[Emacs] Changing naming convention of custom functions and variables

Forward slashes in my persoranl variables and functions have been
replaced by dashes.
This commit is contained in:
Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2021-04-02 19:33:58 +02:00
parent be07d87e06
commit 3a72387e3e
Signed by: phundrak
GPG Key ID: BD7789E705CB8DCA
2 changed files with 185 additions and 162 deletions

View File

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp; lexical-binding: t -*-
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "~/.config/emacs/private/"
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "~/.config/emacs/private/"
"Directory for my exported Elisp configuration files")
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-src "~/org/config/emacs.org"
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-src "~/org/config/emacs.org"
"My litterate config file for Emacs")
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-si (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "spacemacs-init"))
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-sl (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "spacemacs-layers"))
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-uc (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "user-config"))
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-ui (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "user-init"))
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-files (list phundrak//dotspacemacs-si phundrak//dotspacemacs-sl
phundrak//dotspacemacs-uc phundrak//dotspacemacs-ui))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-si (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "spacemacs-init"))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-sl (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "spacemacs-layers"))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-uc (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "user-config"))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-ui (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "user-init"))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-files (list phundrak--dotspacemacs-si phundrak--dotspacemacs-sl
phundrak--dotspacemacs-uc phundrak--dotspacemacs-ui))
;; turn off native comp warnings
(setq comp-async-report-warnings-errors nil)
(defun phundrak/update-config-files-p (&optional compiled?)
(defun phundrak-update-config-files-p (&optional compiled?)
"Verify if any of my exported Elisp configuration files are
newer than my litterate configuration.
If `compiled?' is `t', check the `.elc' files instead of the
`.el' files."
(catch 'ret
(dolist (file phundrak//dotspacemacs-files)
(when (file-newer-than-file-p phundrak//dotspacemacs-src
(dolist (file phundrak--dotspacemacs-files)
(when (file-newer-than-file-p phundrak--dotspacemacs-src
(format "%s.%s"
(if compiled? "elc" "el")))
@ -33,18 +33,18 @@ This function is called at the very beginning of Spacemacs startup,
before layer configuration.
It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
(when (phundrak/update-config-files-p)
(when (phundrak-update-config-files-p)
(message "Exporting new Emacs configuration from spacemacs.org through org-babel...")
(require 'ob-tangle)
(let ((org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil))
(org-babel-tangle-file phundrak//dotspacemacs-src))
(org-babel-tangle-file phundrak--dotspacemacs-src))
(message "Exporting new Emacs configuration from spacemacs.org through org-babel...done"))
(load phundrak//dotspacemacs-si))
(load phundrak--dotspacemacs-si))
(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
"Layer configuration:
This function should only modify configuration layer settings."
(load phundrak//dotspacemacs-sl))
(load phundrak--dotspacemacs-sl))
(defun dotspacemacs/user-env ()
"Environment variables setup.
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ This function is called immediately after `dotspacemacs/init', before layer
It is mostly for variables that should be set before packages are loaded.
If you are unsure, try setting them in `dotspacemacs/user-config' first."
(load phundrak//dotspacemacs-ui))
(load phundrak--dotspacemacs-ui))
(defun dotspacemacs/user-load ()
"Library to load while dumping.
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs startup, after layer
Put your configuration code here, except for variables that should be set
before packages are loaded."
(load phundrak//dotspacemacs-uc))
(load phundrak--dotspacemacs-uc))
(defun dotspacemacs/emacs-custom-settings ()
"Emacs custom settings.

View File

@ -655,30 +655,30 @@ about how I manage writing a litterate config for Spacemacs and ensure Emacs
starts with an up-to-date configuration from said litterate config. For that, I
actually declared a couple of variables:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "~/.config/emacs/private/"
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "~/.config/emacs/private/"
"Directory for my exported Elisp configuration files")
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-src "~/org/config/emacs.org"
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-src "~/org/config/emacs.org"
"My litterate config file for Emacs")
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-si (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "spacemacs-init"))
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-sl (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "spacemacs-layers"))
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-uc (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "user-config"))
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-ui (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir "user-init"))
(defvar phundrak//dotspacemacs-files (list phundrak//dotspacemacs-si phundrak//dotspacemacs-sl
phundrak//dotspacemacs-uc phundrak//dotspacemacs-ui))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-si (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "spacemacs-init"))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-sl (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "spacemacs-layers"))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-uc (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "user-config"))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-ui (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir "user-init"))
(defvar phundrak--dotspacemacs-files (list phundrak--dotspacemacs-si phundrak--dotspacemacs-sl
phundrak--dotspacemacs-uc phundrak--dotspacemacs-ui))
I also declared the following function that tells me if my Elisp files are more
recent than my ~emacs.org~ file. The ~compiled?~ argument lets me compare either
the ~.el~ files if it is ~nil~, or the ~.elc~ files if it is ~t~.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/update-config-files-p (&optional compiled?)
