#!/bin/fish # -*- mode: fish -*- # A dmenu prompt to unmount drives. # Provides you with mounted partitions, select one to unmount. # Drives mounted at /, /boot and /home will not be options to unmount. # From https://github.com/ihebchagra/dotfiles/blob/master/.local/bin/dumount set -g drives (lsblk -nrpo "name,type,size,mountpoint" | awk '$2=="part"&&$4!~/\/boot|\/home$|SWAP/&&length($4)>1{printf "%s (%s)\n",$4,$3}') set -g androids (awk '/jmtpfs/ {print $2}' /etc/mtab) set -g cds (awk '/sr0/ {print $2}' /etc/mtab) set -g undrivefile /tmp/undrives rm -f $undrivefile touch $undrivefile test -n "$drives" && echo "USB" >> $undrivefile test -n "$cds" && echo "CD" >> $undrivefile test -n "$androids" && echo "Android" >> $undrivefile function unmountusb test -z "$drives" && rm $undrivefile && return 0 set chosen (echo $drives | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Unmount which drive?" | awk '{print $1}') test -z "$chosen" && rm $undrivefile && return 0 sudo -A umount $chosen && notify-send "💻 USB unmounting" "$chosen unmounted." -a "dumount" end function unmountandroid set chosen (echo $androids | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Unmount which device?") test -z "$chosen" && rm $undrivefile && return 0 sudo -A umount -l $chosen && notify-send "🤖 Android unmounting" "$chosen unmounted." -a "dumount" end function unmountcd set chosen (echo "$cds" | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Unmount which CD?") test -z "$chosen" && rm $undrivefile && return 0 sudo -A umount -l $chosen && notify-send "💿 CD unmounting" "$chosen unmounted." -a "dumount" end function asktype switch (cat $undrivefile | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Unmount which type of device?") case 'USB' unmountusb case 'CD' unmountcd case 'Android' unmountandroid end end switch (wc -l < $undrivefile) case 0 notify-send "No USB drive or Android device or CD to unmount" -a "dumount" case 1 switch (cat $undrivefile) case 'USB' unmountusb case 'CD' unmountcd case 'Android' unmountandroid end end