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2 changed files with 1 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ A quick and useful script I often use is a ~curl~ request to [[
rofi -dmenu -i -p "Resolution" | \
string split " ")
mpv --ytdl-format=$FCODE "$URL"
mpv --ytdl-format=$FCODE+bestaudio/best "$URL"

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@ -1579,15 +1579,6 @@ Finally, lets enable globally ~diredfl~ so we can get a colourful Dired buffe
(diredfl-global-mode 1)
*** Emacs Lisp
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Emacs-builtins-Emacs-Lisp-36d134d8
This chapter will be really short, as most of the defaults I get with Emacs quite fit my needs. However, I wish to declare a custom leader key chord for evil-lisp-state:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(evil-lisp-state-leader ", l")
*** Eshell
:CUSTOM_ID: User_Configuration-Eshell-3012e67e