(defun phundrak-update-config-files-p (&optional compiled?)
"Verify if any of my exported Elisp configuration files are
newer than my litterate configuration.
If `compiled?' is `t', check the `.elc' files instead of the
If `COMPILED?' is `t', check the `.elc' files instead of the
`.el' files."
(catch 'ret
(dolist (file phundrak//dotspacemacs-files)
(when (file-newer-than-file-p phundrak//dotspacemacs-src
(dolist (file phundrak--dotspacemacs-files)
(when (file-newer-than-file-p phundrak--dotspacemacs-src
(format "%s.%s"
(if compiled? "elc" "el")))
@ -692,21 +692,21 @@ missed tangling its configuration before launching, so if any of my ~si~, ~sl~,
and since my user config is growing longer and longer, I want Emacs to be able
to parse it fast next time it boots, so lets compile my exported ~.el~ files!
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(when (or (file-newer-than-file-p phundrak//dotspacemacs-src (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-si ".el"))
(file-newer-than-file-p phundrak//dotspacemacs-src (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-sl ".el"))
(file-newer-than-file-p phundrak//dotspacemacs-src (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-ui ".el"))
(file-newer-than-file-p phundrak//dotspacemacs-src (concat phundrak//dotspacemacs-uc ".el")))
(when (or (file-newer-than-file-p phundrak--dotspacemacs-src (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-si ".el"))
(file-newer-than-file-p phundrak--dotspacemacs-src (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-sl ".el"))
(file-newer-than-file-p phundrak--dotspacemacs-src (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-ui ".el"))
(file-newer-than-file-p phundrak--dotspacemacs-src (concat phundrak--dotspacemacs-uc ".el")))
(message "Exporting new Emacs configuration from spacemacs.org through org-babel...")
(shell-command (format "emacs -Q --batch %s %s %s"
"--eval \"(require 'ob-tangle)\""
"--eval \"(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)\""
(format "--eval '(org-babel-tangle-file \"%s\")'"
(message "Exporting new Emacs configuration from spacemacs.org through org-babel...done")
(byte-recompile-directory phundrak//dotspacemacs-src-dir
(byte-recompile-directory phundrak--dotspacemacs-src-dir
0 t)))
All thats left to do in the Spacemacs functions is to call ~load~ on ~si~,
@ -1436,7 +1436,7 @@ a function that already exists.
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-Eshell-prompt-related-functions-79d07f21
**** ~phundrak/eshell-git-status~
**** ~phundrak-eshell-git-status~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-eshell-git-status-28f16e94
@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ calls, the function will know what it needs to know about the repo to build a
git prompt that will be inserted in my Eshell prompt. And just for shit and
giggles, Ive made it so it is a powerline prompt.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/eshell-git-status ($path &optional $background-color)
(defun phundrak-eshell-git-status ($path &optional $background-color)
"Returns a string indicating the status of the repository located
in `$PATH' if it exists. It should also append the name of the
current branch if it is not `master' or `main'.
@ -1496,23 +1496,23 @@ giggles, Ive made it so it is a powerline prompt.
