diff --git a/org/config/awesome.org b/org/config/awesome.org index 0cc4f4f..a4770ee 100644 --- a/org/config/awesome.org +++ b/org/config/awesome.org @@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ Most of these keybindings are available at root-level of Awesome and will be dec | a | modkey | shell | awiki | find and open an ArchWiki page | rofi | | d | modkey | spawn | rofi -combi-modi drun,window -show combi | rofi for drun and windows | rofi | | d | modkey, shift | spawn | rofi -show run | rofi with run modi | rofi | -| d | modkey, meta | spawn | rofi -show ssh | rofi for SSH | | +| d | modkey, meta | spawn | rofi -show ssh | rofi for SSH | rofi | | p | modkey, shift | shell | rofi-pass -t | types password from ~pass~ | rofi | | p | modkey, control, shift | shell | rofi-pass | copy password from ~pass~ | rofi | | e | modkey, meta | shell | rofi-emoji | select and copy emoji from list | rofi | @@ -924,6 +924,7 @@ Most of these keybindings are available at root-level of Awesome and will be dec | u | modkey, meta | shell | rofi-umount | volume unmounting helper | rofi | | w | modkey, control | shell | wacom-setup | set up my wacom tablet | rofi | | w | modkey, shift | shell | rofi-wifi-menu | connect to available wifi | rofi | +| y | modkey | shell | rofi-ytdl | download video from web | rofi | ** Awesome :PROPERTIES: