[Emacs] enable iCalendar integration of mu4e

This commit is contained in:
Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2023-06-15 14:20:34 +02:00
parent 00ee413240
commit 7b0833252a
Signed by: phundrak
GPG Key ID: BD7789E705CB8DCA

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@ -1796,16 +1796,17 @@ configuration for the ~mu4e~ package itself.
:straight (:build t)
:commands mu4e mu4e-compose-new
(defun mu4e--main-action-str (name func)
"This seems to be needed until evil-collection supports the latest
version of mu4e."
(require 'mu4e)
(remove-hook 'mu4e-main-mode-hook 'evil-collection-mu4e-update-main-view)
(csetq mu4e-completing-read-function 'completing-read
mu4e-use-fancy-chars t
message-kill-buffer-on-exit t
@ -1830,6 +1831,7 @@ configuration for the ~mu4e~ package itself.
(add-hook 'mu4e-view-mode-hook (lambda () (setq truncate-lines nil)))
(add-hook 'mu4e-headers-mode-hook (lambda () (setq truncate-lines t)))
@ -1911,6 +1913,34 @@ StartupWMClass=Gnus
***** Interact with iCalendar events
:CUSTOM_ID: PackagesConfigurationApplicationsEmailMu4eInteractwithiCalendarevents-dmsenkt0xuj0
Something that has always bugged me was how to properly with iCalendar
events shared with me on my personal mailbox. The answer is actually
[[https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/mu4e/iCalendar.html][dead simple]].
#+name: mu4e-ical-setup
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'mu4e-icalendar)
Ill just configure a couple of things regarding these events, namely
converting them to Orgmode and add them to my =~/org/notes.org= file,
and delete the email once I answered to the event.
#+name: mu4e-ical-config
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq mu4e-icalendar-trash-after-reply t)
#+name: mu4e-ical-init-config
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq gnus-icalendar-org-capture-file "~/org/notes.org"
gnus-icalendar-org-capture-headline '("Calendar"))
***** Basic configuration
:CUSTOM_ID: Packages-Configuration-Applications-Email-Mu4e-Basic-configurationfxy0fl6184j0
@ -5679,7 +5709,9 @@ The project is then defined like so:
:keymaps 'org-mode-map
:pakages 'org-ref
"ic" #'org-ref-insert-link))
"ic" #'org-ref-insert-link
"ir" #'org-ref-insert-link-hydra/body
"iB" #'org-ref-bibtex-hydra/body))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
@ -8348,6 +8380,11 @@ and builds a heatmap out of it.
(setq mastodon-instance-url "https://emacs.ch"
mastodon-active-user "phundrak")
(defun me/mastodon-toot--send-language-if-none ()
(unless mastodon-toot--language
(advice-add #'me/mastodon-toot--send-language-if-none :before #'mastodon-toot--send)
:packages '(mastodon)