(when stashstat "$")
" "))
(accent (cond
(dirty phundrak/nord11)
(staged phundrak/nord13)
(t phundrak/nord14)))
(background (phundrak/var-or-if-nil $background-color
(dirty phundrak-nord11)
(staged phundrak-nord13)
(t phundrak-nord14)))
(background (phundrak-var-or-if-nil $background-color
(concat (with-face ""
:background accent
:foreground background)
(with-face prompt
:background accent
:foreground (if dirty phundrak/nord6 background))
:foreground (if dirty phundrak-nord6 background))
(with-face ""
:background background
:foreground accent)))))
**** ~phundrak/git-repo-root~
**** ~phundrak-git-repo-root~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-git-repo-root-f7cf3bb9
@ -1520,32 +1520,32 @@ This function detects if the path passed as an argument points to a git
directory or to one of its subdirectories. If it is, it will return the path to
the root of the git repository, else it will return ~nil~.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/git-repo-root ($path)
(defun phundrak-git-repo-root ($path)
"Return `$PATH' if it points to a git repository or one of its
(when $path
(if (f-dir? (concat $path "/.git"))
(phundrak/git-repo-root (f-parent $path)))))
(phundrak-git-repo-root (f-parent $path)))))
**** ~phundrak/prompt-toggle-abbreviation~
**** ~phundrak-prompt-toggle-abbreviation~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-prompt-toggle-abbreviation-753ca549
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar phundrak/prompt--abbreviate t
(defvar phundrak-prompt--abbreviate t
"Whether or not to abbreviate the displayed path in the Eshell
(defun phundrak/prompt-toggle-abbreviation ()
(defun phundrak-prompt-toggle-abbreviation ()
"Toggles whether the Eshell prompt should shorten the name of
the parent directories or not. See `phundrak/eshell-prompt'."
the parent directories or not. See `phundrak-eshell-prompt'."
(setq phundrak/prompt--abbreviate (not phundrak/prompt--abbreviate)))
(setq phundrak-prompt--abbreviate (not phundrak-prompt--abbreviate)))
**** ~phundrak/abbr-path~
**** ~phundrak-abbr-path~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-abbr-path-559b46e3
@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@ the name of all the parent directories of the current one in its path, but
leaves the current one written in full. It also abbreviates the equivalent of
the ~$HOME~ (~/home/<username>/~) directory to a simple =~=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/abbr-path ($path &optional $abbreviate)
(defun phundrak-abbr-path ($path &optional $abbreviate)
"Abbreviate `$PATH'. If `$ABBREVIATE' is t, then all parent
directories of the current directory will be abbreviated to one
letter only. If a parent directory is a hidden directory (i.e.
@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ the ~$HOME~ (~/home/<username>/~) directory to a simple =~=.
((stringp $path) (f-short
(if $abbreviate
(phundrak/abbr-path (f-split (phundrak/abbr-path $path)))
(phundrak-abbr-path (f-split (phundrak-abbr-path $path)))
((null $path) "")
((listp $path)
@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ the ~$HOME~ (~/home/<username>/~) directory to a simple =~=.
(if (string= "." first-char)
(s-left 2 dir)
(phundrak/abbr-path (cdr $path))))
(phundrak-abbr-path (cdr $path))))
(t (error "Invalid argument %s, neither stringp nor listp" $path))))
@ -1587,19 +1587,19 @@ the ~$HOME~ (~/home/<username>/~) directory to a simple =~=.
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-Files-related-functions-0b66f353
**** ~phundrak/file-to-string~
**** ~phundrak-file-to-string~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-file-to-string-efab0fba
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/file-to-string (FILE)
(defun phundrak-file-to-string (FILE)
"Returns the content of `FILE' as a string."
(insert-file-contents FILE)
**** ~phundrak/find-org-files~
**** ~phundrak-find-org-files~
:CUSTOM_ID: Custom-functions-phundrak-find-org-files-a8fd200f
@ -1611,11 +1611,11 @@ conlanging files which are located in =~/Documents/conlanging=, and all my
university notes are in =~/Documents/university=. Lets declare these
directories in a variable:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar phundrak/org-directories '("~/org"
(defvar phundrak-org-directories '("~/org"
"Directories in which to look for org files with the function
With this established, lets write some emacs-lisp that will allow me to get a
@ -1623,9 +1623,9 @@ list of all these files and select them through helm. Be aware that I will be
using some functions from third party packages, such as [[https://github.com/magnars/s.el][s.el]] and [[https://github.com/magnars/dash.el][dash]], as well
as [[https://github.com/sharkdp/fd][fd]].
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/find-org-files ()
(defun phundrak-find-org-files ()
"Find all org files in the directories listed in
`phundrak/org-directories', then list them in an ido buffer where
`phundrak-org-directories', then list them in an ido buffer where
the user can match one and open it."
@ -1635,11 +1635,11 @@ as [[https://github.com/sharkdp/fd][fd]].
