[Emacs] Make GPG in Emacs more secure
GPG buffers will now be closed after a minute of idling
This commit is contained in:
@ -3617,6 +3617,51 @@
"~/.cache/yay/*" "node_modules" "~/.config/emacs")
** Security
:CUSTOM_ID: User_Configuration-Security-21d88555
This paragraph is about making Emacs and GPG as a whole (since Emacs is
/always/ open on my computer) more secure. The first thing I want to make is
a function that will close any buffer that contains an open ~.gpg~ file –I
certainly do not want anyone to be able to read such files on my computer if
I leave it even for a couple of minutes.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/kill-gpg-buffers ()
"Kill GPG buffers."
(let ((buffers-killed 0))
(dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(when (string-match ".*\.gpg$" (buffer-name buffer))
(message "Auto killing .gpg buffer '%s'" (buffer-name buffer))
(when (buffer-modified-p buffer)
(kill-buffer buffer)
(setq buffers-killed (+ buffers-killed 1)))))
(unless (zerop buffers-killed)
;; Kill gpg-agent.
(shell-command "gpgconf --kill gpg-agent")
(message "%s .gpg buffers have been autosaved and killed" buffers-killed))))
Notice the ~(shell-command "gpgconf --kill gpg-agent")~ command there: it
kills ~gpg-agent~ which will always respawn each time GPG2 is invoked. That
way, I know anyone trying to open a GPG file will have to insert my password
when trying to do so instead of just hoping I entered it not long ago and
they won’t have to.
But surely, if I only define this function and hope to call it each time I
leav my computer, surely at one point I will forget to execute it before
leaving. I can’t trust myself to always call it manually. Which is why I’ll
ask Emacs itself to call it after it detects a minute of idling. It may
become from times to times a bit of a pain, but at least I’m now sure I won’t
ever have to worry about someone reading my GPG files open in Emacs while I’m
out for a quick break.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(run-with-idle-timer 60 t 'phundrak/kill-gpg-buffers)
** Snippets
:CUSTOM_ID: User_Configuration-Snippets-67a32065
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