# pylint: disable=C0111 from qutebrowser.config.configfiles import ConfigAPI # noqa: F401 from qutebrowser.config.config import ConfigContainer # noqa: F401 config: ConfigAPI = config # noqa: F821 pylint: disable=E0602,C0103 c: ConfigContainer = c # noqa: F821 pylint: disable=E0602,C0103 # Editor (and arguments) to use for the `edit-*` commands. The following # placeholders are defined: * `{file}`: Filename of the file to be # edited. * `{line}`: Line in which the caret is found in the text. * # `{column}`: Column in which the caret is found in the text. * # `{line0}`: Same as `{line}`, but starting from index 0. * `{column0}`: # Same as `{column}`, but starting from index 0. # Type: ShellCommand c.editor.command = ['emacsclient', '-c', '+{line}:{column0}', '{file}'] # Encoding to use for the editor. # Type: Encoding c.editor.encoding = 'utf-8'