My conlanging website, powered by orgmode and Vuepress! https://conlang.phundrak.com
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Lucien Cartier-Tilet 51b575477f
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
feature: add CD to project
2023-02-26 22:52:33 +01:00
docs Update some org files 2023-02-26 22:39:56 +01:00
.drone.yml feature: add CD to project 2023-02-26 22:52:33 +01:00
.gitignore feature: add CD to project 2023-02-26 22:52:33 +01:00
.volarrc initial commit 2023-02-26 21:01:19 +01:00
by-nc-sa.md initial commit 2023-02-26 21:01:19 +01:00
config.el feature: add CD to project 2023-02-26 22:52:33 +01:00
CONTRIBUTING.org initial commit 2023-02-26 21:01:19 +01:00
fdl-1.3.md initial commit 2023-02-26 21:01:19 +01:00
gpl-3.0.md initial commit 2023-02-26 21:01:19 +01:00
LICENSE.org initial commit 2023-02-26 21:01:19 +01:00
package.json feature: add CD to project 2023-02-26 22:52:33 +01:00
README.org feature: add CD to project 2023-02-26 22:52:33 +01:00
yarn.lock feature: add CD to project 2023-02-26 22:52:33 +01:00

Pundraks Conlangs

About the Project

This repository holds my conlanging projects I am working on. The files Im using are written in org-mode and are exported in Markdown through Emacs.

These Markdown files are then compiled by Vuepress into a beautiful website available at conlang.phundrak.com.

Running the project

In order to run the project, you need to export all .org files in the Markdown format. To do that easily, you can use an org project setup in Emacs, mine looks like this:

(require 'ox-gfm)
(defvar phundrak--projects-conlanging-common-root
  "Points to the common root of my source and target for my
conlang.phundrak.com org project.")
(setq org-publish-project-alist
           :base-directory ,phundrak--projects-conlanging-common-root
           :base-extension "org"
           :exclude ,(rx (* print
                            (or "CONTRIB"
                            (* print)))
           :publishing-directory ,phundrak--projects-conlanging-common-root
           :recursive t
           :language "en"
           :publishing-function org-gfm-publish-to-gfm
           :headline-levels 5
           :auto-sitemap nil
           :auto-preamble nil)
           :components ("conlang-phundrak-com-md"))))

Once you have all the Markdown files generated correctly, you can install the dependencies of the project.

# or
npm install # delete the yarn.lock file first

Once this is done, you can launch a preview of the project.

yarn docs:dev
# or
npm run docs:dev

You can also compile the project to a static website.

yarn docs:build
# or
npm run docs:build