Rename `' to `' since it better describes
what it is for.
Rename `' to `', preparing for the new
`' dedicated to my vanilla config.
Chemacs2 is a utility for Emacs to switch between various profiles and
configurations of Emacs without a hassle.
It thus helps me run my fully configured Spacemacss alongside my new
attempt at configuring some vanilla Emacs after years of using
I also added Doom-Emacs for reference.
Shortcut `SPC o '' now launches `eshell-new' instead of just plain
`eshell', a new shortcut invokes `vterm', and the shortcut for
`helm-man-woman' is removed in favor of the default one in Spacemacs
This commit fixes an issue with the macro `phundrak-var-or-if-nil' by
removing it entirely. For some reason, it was broken in a previous
commit, and the path did not show up in the prompt unless in a git
Now, `phundrak-var-or-if-nil' is removed entirely.
Previously, some code relied on dash.el to generate some code when
tangling my Emacs config, but if Emacs was to be launched without an
up to date tangled configuration, it would attempt to automatically
tangle it. However, due to dash.el not being loaded, it could not find
some of the required functions.
This commit replaces these functions with handmade functions that can
be loaded at tangle-time, and tangling always works.
- Set a better date format for mu4e than the American format
- Remove mu4e relying on w3m
- change the size of fixed font
- change variable-pitch font
Add function `phundrak/file-to-string' which reads the content of a
file to a string.
Eshell banner makes one less shell command and makes it a bit more
distro-agnostic, although still very Linux-centered.
Turns out isync didn’t sync my /Junk directory in which were a lot of
emails I would have liked to read. Now bookmarks referring to /Inbox
also display content from /Junk
Also, emails are automatically signed with PGP/MIME now.