Added graphviz package
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,10 +1,74 @@
#+TITLE: Phundrak’s dotfiles
#+AUTHOR: Lucien "Phundrak” Cartier-Tilet
#+HTML_HEAD: <meta name="description" content="Phundrak's dotfiles" />
#+HTML_HEAD: <meta property="og:title" content="Phundrak's dotfiles" />
#+HTML_HEAD: <meta property="og:description" content="Installation instructions for Phundrak's dotfiles" />
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* Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport:
- [[#presentation][Presentation]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#screenshots][Screenshots]]
- [[#dependencies][Dependencies]]
- [[#installation][Installation]]
- [[#install-arch-linux][Install Arch Linux]]
- [[#update-the-system][Update the system]]
- [[#install-yay-and-all-the-official-repos-packages][Install =yay= and all the official repos’ packages]]
- [[#set-up-yadm][Set up =yadm=]]
- [[#get-the-dotfiles][Get the dotfiles]]
- [[#generate-the-alt-dotfiles][Generate the alt dotfiles]]
- [[#set-up-emacs][Set up Emacs]]
- [[#download-spacemacs][Download Spacemacs]]
- [[#set-the-custom-layers][Set the custom layers]]
- [[#symlink-the-emacs-config][Symlink the Emacs config]]
- [[#install-the-fish-shell][Install the Fish shell]]
- [[#install-fisher][Install fisher]]
- [[#install-the-fish-config-and-custom-functions][Install the fish config and custom functions]]
- [[#install-the-dotfiles][Install the dotfiles]]
- [[#update-the-submodules][Update the submodules]]
- [[#update-the-remotes][Update the remotes]]
- [[#symlink-the-dotfiles][Symlink the dotfiles]]
- [[#install-packages-from-git][Install packages from git]]
- [[#install-i3-gaps-rounded][Install =i3-gaps-rounded=]]
- [[#install-polybar-battery][Install Polybar Battery]]
- [[#download-revealjs][Download Reveal.JS]]
- [[#install-rust][Install Rust]]
- [[#install-the-toolchains][Install the toolchains]]
- [[#clean-the-pacman-and-yay-cache][Clean the =pacman= and =yay= cache]]
- [[#licence][Licence]]
* Presentation
This is my collection of dotfiles for my daily GNU/Linux environment, tweaked
to my liking. If you wish to get the same setup as mine, follow the
instructions below.
@ -74,14 +138,22 @@
Then, follow the instructions and install Arch Linux.
** Update the system
First of all, let’s update the system in order to be sure to have the latest
First of all, let’s make sure we have a sorted mirrorlist for pacman.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :dir /sudo::
pacman -Sy reflector
reflector --country France --country Germany --latest 200 \
--protocol http --protocol httpqs --sort rate \
--save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Now, let’s update the system in order to be sure to have the latest
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :dir /sudo:: :exports code
sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm
sudo pacman -S git emacs --needed --noconfirm
** Install =yay=
** Install =yay= and all the official repos’ packages
Next step is to install the AUR helper =yay= (DO NOT use =yaourt=, it is
discontinued, seriously updated and represents a serious security flaw).
Let’s clone it in a folder =fromGIT= that will be in our home folder. This is
@ -133,8 +205,8 @@
ttf-tibetan-machine ttf-twemoji-color ttf-unifont unicode unicode-emoji \
unrar usbutils util-linux valgrind vi vim vulkan-headers w3m wget which \
whois x11-ssh-askpass xclip xdg-user-dirs-gtk xf86-input-wacom \
xf86-video-intel xfce4-power-manager xfsprogs xorg-server xorg-xinit
xss-lock yadm
xf86-video-intel xfce4-power-manager xfsprogs xorg-server xorg-xinit \
xss-lock yadm graphviz
Given how many packages will be install from the AUR, I’ll probably have to
@ -303,6 +375,25 @@
git clone
** Install Rust
*** Install the toolchains
When using rust, I bounce between two toolchains, the =stable= toolchain and
the =nightly= toolchain. To install them, I will use =rustup= which has
already been installed.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code
rustup default stable
This will both download the stable toolchain and set it as the default one.
Now to install the nightly toolchain, let’s run this:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code
rustup toolchain install nightly
This one is updated about daily (hence the name), so we’ll often have to run
the following command:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code
rustup update
** Clean the =pacman= and =yay= cache
Finally, we are almost done! Let’s clean the cache of =pacman= and =yay=
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :dir /sudo:: :exports code
Reference in New Issue
Block a user