[StumpWM, Emacs] Change keybind for changing volume

This commit is contained in:
Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2022-03-28 01:59:32 +02:00
parent a90bccca20
commit 872e508fc7
Signed by: phundrak
GPG Key ID: BD7789E705CB8DCA
2 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -3678,11 +3678,11 @@ The complete configuration for the ~exwm~ package can be found below.
desktop-environment-brightness-small-increment "-inc 2"
desktop-environment-brightness-small-decrement "-dec 2"
desktop-environment-volume-normal-decrement "5%-"
desktop-environment-volume-normal-increment "5%+"
desktop-environment-volume-small-decrement "2%-"
desktop-environment-volume-small-increment "2%+"
desktop-environment-volume-set-command "amixer -q Master %s unmute"
desktop-environment-volume-normal-decrement "-d 5"
desktop-environment-volume-normal-increment "-i 5"
desktop-environment-volume-small-decrement "-d 2"
desktop-environment-volume-small-increment "-i 2"
desktop-environment-volume-set-command "pamixer -u %s"
desktop-environment-screenshot-directory "~/Pictures/Screenshots"
desktop-environment-screenlock-command "plock"

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@ -1765,18 +1765,18 @@ so that they are immediately accessible. Again, this isnt technically
media-related, but Ill add keybinds for my screens backlight.
#+name: media-top-level
#+caption: Top-level media keys
| Keychord | Function |
| ~XF86AudioPlay~ | ~mpd-toggle-pause~ |
| ~XF86AudioPause~ | ~exec mpc pause~ |
| ~XF86AudioStop~ | ~mpd-stop~ |
| ~XF86AudioPrev~ | ~mpd-prev~ |
| ~XF86AudioNext~ | ~mpd-next~ |
| ~XF86AudioRaiseVolume~ | ~exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2~ |
| ~XF86AudioLowerVolume~ | ~exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -2~ |
| ~XF86AudioMute~ | ~exec pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle~ |
| ~XF86MonBrightnessDown~ | ~exec xbacklight -dec 2~ |
| ~XF86MonBrightnessUp~ | ~exec xbacklight -inc 2~ |
| Keychord | Function |
| ~XF86AudioPlay~ | ~mpd-toggle-pause~ |
| ~XF86AudioPause~ | ~exec mpc pause~ |
| ~XF86AudioStop~ | ~mpd-stop~ |
| ~XF86AudioPrev~ | ~mpd-prev~ |
| ~XF86AudioNext~ | ~mpd-next~ |
| ~XF86AudioRaiseVolume~ | ~exec pamixer -i 2~ |
| ~XF86AudioLowerVolume~ | ~exec pamixer -d 2~ |
| ~XF86AudioMute~ | ~exec pamixer -t~ |
| ~XF86MonBrightnessDown~ | ~exec xbacklight -dec 2~ |
| ~XF86MonBrightnessUp~ | ~exec xbacklight -inc 2~ |
#+begin_src lisp
<<keybinds-gen(map="*top-map*", keybinds=media-top-level)>>