[Emacs] Update keybinds
`SPC e' is now dedicated to flyspell and errors-related functions. Email keybinds move from `SPC e' to `SPC a e', and elfeed moves from `SPC a e' to `SPC a E'
This commit is contained in:
@ -6677,7 +6677,7 @@ Undefining some stuff to make keybind prefixes work correctly.
"c" '(:ignore t :wk "code")
"cl" #'evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-email, prefix="e")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybinds-files, prefix="f")>>
@ -6715,8 +6715,10 @@ Here are my apps keybinds. Each one of them is prefixed by ~a~.
| | | apps |
| c | calc | |
| d | docker | |
| e | elfeed | |
| E | eww | |
| E | elfeed | |
| e | | email |
| c | mu4e-compose-new | |
| ee | mu4e | |
| k | keycast-mode | |
| K | keycast-log-mode | |
| T | tetris | |
@ -6750,17 +6752,29 @@ My buffer-related keybinds are all prefixed by ~b~.
| r | counsel-buffer-or-recentf | |
| s | switch-to-scratch-buffer | |
** Email
** Errors
:CUSTOM_ID: Keybindings-Email-gv0ltxp0baj0
My two keybinds for my emails are prefixed by ~e~.
#+name: keybinds-email
| Key | Function | Description |
| | | email |
| c | mu4e-compose-new | |
| m | mu4e | |
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defhydra hydra-flycheck
(:pre (flycheck-list-errors)
:post (quit-windows-on "*Flycheck errors*")
:hint nil)
("f" flycheck-error-list-set-filter "Filter")
("t" flycheck-next-error "Next")
("s" flycheck-previous-error "Previous")
("gg" flycheck-first-error "First")
("G" (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (flycheck-previous-error)) "Last")
("q" nil))
#+name: keybindings-flycheck
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
"e" '(:ignore t :which-key "errors")
"e." '(hydra-flycheck/body :wk "hydra")
"ee" '(:keymap flycheck-command-map :wk "flycheck")
** Files
Reference in New Issue
Block a user