(mapconcat (lambda (path)
(format "fd . %s -e org -c never" path)))
**** ~phundrak/open-marked-files~
**** ~phundrak-open-marked-files~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-open-marked-files-b87d37f7
@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@ This function is particularly useful in Dired buffers when someone wants to open
multiple files. This function will basically look for all marked files in the
current dired buffer and open each one of them in their individual buffer.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/open-marked-files ()
(defun phundrak-open-marked-files ()
"This function allows the user to open all marked files in a
Dired buffer at once."
@ -1702,22 +1702,22 @@ Emacs, or an HTML file in Firefox. With this function, it is now possible!
Yes, I do use a preconfigured theme, as mentioned above, but for some elements
such as Eshell, I need to define some variables for color, and Ill do it here.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar phundrak/nord0 "#2e3440")
(defvar phundrak/nord1 "#3b4252")
(defvar phundrak/nord2 "#434c5e")
(defvar phundrak/nord3 "#4c566a")
(defvar phundrak/nord4 "#d8dee9")
(defvar phundrak/nord5 "#e5e9f0")
(defvar phundrak/nord6 "#eceff4")
(defvar phundrak/nord7 "#8fbcbb")
(defvar phundrak/nord8 "#88c0d0")
(defvar phundrak/nord9 "#81a1c1")
(defvar phundrak/nord10 "#5e81ac")
(defvar phundrak/nord11 "#bf616a")
(defvar phundrak/nord12 "#d08770")
(defvar phundrak/nord13 "#ebcb8b")
(defvar phundrak/nord14 "#a3be8c")
(defvar phundrak/nord15 "#b48ead")
(defvar phundrak-nord0 "#2e3440")
(defvar phundrak-nord1 "#3b4252")
(defvar phundrak-nord2 "#434c5e")
(defvar phundrak-nord3 "#4c566a")
(defvar phundrak-nord4 "#d8dee9")
(defvar phundrak-nord5 "#e5e9f0")
(defvar phundrak-nord6 "#eceff4")
(defvar phundrak-nord7 "#8fbcbb")
(defvar phundrak-nord8 "#88c0d0")
(defvar phundrak-nord9 "#81a1c1")
(defvar phundrak-nord10 "#5e81ac")
(defvar phundrak-nord11 "#bf616a")
(defvar phundrak-nord12 "#d08770")
(defvar phundrak-nord13 "#ebcb8b")
(defvar phundrak-nord14 "#a3be8c")
(defvar phundrak-nord15 "#b48ead")
**** ~with-face~
@ -1737,7 +1737,30 @@ argument. Here is how it is implemented:
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-Predicates-5598df46
**** ~phundrak/all?~
**** ~phundrak-filter~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-Elisp-Utilities-and-Predicates-phundrak-filter-2d3c5a5b
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak-filter (fn list)
"Filter `LIST' according to the predicate `FN'.
All elements from `LIST' that do not satisfy the predicate `FN'
will be left out of the result, while all elements that do
satisfy it will be included in the resulting list. This function
also preserves the relative position between elements that
satisfy the predicate."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(when list
(let ((rest (phundrak-filter fn
(cdr list))))
(if (funcall fn
(car list))
(cons (car list) rest)
**** ~phundrak-all?~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-all-0655600c
@ -1747,17 +1770,17 @@ elements of the list ~seq~ against the predicate ~fn~ which should return either
success, otherwise it is a failure. Note that empty lists will always return
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/all? (fn seq)
(defun phundrak-all? (fn seq)
"Check if all members of `SEQ' satisfy predicate `FN'. Note that
it will return t if `SEQ' is nil."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(if seq
(and (funcall fn (car seq))
(phundrak/all? fn (cdr seq)))
(phundrak-all? fn (cdr seq)))
**** ~phundrak/none?~
**** ~phundrak-none?~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-none-463dee26
@ -1765,36 +1788,36 @@ In the same vein as ~phundrak-all?~, ~phundrak-none?~ checks if all elements of
~seq~ do not satify the predicate ~fn~. Again, if the list is empty, it will
return ~t~.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/none? (fn seq)
(defun phundrak-none? (fn seq)
"Check if all members of `SEQ' do not satisfy predicate `FN'.
