap too. Displayed progress
bars will have this appearance:
TYPE......: [=========] XXG / XXG (XX%)
TEXT-PADDING: the space allocated to the text at the left of the
progress bar.
BAR-LENGTH: the length of the progress bar."
(mapconcat (lambda (mem)
(eshell-info-banner--memory-to-string (nth 0 mem) (nth 1 mem)
(nth 2 mem) text-padding
; Display information ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-color-percentage (percentage)
"Display a PERCENTAGE with its according face."
(let ((percentage (if (stringp percentage)
(string-to-number percentage)
((>= percentage eshell-info-banner-critical-percentage)
((>= percentage eshell-info-banner-warning-percentage)
(t 'eshell-info-banner-normal-face))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--progress-bar (length percentage &optional invert)
"Display a progress bar LENGTH long and PERCENTAGE full.
The full path will be displayed filled with the character
specified by `eshell-info-banner-progress-bar-char' up to
PERCENTAGE percents. The rest will be empty.
If INVERT is t, then consider the percentage to approach
critical levels close to 0 rather than 100."
(let* ((length-filled (if (= 0 percentage)
(/ (* length percentage) 100)))
(length-empty (- length length-filled))
(percentage-level (if invert
(- 100 percentage)
(eshell-info-banner--with-face "[" :weight 'bold)
(eshell-info-banner--with-face (eshell-info-banner--string-repeat eshell-info-banner-progress-bar-char
:weight 'bold
:inherit (eshell-info-banner--get-color-percentage percentage-level))
(eshell-info-banner--with-face (eshell-info-banner--string-repeat eshell-info-banner-progress-bar-char
:weight 'bold
:inherit 'eshell-info-banner-background-face)
(eshell-info-banner--with-face "]" :weight 'bold))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--display-battery (text-padding bar-length)
"If the computer has a battery, display its level.
Pad the left text with dots by TEXT-PADDING characters.
BAR-LENGTH indicates the length in characters of the progress
The usage of `eshell-info-banner-warning-percentage' and
`eshell-info-banner-critical-percentage' is reversed, and can be
thought of as the “percentage of discharge” of the computer.
Thus, setting the warning at 75% will be translated as showing
the warning face with a battery level of 25% or less."
(let ((battery-level (unless (and (equal system-type 'gnu/linux)
(not (file-readable-p "/sys/")))
(if (or (null battery-level)
(string= battery-level "Battery status not available")
(string-match-p (regexp-quote "N/A") battery-level))
(let ((percentage (save-match-data
(string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)\\(\\.[0-9]\\)?%" battery-level)
(string-to-number (substring battery-level
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1))))))
(concat (s-pad-right text-padding "." "Battery")
": "
(eshell-info-banner--progress-bar bar-length
" "
(if (equal eshell-info-banner-file-size-flavor 'iec) 21 17))
(format "(%3s%%)\n"
(number-to-string percentage)
:inherit (eshell-info-banner--get-color-percentage (- 100.0 percentage)))))))))
; Operating system identification ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-os-information-from-release-file (&optional release-file)
"Read the operating system from the given RELEASE-FILE.
If RELEASE-FILE is nil, use '/etc/os-release'."
(let ((prefix (if eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware (file-remote-p default-directory) "")))
(insert-file-contents (concat prefix (or release-file "/etc/os-release")))
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "PRETTY_NAME=\"\\(.*\\)\"")
(match-string 1))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-os-information-from-hostnamectl ()
"Read the operating system via hostnamectl."
(let ((default-directory (if eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware default-directory "~")))
(process-file "hostnamectl" nil t nil)
(re-search-backward "Operating System: \\(.*\\)")
(match-string 1))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-os-information-from-lsb-release ()
"Read the operating system information from lsb_release."
(eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "lsb_release -d -s"))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-os-information-from-registry ()
"Read the operating system information from the Windows registry."
(let ((win32-name "Windows")
(win32-build "Unknown"))
(call-process "reg" nil t nil "query" "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion")
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "\\([^[:blank:]]+\\) *\\(REG_[^[:blank:]]+\\) *\\(.+\\)" nil t)
((string= "ProductName" (match-string 1)) (setq win32-name (match-string 3)))
((string= "BuildLab" (match-string 1)) (setq win32-build (match-string 3)))))
(format "%s (%s)" win32-name win32-build))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-os-information-windows ()
"See `eshell-info-banner--get-os-information'."
