import { defaultTheme } from '@vuepress/theme-default'; import { defineUserConfig } from 'vuepress'; import { viteBundler } from '@vuepress/bundler-vite'; import { searchProPlugin } from 'vuepress-plugin-search-pro'; import head from './head'; export default defineUserConfig({ lang: 'en-US', title: "Phundrak's Conlangs", head: head, description: 'Documentation of the constructed languages made by Phundrak', markdown: { html: false, linkify: true, typographer: true, headers: { level: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], }, }, plugins: [ searchProPlugin({ indexContent: true, }), ], bundler: viteBundler({}), theme: defaultTheme({ sidebarDepth: 5, repo: '', sidebar: [ { text: 'Index', link: '/', }, '/about', { text: 'Eittlandic', link: '/eittlandic/', collapsible: true, children: [ '/eittlandic/country', '/eittlandic/typology', '/eittlandic/phonology', '/eittlandic/grammar', '/eittlandic/names-and-places', '/eittlandic/dictionary', ], }, { text: 'Proto-Ñyqy', link: '/proto-nyqy/', collapsible: true, children: [ '/proto-nyqy/introduction', '/proto-nyqy/culture-and-people', '/proto-nyqy/typology', '/proto-nyqy/phonology', '/proto-nyqy/syntax', '/proto-nyqy/dictionary', ], }, '/zikãti', ], }), });