Note that it will return t if `SEQ' is nil."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(if seq
(and (not (funcall fn (car seq)))
(phundrak/none? fn (cdr seq)))
(phundrak-none? fn (cdr seq)))
**** ~phundrak/var-or-if-nil~
**** ~phundrak-var-or-if-nil~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-var-or-if-nil-40e2e54a
This simple function helps me return either the value ~var~ holds, or if it is
~nil~ it will return the value ~value~ holds (or will return).
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defmacro phundrak/var-or-if-nil (var value)
(defmacro phundrak-var-or-if-nil (var value)
"Return the result yield by `VALUE' if `VAR' is nil, return `VAR' otherwise."
(if (null var)
**** ~phundrak/zip~
**** ~phundrak-zip~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-Elisp-Utilities-and-Predicates-phundrak-zip-8a49b20f
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/zip (&rest lists)
(defun phundrak-zip (&rest lists)
"Zip `LISTS' together.
Be aware only the amount of elements of the smallest list will be zipped."
@ -1805,10 +1828,10 @@ This simple function helps me return either the value ~var~ holds, or if it is
(when (phundrak-none? 'null lists)
(cons (mapcar 'car lists)
(phundrak/zip (mapcar 'cdr lists)))))))
(phundrak-zip (mapcar 'cdr lists)))))))
*** ~phundrak/blog-publish~
*** ~phundrak-blog-publish~
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Custom-functions-macros-and-variables-phundrak-blog-publish-99c96b2d
@ -1817,7 +1840,7 @@ based on Hugo. After exporting my blog using ~ox-hugo~, I simply have to call
this function which will look for all files located in =~/org/blog/public= and
copy them to my remote server once ~hugo~ has been executed in =~/org/blog=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/blog-publish ()
(defun phundrak-blog-publish ()
"Publish my blog through Hugo and rsync to my remote server."
(let* ((blog-path "~/org/blog")
@ -1833,7 +1856,7 @@ copy them to my remote server once ~hugo~ has been executed in =~/org/blog=.
t nil t)))))
*** ~phundrak/yas-rust-new-assignments~
*** ~phundrak-yas-rust-new-assignments~
:CUSTOM_ID: Custom-functions-yas-rust-new-assignments-4ad16bde
@ -1843,14 +1866,14 @@ function, it will automatically write assignments to my new struct as I write
new parameters in the ~new~ function. It also comes with a helper function that
parses the arguments given to the ~new~ function.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak//yas-snippet-split-rust-args ($arg-string)
(defun phundrak--yas-snippet-split-rust-args ($arg-string)
"Split a Rust argument string `$ARG-STRING' into ((name,
default)...) tuples"
(mapcar (lambda ($elem)
(split-string $elem "[[:blank:]]*:[[:blank:]]*" t))
(split-string $arg-string "[[:blank:]]*,[[:blank:]]*" t)))
(defun phundrak/yas-rust-new-assignments ($arg-string)
(defun phundrak-yas-rust-new-assignments ($arg-string)
"Return a typical new assignment for arguments.
Inspired from elpys functions https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy"
@ -1862,7 +1885,7 @@ parses the arguments given to the ~new~ function.
(if (string-match "^\\*" (car $elem))
(format "%s,\n%s" (car $elem) indentation)))
(phundrak//yas-snippet-split-rust-args $arg-string)
(phundrak--yas-snippet-split-rust-args $arg-string)
@ -2133,7 +2156,7 @@ Now, we can get our partitions. For this, well make a call to the shell comma
~/dev~, for instance on ~/dev/sda~. And as mentioned above, if the mount path of
the partition exceeds the length specified by
~phundrak//eshell-banner--max-length-part~, it will get abbreviated by
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/get-mounted-partitions ()
(let ((partitions (s-split "\n"
@ -2150,7 +2173,7 @@ the partition exceeds the length specified by
:path (if (> phundrak//eshell-banner--max-length-part (length mount))
(phundrak/abbr-path mount t))
(phundrak-abbr-path mount t))
:size size
:used used
:percent (string-to-number (s-chop-suffix "%" percent))))))
@ -2188,13 +2211,13 @@ consider this a warning, and the percentage will be displayed in orange. Above
(defun phundrak//eshell-banner--color-percentage (percentage)
((> percentage phundrak//eshell-banner--critical-percentage)
(with-face (format "%2d" percentage) :foreground phundrak/nord11))
(with-face (format "%2d" percentage) :foreground phundrak-nord11))
((> percentage phundrak//eshell-banner--warning-percentage)
(with-face (format "%2d" percentage) :foreground phundrak/nord12))
(with-face (format "%2d" percentage) :foreground phundrak-nord12))
((> percentage phundrak//eshell-banner--notice-percentage)
(with-face (format "%2d" percentage) :foreground phundrak/nord13))
(with-face (format "%2d" percentage) :foreground phundrak-nord13))
(with-face (format "%2d" percentage) :foreground phundrak/nord14))))
(with-face (format "%2d" percentage) :foreground phundrak-nord14))))
This function will be used when displaying progress bars. These will be used for
@ -2210,13 +2233,13 @@ the percentage should be between 0 and 100.
