function 4chandl -d "Download media from 4chan thread" if ! count $argv > /dev/null echo 'No URL specified! Give the URL to thread as the only argument.' end set url $argv[1] set regex_4cdn '\/\/is2\.4chan\.org\/[a-z]+\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z]{3,4}' set total (curl -ks $url | grep -oE $regex_4cdn | uniq | wc -l) echo total: $total set counter 1 for image_url in (curl -k -s $url | grep -Eo $regex_4cdn | uniq | sed 's/^/https:/') echo -n Downloading image $counter of $total... wget --no-check-certificate -q -nc $image_url echo ' Done' set counter (math $counter + 1) end end