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#+TITLE: Phundraks dotfiles
#+AUTHOR: Lucien Cartier-Tilet
#+CREATOR: Lucien Cartier-Tilet
#+OPTIONS: auto-id:t H:4 broken_links:mark email:t ^:{}
#+KEYWORDS: dotfiles linux emacs configuration phundrak drakpa
2021-10-24 15:00:34 +02:00
#+begin_export html
<a href="">
<img src="" />
* Presentation
2020-08-29 00:37:10 +02:00
:CUSTOM_ID: Presentation-e5605995
This repository is where I keep most of my configuration files. With what is
stored here, anyone can recreate a working desktop configuration similar to my
daily one.
My dotfiles are managed by [[][yadm]], and although I dont use its alternate files
features (which is pretty neat btw), it allows me to painlessly manage my
dotfiles right where they are and not in a separate Git repository somewhere
with everything symlinked. Another advantage of yadm is it will automatically
execute (with your authorization, of course) my homemade bootstrap when my
dotfiles are cloned through yadm.
* Wheres the config file for X?
2020-08-29 00:37:10 +02:00
:CUSTOM_ID: Wheres_the_config_file_for_X?-7b214c4a
As you may have noticed, I am striving for a 100% amount of configuration
2020-08-29 00:37:10 +02:00
files exported from Org files, that is, through literary programming. This is
still very much a work in progress though. Most of what you need can be found
in my [[file:org/config/][]] file and in its folder.
* Some more info please?
2020-08-29 00:37:10 +02:00
:CUSTOM_ID: Some_more_info_please?-f54ae73a
Everything you need to know is in my [[file:org/config/]] folder, and my Org files
2020-08-29 00:37:10 +02:00
are also available in web format on my website [[][]].
* Neat, whats the license?
2020-08-29 00:37:10 +02:00
:CUSTOM_ID: Neat,_whats_the_license?-399aa236
All of my dotfiles (and my dotfiles only) are available under the GNU GPLv3
Licence. Please consult [[]] for more information. In short: you
are free to access, edit and redistribute all of my dotfiles under the same
licence and as allowed by the licence, and if you fuck up something, its your
own responsibility.