(length-red (- length length-green)))
(concat (with-face "[" :weight 'bold)
(with-face (s-repeat length-green "=")
:weight 'bold :foreground phundrak/nord14)
:weight 'bold :foreground phundrak-nord14)
(with-face (s-repeat length-red "=")
:weight 'bold :foreground phundrak/nord11)
:weight 'bold :foreground phundrak-nord11)
(with-face "]" :weight 'bold))))
This function will be used in two distinct functions: ~phundrak/eshell-banner~
This function will be used in two distinct functions: ~phundrak-eshell-banner~
which we will see later, and ~phundrak//eshell-banner--display-memory~ which we
will see now. This function displays information for the two types of memory we
have, RAM and Swap memory. Here is the definition of this function:
@ -2255,14 +2278,14 @@ quite similar to the above one:
And we can now build our banner! Here is our function that does exactly that:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/eshell-banner ()
(defun phundrak-eshell-banner ()
(let* ((partitions (phundrak/get-mounted-partitions))
(os (replace-regexp-in-string
(car (-filter (lambda (line)
(s-contains? "PRETTY_NAME" line))
(s-lines (phundrak/file-to-string "/etc/os-release"))))))
(s-lines (phundrak-file-to-string "/etc/os-release"))))))
(memory (-map (lambda (line)
(s-split " " line t))
(s-split "\n"
@ -2316,13 +2339,13 @@ And we can now build our banner! Here is our function that does exactly that:
We now only have to set the result of this function as our Eshell banner. Since
a simple ~setq~ would only run ~phundrak/eshell-banner~ once when Emacs starts,
a simple ~setq~ would only run ~phundrak-eshell-banner~ once when Emacs starts,
well actually make Emacs set the value of ~eshell-banner-message~ each time it
is required by Eshell with a hook:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'eshell-banner-load-hook
(lambda ()
(setq eshell-banner-message (phundrak/eshell-banner))))
(setq eshell-banner-message (phundrak-eshell-banner))))
**** Eshell theme
@ -2333,15 +2356,15 @@ As with most shells, again, it is possible to customize the appearance of the
Eshell prompt. As you can see, my prompt has some Nord colors, a shortened path,
a git prompt, and an indicator of whether the previous command succeeded or
failed. Note however that the abbreviation of the current path depends on the
value of ~phundrak/prompt--abbreviate~, if it is ~t~ it is abbreviated;
value of ~phundrak-prompt--abbreviate~, if it is ~t~ it is abbreviated;
otherwise, it is kept in full. It can be toggled with a keyboard shortcut, see
[[#User_Configuration-Shortcuts-Toggle-d53c27ef][Keybindings: Toggle]].
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun phundrak/eshell-prompt ()
(defun phundrak-eshell-prompt ()
"Definition of my prompt for Eshell
It displays a powerline prompt, with first an abbreviated path to
the current directory. If `phundrak/prompt--abbreviate' is `t',
the current directory. If `phundrak-prompt--abbreviate' is `t',
then all preceding directories will be abbreviated to one
character, except hidden directory which first character will be
preceded by a dot. Otherwise, the full name of the directories is
@ -2349,30 +2372,30 @@ otherwise, it is kept in full. It can be toggled with a keyboard shortcut, see
Then, if the current directory is a git repository or one of its
subdirectories, it will display the current state of the
repository. See `phundrak/eshell-git-status'
repository. See `phundrak-eshell-git-status'
Finally, a lambda character is displayed, either in blue or in
red depending on if the last eshell command was a success or a
failure respectively."
