added needed package

This commit is contained in:
Phuntsok Drak-pa 2019-10-14 20:32:49 +02:00
parent eec74ab1b2
commit b823e1a705

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@ -294,34 +294,34 @@
filesystem findutils fingerprint-gui firefox fish flake8 flex \ filesystem findutils fingerprint-gui firefox fish flake8 flex \
font-mathematica fontforge freeglut fzf gawk gcc gcc-libs gdb gettext \ font-mathematica fontforge freeglut fzf gawk gcc gcc-libs gdb gettext \
gimp git glibc gnome-disk-utility gnome-epub-thumbnailer gnu-free-fonts \ gimp git glibc gnome-disk-utility gnome-epub-thumbnailer gnu-free-fonts \
gnuplot go-tools grep gzip htop i3-gaps i3lock-blur i3status icecat-bin \ gnuplot go-tools graphviz grep gzip htop i3-gaps i3lock-blur i3status \
igdm-bin inetutils intel-ucode iproute2 iputils j4-dmenu-desktop \ icecat-bin igdm-bin inetutils intel-ucode iproute2 iputils \
jfsutils jmtpfs lastpass-cli less libnewt libtool licenses light \ j4-dmenu-desktop jfsutils jmtpfs lastpass-cli less libnewt libtool \
linux-headers lldb logrotate lsof lvm2 m4 make man-db man-pages \ licenses light linux-headers lldb logrotate lsof lvm2 m4 make man-db \
mate-polkit mdadm meson minted mpc mpd mpd-rich-presence-discord-git mpv \ man-pages mate-polkit mdadm meson minted mpc mpd \
mupdf-tools nano nasm ncdu ncmpcpp nemo-fileroller nemo-preview neofetch \ mpd-rich-presence-discord-git mpv mupdf-tools nano nasm ncdu ncmpcpp \
netctl networkmanager networkmanager-openvpn nm-connection-editor nnn \ nemo-fileroller nemo-preview neofetch netctl networkmanager \
nomacs noto-fonts-emoji npm ntfs-3g numlockx openmp openssh p7zip pacman \ networkmanager-openvpn nm-connection-editor nnn nomacs noto-fonts-emoji \
pacman-contrib pandoc-bin patch pavucontrol pciutils pcurses pdfpc perl \ npm ntfs-3g numlockx openmp openssh p7zip pacman pacman-contrib pandoc-bin \
pkgconf polybar procps-ng psmisc pulseaudio-bluetooth python-envtpl-git \ patch pavucontrol pciutils pcurses pdfpc perl pkgconf polybar procps-ng \
python-pip python-pywal qemu r raw-thumbnailer redshift refind-efi \ psmisc pulseaudio-bluetooth python-envtpl-git python-pip python-pywal qemu \
reflector reiserfsprogs rofi rofi-wifi-menu-git rsync rtv rustup s-nail \ r raw-thumbnailer redshift refind-efi reflector reiserfsprogs rofi \
samba scrot sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf sed sent shadow \ rofi-wifi-menu-git rsync rtv rustup s-nail samba scrot sdl2_gfx sdl2_image \
siji-git simplescreenrecorder speedcrunch sshfs st-luke-git sudo \ sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf sed sent shadow siji-git simplescreenrecorder \
sysfsutils systemd-sysvcompat tar texinfo texlive-bibtexextra texlive-bin \ speedcrunch sshfs st-luke-git sudo sysfsutils systemd-sysvcompat tar \
texlive-core texlive-fontsextra texlive-formatsextra texlive-games \ texinfo texlive-bibtexextra texlive-bin texlive-core texlive-fontsextra \
texlive-humanities texlive-langchinese texlive-langcyrillic \ texlive-formatsextra texlive-games texlive-humanities texlive-langchinese \
texlive-langextra texlive-langgreek texlive-langjapanese \ texlive-langcyrillic texlive-langextra texlive-langgreek \
texlive-langkorean texlive-latexextra texlive-localmanager-git \ texlive-langjapanese texlive-langkorean texlive-latexextra \
texlive-music texlive-pictures texlive-pstricks texlive-publishers \ texlive-localmanager-git texlive-music texlive-pictures texlive-pstricks \
texlive-science tmux tree ttf-arphic-uming ttf-baekmuk \ texlive-publishers texlive-science tmux tree ttf-arphic-uming ttf-baekmuk \
ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-google-fonts-opinionated-git \ ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-google-fonts-opinionated-git \
ttf-joypixels ttf-liberation ttf-material-design-icons-git ttf-ms-fonts \ ttf-joypixels ttf-liberation ttf-material-design-icons-git ttf-ms-fonts \
ttf-symbola ttf-tibetan-machine ttf-twemoji-color ttf-unifont unicode \ ttf-symbola ttf-tibetan-machine ttf-twemoji-color ttf-unifont unicode \
unicode-emoji unrar usbutils util-linux valgrind vi vim vulkan-headers \ unicode-emoji unrar usbutils util-linux valgrind vi vim vulkan-headers \
w3m wget which whois x11-ssh-askpass xclip xdg-user-dirs-gtk \ w3m wget which whois x11-ssh-askpass xclip xdg-user-dirs-gtk \
xf86-input-wacom xf86-video-intel xfce4-power-manager xfsprogs \ xf86-input-wacom xf86-video-intel xfce4-power-manager xfsprogs \
xorg-server xorg-xinit xss-lock yadm graphviz xorg-xprop xorg-server xorg-xinit xss-lock xorg-xprop yadm
Given how many packages will be install from the AUR, Ill probably have to Given how many packages will be install from the AUR, Ill probably have to
type my password a few times. type my password a few times.