(let ((os (eshell-info-banner--get-os-information-from-registry)))
(string-match "\\([^()]+\\) *(\\([^()]+\\))" os)
`(,(s-trim (substring-no-properties os
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1)))
,(substring-no-properties os
(match-beginning 2)
(match-end 2))))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-os-information-gnu ()
"See `eshell-info-banner--get-os-information'."
(let ((prefix (if eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware (file-remote-p default-directory) "")))
;; Bedrock Linux
((file-exists-p (concat prefix "/bedrock/etc/bedrock-release"))
(s-trim (with-temp-buffer
(insert-file-contents (concat prefix "/bedrock/etc/bedrock-release"))
;; Proxmox
((eshell-info-banner--executable-find "pveversion")
(let ((distro (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "pveversion")))
(string-match "/\\([^/]+\\)/" distro)
(concat "Proxmox "
(substring-no-properties distro
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1))))))
((eshell-info-banner--executable-find "hostnamectl")
((eshell-info-banner--executable-find "lsb_release")
((file-exists-p (concat prefix "/etc/os-release"))
((eshell-info-banner--executable-find "shepherd")
(let ((distro (car (s-lines (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "guix -V")))))
(string-match "\\([0-9\\.]+\\)" distro)
(concat "Guix System "
(substring-no-properties distro
(match-beginning 1)
(match-end 1))))))
((equal system-type 'gnu/kfreebsd)
(let* ((default-directory (if eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware default-directory "~")))
(s-trim (with-temp-buffer
(process-file "uname" nil t nil "-s")
((and (file-exists-p (concat prefix "/system/app"))
(file-exists-p (concat prefix "/system/priv-app")))
(concat "Android "
(s-trim (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "getprop"))))
(t "Unknown"))
,(s-trim (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "uname -rs")))))
(defmacro eshell-info-banner--get-macos-name (version)
"Get the name of the current macOS or OSX system based on its VERSION."
,@(mapcar (lambda (major)
`((string-match-p ,(car major)
,(cdr major)))
(t "unknown version")))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-os-information-darwin ()
"See `eshell-info-banner--get-os-information'."
(eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "sw_vers -productVersion")))
,(s-trim (eshell-info-banner--shell-command-to-string "uname -rs"))))
(defun eshell-info-banner--get-os-information ()
"Get operating system identifying information.
Return a pair containing first the name of the operating system
and second its kernel name and version (or in Windows case its
build number)."
(pcase system-type
((or 'ms-dos 'windows-nt 'cygwin)
((or 'gnu 'gnu/linux 'gnu/kfreebsd 'berkeley-unix)
(os (warn "Operating system information retrieving not yet supported for %s" os)
'((format "%s") . "Unknown"))))
; Public functions ;
(defun eshell-info-banner ()
"Banner for Eshell displaying system information."
(let* ((default-directory (if eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware default-directory "~"))
(system-info (eshell-info-banner--get-os-information))
(os (car system-info))
(kernel (cdr system-info))
(hostname (if eshell-info-banner-tramp-aware
(or (file-remote-p default-directory 'host) (system-name))
(uptime (eshell-info-banner--get-uptime))
(partitions (eshell-info-banner--get-mounted-partitions))
(left-padding (eshell-info-banner--get-longest-path partitions))
(left-text (max (length os)
(length hostname)))
(left-length (+ left-padding 2 left-text)) ; + ": "
(right-text (+ (length "Kernel: ")
(max (length uptime)
(length kernel))))
(tot-width (max (+ left-length right-text 3)
(middle-padding (- tot-width right-text left-padding 4))
(bar-length (- tot-width left-padding 4 23))
(bar-length (if (equal eshell-info-banner-file-size-flavor 'iec)
(- bar-length 4)
(concat (format "%s\n" (eshell-info-banner--string-repeat eshell-info-banner-progress-bar-char
(format "%s: %s Kernel.: %s\n"
(s-pad-right left-padding
(s-pad-right middle-padding " " (eshell-info-banner--with-face os :weight 'bold))
(format "%s: %s Uptime.: %s\n"
(s-pad-right left-padding "." "Hostname")
(s-pad-right middle-padding " " (eshell-info-banner--with-face hostname :weight 'bold))
(eshell-info-banner--display-battery left-padding bar-length)
(eshell-info-banner--display-memory left-padding bar-length)
(eshell-info-banner--display-partitions left-padding bar-length)
(format "\n%s\n" (eshell-info-banner--string-repeat eshell-info-banner-progress-bar-char
(defun eshell-info-banner-update-banner ()
"Update the Eshell banner."
(setq eshell-banner-message (eshell-info-banner)))
(provide 'eshell-info-banner)
;;; eshell-info-banner.el ends here