(let* ((header-bg phundrak/nord0)
($path (phundrak/abbr-path (eshell/pwd)))
($git-path (phundrak/git-repo-root $path))
($abbr-path (phundrak/abbr-path $path phundrak/prompt--abbreviate))
($background phundrak/nord1)
($foreground phundrak/nord14)
($success phundrak/nord10)
($error phundrak/nord11))
(let* ((header-bg phundrak-nord0)
($path (phundrak-abbr-path (eshell/pwd)))
($git-path (phundrak-git-repo-root $path))
($abbr-path (phundrak-abbr-path $path phundrak-prompt--abbreviate))
($background phundrak-nord1)
($foreground phundrak-nord14)
($success phundrak-nord10)
($error phundrak-nord11))
(concat (with-face (concat " "
(phundrak/abbr-path (phundrak/var-or-if-nil $git-path $path)
(phundrak-abbr-path (phundrak-var-or-if-nil $git-path $path)
" ")
:foreground $foreground
:background $background)
(when $git-path
(concat (phundrak/eshell-git-status $path $background)
(concat (phundrak-eshell-git-status $path $background)
(with-face (format "%s "
(let (($in-git-path (phundrak/abbr-path (f-relative $path $git-path)
(let (($in-git-path (phundrak-abbr-path (f-relative $path $git-path)
(if (string= "." $in-git-path)
(concat " " $in-git-path))))
@ -2390,7 +2413,7 @@ otherwise, it is kept in full. It can be toggled with a keyboard shortcut, see
Now, lets declare our prompt regexp and our prompt functions:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq eshell-prompt-regexp "^[^\n]*λ  "
eshell-prompt-function 'phundrak/eshell-prompt)
eshell-prompt-function 'phundrak-eshell-prompt)
I also don't want the banner to be displayed, I know I entered the Elisp shell,
@ -4239,7 +4262,7 @@ A couple of other useful utilities, sach as opening all marked files, sorting
files, opening them externally and renaming them, are also bound to a simple key
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "f") 'phundrak/open-marked-files)
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "f") 'phundrak-open-marked-files)
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "F") 'xah/open-in-external-app)
(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "s") 'xah/dired-sort)
@ -4250,7 +4273,7 @@ press:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "of" "open org file")
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "of" 'phundrak/find-org-files)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "of" 'phundrak-find-org-files)
I also have a shortcut for ~helm-locate~ in case I need to find a file that is
@ -4320,7 +4343,7 @@ Now, onto some shortcuts related to org-mode. Lets first declare the category
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'org-mode "ob" 'phundrak/blog-publish)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'org-mode "ob" 'phundrak-blog-publish)
(spacemacs/declare-prefix-for-mode 'org-mode "ob" "publish blog")
@ -4393,7 +4416,7 @@ Emacs:
"otd" 'elcord-mode
"otf" 'flycheck-mode
"ots" 'prettify-symbols-mode
"otS" 'phundrak/prompt-toggle-abbreviation)
"otS" 'phundrak-prompt-toggle-abbreviation)
We also have some input methods-related shortcuts in a sub-category: ~oti~. The
@ -4983,7 +5006,7 @@ passed to the method to members of the struct. It relies on the custom function
fn new(${1:args}) -> Self {
Self {
${1:$(phundrak/yas-rust-new-assignments yas-text)}
${1:$(phundrak-yas-rust-new-assignments yas-text)}
@ -5238,15 +5261,15 @@ I want to see by default how much battery my computer has, so lets enable it:
:CUSTOM_ID: User-Configuration-Visual-configuration-Better-faces-5d73fe9c
#+NAME: face-generate
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no :results replace :exports none :var input=[] :var makeface="yes"
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no :results replace :exports none :var input=mu4e-faces :var makeface="yes"
(let* ((makeface (string= "yes" makeface))
(headers (cadr input))
(faces (-map (lambda (face)
(-filter (lambda (elem)
(or (numberp (cadr elem))
(not (string= ""
(cadr elem)))))
(-zip-lists headers face)))
(phundrak-filter (lambda (elem)
(or (numberp (cadr elem))
(not (string= ""
(cadr elem)))))
(phundrak-zip headers face)))
(cddr input))))
(mapconcat (lambda (face)
@ -5312,9 +5335,9 @@ lets redefine their background and sometimes their foreground.
