[[http://spacemacs.org][file:https://cdn.rawgit.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/442d025779da2f62fc86c2082703697714db6514/assets/spacemacs-badge.svg]] * P’undrak’s dotfiles ** Presentation This is my collection of dotfiles for my daily GNU/Linux environment, tweaked to my liking. If you wish to get the same setup as mine, follow the instructions below. As you can see, I personally use [[https://fishshell.com/][fish]] as my shell of choice, and [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][Emacs]] using [[http://spacemacs.org][Spacemacs]] (still with Emacs keybinding) as my main text editor. I also use [[https://github.com/resloved/i3][Resolved]]’s [[https://github.com/resloved/i3][fork]] of [[https://github.com/Airblader/i3][i3-gaps]] with two [[https://github.com/jaagr/polybar][polybar]] bars and [[https://github.com/tryone144][Tryone144]]’s [[https://github.com/tryone144/compton][fork]] of [[https://github.com/chjj/compton][Compton]]. The colors scheme for [[https://github.com/davatorium/rofi][rofi]], Emacs and polybar are chosen from the wallpapers using [[https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal][pywal]]. ** Features - Emacs configuration perfectly tailored for my own use - Beautiful and comfy i3 and polybar configuration ** Screenshots [[./img/neofetch.png]] [[./img/emacs.png]] [[./img/rofi.png]] ** Dependencies Of course, some dependencies are needed for my dotfiles to work well. Here is a non-exhaustive list of software needed by these configuration files: - Emacs >= 26.2 - Spacemacs (develop branch) - fish - [[https://st.suckless.org/][st]] ([[https://github.com/mattiadr][Mattiadr]]’s [[https://github.com/mattiadr/st][fork]]) - i3-gaps - compton - pywal - j4-dmenu-desktop - minted - Rust nightly - texlive-core And some other stuff scattered around in my dotfiles. I also use my own layer for conlanging when within org-mode in Emacs, you can find it [[https://labs.phundrak.fr/phundrak/conlang-layer][here]]. I also use [[https://github.com/venmos][Venmos]]’ [[https://github.com/venmos/w3m-layer][w3m layer]]. ** Installation To have the same install as I do, simply symlink your configuration files to the files in this git repository. ** Licence All of my dotfiles (and my dotfiles only) are available under the GNU GPLv3 Licence. Please consult [[file:LICENCE.md]] for more information. In short: you are free to access, edit and redistribute all of my dotfiles under the same licence and as allowed by the licence, and if you fuck up something, it’s your own responsibility.