| / | |
| Name | background |
| ediff-current-diff-A | ,phundrak/nord11 |
| ediff-current-diff-C | ,phundrak/nord13 |
| ediff-current-diff-C | ,phundrak/nord14 |
| ediff-current-diff-A | ,phundrak-nord11 |
| ediff-current-diff-C | ,phundrak-nord13 |
| ediff-current-diff-C | ,phundrak-nord14 |
**** Mu4e
@ -5326,7 +5349,7 @@ displayed properly, such as the ~mu4e-highlight-face~. Lets fix that!
| / | | |
| Name | background | foreground |
| mu4e-highlight-face | ,phundrak/nord9 | ,phundrak/nord0 |
| mu4e-highlight-face | ,phundrak-nord9 | ,phundrak-nord0 |
**** Org-mode
@ -5347,36 +5370,36 @@ First here are some common properties that will be reused in faces below:
| / | < | | | | <l> | | | |
| Name | additional | inherit | foreground | background | height | weight | italic | underline |
| org-level-1 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak/nord15 | | 1.75 | | t | |
| org-level-2 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak/nord10 | | 1.5 | | t | |
| org-level-3 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak/nord9 | | 1.25 | | t | |
| org-level-4 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak/nord15 | | 1.1 | | t | |
| org-level-5 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak/nord8 | | | | t | |
| org-level-6 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak/nord7 | | | | t | |
| org-level-7 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak/nord15 | | | | t | |
| org-level-8 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak/nord6 | | | | t | |
| org-document-title | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak/nord11 | | 2.0 | | t | |
| org-level-1 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak-nord15 | | 1.75 | | t | |
| org-level-2 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak-nord10 | | 1.5 | | t | |
| org-level-3 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak-nord9 | | 1.25 | | t | |
| org-level-4 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak-nord15 | | 1.1 | | t | |
| org-level-5 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak-nord8 | | | | t | |
| org-level-6 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak-nord7 | | | | t | |
| org-level-7 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak-nord15 | | | | t | |
| org-level-8 | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak-nord6 | | | | t | |
| org-document-title | ,@orgfont ,@head | | ,phundrak-nord11 | | 2.0 | | t | |
| variable-pitch | ,@orgfont | | | | | | | |
| org-block | ,@fixed | | | ,phundrak/nord1 | | | | |
| org-block-begin-line | ,@fixed | | | ,phundrak/nord1 | | | | |
| org-block-end-line | ,@fixed | | | ,phundrak/nord1 | | | | |
| org-block | ,@fixed | | | ,phundrak-nord1 | | | | |
| org-block-begin-line | ,@fixed | | | ,phundrak-nord1 | | | | |
| org-block-end-line | ,@fixed | | | ,phundrak-nord1 | | | | |
| org-indent | ,@fixed | | | | | | | |
| org-formula | ,@fixed | | | | | | | |
| org-macro | ,@fixed | | | | | | | |
| org-target | ,@fixed | | | | | | | |
| org-property-value | ,@fixed | | | | | | | |
| org-drawer | ,@fixed | | ,phundrak/nord10 | | | | | |
| org-table | ,@fixed | | ,phundrak/nord14 | | | | | |
| org-date | ,@fixed | | ,phundrak/nord13 | | | | | |
| org-drawer | ,@fixed | | ,phundrak-nord10 | | | | | |
| org-table | ,@fixed | | ,phundrak-nord14 | | | | | |
| org-date | ,@fixed | | ,phundrak-nord13 | | | | | |
| org-code | ,@fixed | shadow | | | | | | |
| org-verbatim | ,@fixed | shadow | | | | | | |
| org-document-info-keyword | ,@fixed | shadow | | | | | | |
| org-tag | ,@fixed | shadow | | | | bold | | |
| org-meta-line | ,@fixed | font-lock-comment-face | | | 0.8 | | | |
| org-special-keyword | ,@fixed | font-lock-comment-face | ,phundrak/nord15 | | 0.8 | | | |
| org-special-keyword | ,@fixed | font-lock-comment-face | ,phundrak-nord15 | | 0.8 | | | |
| org-checkbox | ,@fixed | (org-todo shadow fixed-pitch) | | | | | | |
| org-document-info | | | ,phundrak/nord12 | | | | | |
| org-link | | | ,phundrak/nord8 | | | | | t |
| org-document-info | | | ,phundrak-nord12 | | | | | |
| org-link | | | ,phundrak-nord8 | | | | | t |
*** Info colors